Hi guys, this is me Noorin at Glamrs.Com, and we all know that all this heat and humidity can really damage your skin. So today, I'm going to be showing you guys Bollywood's top two secrets of how to achieve that glowing skin. So I have really sensitive skin and I know skin damaging can be a huge issue. These are my two recipes that I follow every day and these have incredible results.
The first one is the miracle drink. Now why the miracle drink? That is because in the long run, this drink helps to prevent cancer. Also, it completely increases your metabolism, and leaves your undertones looking super pink and super cute and just makes your skin look super glowing. Now all you need is one beetroot, two carrots and one apple.
Put them in the blender, and blend. Now this can get a little too pulpy, so you can just add a little water in it. That's all. It's done.
Put that in your favourite glass. So, I like to drink this as soon as I've blended the drink, because that's the time when you get the maximum vitamins and maximum benefit out of this drink. Also I make it a point to have this everyday in the morning once I'm up. Moving on to secret number two.
It is the oatmeal mask. Why is oatmeal so amazing? Well, oatmeal is the best cleanser that you can ever find. Also, it's really high in antioxidants which protects your skin from any kind of free radicals. If your skin is very itchy dry, if you have a lot of redness, or pigmentation over a period of time it's going to treat all of this altogether.
Also, if you have acne prone skin, eventually guys, your acne is going to completely go away along with those acne scars. So all you need is two tablespoons of oats, one tablespoon honey, a quarter cup of milk and just add a little water. Now my mixture is already done. It's super simple and super quick.
First, I'm going to press my thumb against the oats, so there is this liquid that's going to come out. Dab your fingers. Put that on your face. Once you've done that, now take a little chunk of it, in circular motions, start scrubbing your face and your neck.
So, I'm going use both hands it's quicker. Put it all over your face in upward circular motions and on your neck as well going upwards, do not go downwards. Now you have to just leave this on for like five to ten minutes and then rinse it off with lukewarm water. So, as you can see it has instantly brightened my face and given me this super glow which I am totally loving.
So guys, if you like these tips and tricks and secrets of course, give this video a thumbs up, do not forget to share it with all your friends. You can also check my channel down below, it's called Noorin Sha, it's in the description and stay tuned to Glamrs.Com for lots more..
$30,000 On Makeup....WTF 7 Skincare Mistakes
Men Make [0:00:00]
$30,000 on makeup. Apparently, this is what the French president
spent his first three months in office. A lot of people are upset. I get it, this is a little bit to the extreme,
but if we go look on the other side most men arent taking care of their face, theyre
not taking care of their skin.
Thats the purpose of todays video, gentlemen,
to talk about the seven mistakes that men commonly make when it comes to their skin
care. [Music]
Mistake number one. Not wearing sunblock on your face and on your
neck. The sun is going to cost premature aging.
Okay, I know that youve heard maybe that
one before, but did you know that you need to be looking for a sunblock with a high concentration
of zinc oxide. Why? Lets talk about UVA rays, UVB rays. So, most sunblocks out there, they are made
to block UVB rays and that makes sense because those are the rays that are going to cause
the burn, but its the UVA rays that go deeper into the skin which are going to cause
premature aging. You want to be looking for sunblocks that
have a high concentration of zinc oxide and when you find that youre going to get a
much better protection from the sun when it comes to aging.
Mistake number two, gentlemen. Stop popping your pimples with those dirty
fingers. You know what Im talking about over there
trying to pop that pimple and, yes, you may get something that comes out, but youre
also pushing part of that pus right back in and this can lead to a deeper worse infection. Instead, simply take a rag wet rag or
warm rag, go right over and it should naturally relieve itself.
If it doesnt, its not ready to come
out. Now, I know some of you guys are saying, Antonio,
thats not enough. Okay, here are some additional steps. So, you can also go ahead and take a cold
Maybe take a tea bag that was in the fridge
that was wet and was in there for fifteen, twenty minutes a little bit cool, put it on
there for three to four minutes. Let it basically work on the inflammation
to bring it down. Then, you can take a Q-tip, you can run a
Q-tip over that and make it wet if necessary, but what youre looking to do is just rub
it over very softly. Again, your fingers are not touching.
Another option is to do a spot treatment. This is if you got a little bit more time
from a few hours to maybe overnight, but youre looking for a solution thats got about
a one to two percent salicylic acid in it. I probably butchered that word, Im going
to put it down in the description and talk about it. But, youre looking to go into a drug store
a pharmacy, simply ask for particular products that are made to help basically they go into
the pimple that open up the pore and then allow it to basically naturally relieve itself.
Mistake number three that men make when it
comes to skincare. They dont leverage the power of estheticians. Most men dont even know what an esthetician
is. These are licensed skincare professionals
who every single day see about ten different people who had different skin issues.
Think about the power of that. You go in there, this person has maybe ten
years of experience, they have seen thousands of people, they can tell you very quickly
whats causing that skin element on your face, why do you have that rough skin and
they can immediately diagnose and recommend treatment. Theyre going to may be recommend, okay,
we need to do a hydro massage here or maybe we need to do a deep cleaning or maybe we
need to use a microdermabrasion tool. Basically, theyre going to go and theyre
going to diagnose it and theyre going to start the treatment.
So, another thing I love about estheticians
is you can find them almost anywhere. It doesnt matter if youre in a small
town, a big city. Go to a spa youll always find a licensed
esthetician. One thing that I dont like about spas,
treatments can be expensive.
Were talking $200 for single microdermabrasion
treatment. Microdremabrasion if youre not familiar
basically its a specialty tool that goes over and smoothes out the skin. If you find that this is going to work for
you guys you need to check out PMD Man, theyre the paid sponsor of todays video and for
almost two years, Ive been working with them, Ive met the CEO and more importantly
I had a local esthetician who took this product, we tested it out, we looked at it she was
like this is the real deal. Guys, down in the description in this video,
Im going to link over Ive got a special discount code, go use it.
Like I said guys PMD Man is at home skincare
tool that provides the same result as professional in-office microderm abrasion treatments. Basically the tool combines the power of skin
exfoliation with vacuum suction. It helps to remove dead dull skin and it increases
the blood flow which is then going to stimulate the bodys natural production of collagen
and elastin. In a nutshell, guys, if youre looking to
have smoother clearer skin, definitely check out this personal microderm, Im going to
link to it down in the description, use that discount code for a great deal.
Mistake number four that men make when it
comes to skin care. They dont have a cleaning cleansing routine. Now, that last part is really important routine. This is a schedule, this is a ritual, this
is something you do again and again consistently and thats important because routines can
be adjusted, they can be measured, you could test out various products.
And this is important because our skin is
going to react differently to different cleaning products, to different moisturizers, to different
lotions. [0:05:03]
You want to make sure that youre testing this out. When you have a routine, you can test things
out over a set period and you can actually then look at the ingredients and say, hey,
this worked out really well, but I wish it wouldnt be so oily. So, I want something with about the same ingredients,
but I dont want it to be so oily.
Another thing with the routine, look at the
time that youre doing this. You may find, hey, the routine for me that
really works is when I basically cleanse, wash, do all that stuff with my face in the
evening. And I think evenings are best for most people. Gentlemen, have a routine have a schedule
because then you can change it up to best suit your needs.
Mistake number five, not paying attention
to your diet. What you put into your mouth and how that
has an effect on your skin. Now, a lot of guys maybe a little bit skeptical
about this like I can eat anything, Im a garbage can, Im going to process it and
Ill be able to take it. Well, that may work when youre younger,
but as you get older, things start to change.
But, whats funny is I found that it was
having kids and dealing with babies and seeing how when theyre introduced to foods for
the first time, how they can have crazy reactions. Thats why with babies the first one of
the first foods is oftentimes a banana because bananas, yeah, they really dont have too
much of reaction on the skin. You introduce a baby to strawberries way too
early, you can get a lot of reactions. And this is something that it changes over
time, it can affect us at various points in our life.
So, you may find that, hey, there are certain
foods I eat that all of a sudden just really caused me to breakout. If you understand that, you can change it. Mistake number six, using a dirty pillowcase. Now, guys, lets be honest, how long has
it been since youve washed your pillowcase since youve washed your sheets.
Hopefully it has been in the last week because
think about it, this is something that every single night youre putting your head on. Youre rubbing your face against it for
hours at a time and youre rubbing skin off onto this, thats assuming that youre
going to bed clean, if youre not if youre not showering before you go into
bed, youre bringing in dirt. There are things that could be living in that
pillowcase and in those sheets. Gentlemen, clean them, wash them, maybe even
look at getting a pillowcase that has a very high thread count something that maybe uses
a synthetic material or uses something like silk that is going to be basically more resistant
to pieces of food or pieces of skin getting lodged in there, but definitely wash and clean
every week at least change your pillowcase.
But, guys, at the end of the day, clean bed
sheets. Mistake number seven, not knowing the name
of your dermatologist because most of you guys dont have a dermatologist. You may be have never even seen a dermatologist. But, on a serious note, guys, go see your
dermatologist at least once a year.
What you want to do is get a quick check over. Theyre looking for any type of moles, any
type of growth, any type of potential cancer. Were talking serious illnesses that can
be prevented if theyre caught in time. And this is when you can ask some of those
other questions.
You can ask about that pimple thats been
here for a year and doesnt seem to, you know, be able to relieve itself. You can ask about maybe that wart on your
hand which youve been trying to get rid of and youve cut off three times and keeps
growing back. Go see a dermatologist. Its not I know a lot of you guys are
averse to going to doctors, but it is something this is your body, take care of it.
All right, gentlemen now its your turn. Let me know down in the comments what mistakes
did I miss? What would you have added to this list? How could I have made this video better? And dont forget, go check out PMD Man,
great company. Im proud to have them as a sponsor. Ive met the CEO.
We have had this tested by local estheticians. Its a great product. So, if youre looking for a personal microderm
tool, this is going to save you money. And, guys, also, let me know what you think
of the French president spending that much money.
And to give him a little bit of credit, I
know that he spent a lot of that on the persons travel fees and not all of it was spent on
product. You know I do think it is still very extreme,
but when it comes down to it, you need to take care of your body, your skin. This is the largest organ on your body and
its something that you are this is all you have for the rest of your life, so
definitely take care of it. Go see a dermatologist, go see an esthetician.
Guys, take care of your body. Thats it guys. Ill see you in the next video. Bye.