Skin Care Routine by Priyadharshini(PD)2017 India Secrets to Beautiful Skin

Skin Care Routine by Priyadharshini(PD)2017 India Secrets to Beautiful Skin

Hi Ca-Sh! This is Priyadharshini (PD). Today am going to share my skin care regimen. Go for skin care! Take care of your skin carefully and preciously. That is what I do.

First thing in skin care is preparing the skin. According to me, prepping should start from the previous night. Getting ready for the next day starts from this night. What you can put in your mouth you can put on your skin.

By keeping this basic rule in mind, we can escape from harmful chemicals to an extent. Though those products are attractive. Back to the point. We start prepping the skin starting from the previous night.

Firstly, let the skin breathe well. Cleaning the skin thoroughly is rule number 1. We do not know what kind of dirt is accumulated in our skin. What is the safest routine to stick? We can use 2 types of cleansers.

Oil cleanser or regular makeup cleanser. The cleanser can be in a cream form or water-soluble form. Make removal comes under rule number 1. It depends on what type of makeup used, its coverage, our activities during the day.

Depending on all that  I have told you what is required for your skin. Now think about what you have been doing so far and what you need to change. So with that rule number 1 gets over. Now skin cleansing is done and we are ready to sleep.

So here comes the next issue. What's the night routine? Do we have to apply something or the other every night? Should we layer up with creams? Not necessary. If you are a person who keeps applying products regularly on your skin, the best time to let your skin breathe is at night. You will have to choose to remain with a product free skin on certain days.

That's number 1. Does that apply for all the 365 days? No. Then you can apply a night cream. Whichever that suits you.

There are a lot of brands available. I use Avene cream. Avene is a good product. I personally like it.

I also use Christian Dior and Estee Lauder night creams since I like them. Next issue is dark circles around the eye. For which you can use under eye cream.You should not apply large quantities of cream under your eye expecting dark circles to vanish within a day. It works best only when applied in small quantities.

Else it does not work. We might not get the desired result. Water soluble creams are best for oily skin type. My best rule for night routine is for two nights if you are layering your skin with creams then for the next two nights leave your skin free.

Coming back to prepping our skin for the night, this is rule number 2. Rule No 3 After waking up we need to prep our skin for the day. How to prep? You may go with makeup or without makeup. If you are like me who goes for shooting, you cannot go to your location and apply moisturizer or your toner as you'll have to start your makeup before the creams settle on your skin.

If there was a gap then it'll settle in your skin with ease. Your skin will understand, ' ok now she has applied this cream, then some rest, then she is going to apply something else'. It better to give space between applying products. That is one small suggestion.

It depends on skin type as well. Mine is oily type skin. It is getting drier with age. Certain skin types change with age.

Your 20's skin won't be the same in your 30's. Especially if you had pimples like I had. I used to have a lot of pimples when I was in School. Like any other teenager, I used to try everything on my face to get rid of pimples.

But after all the stress and strain I realise now that it was all unnecessary then. I could have just kept cool and the pimples would have gone by themselves. If you are facing the same issue then just stop bothering. Pimples will go on their own.

Just leave it. It'll go by itself. If you stop bothering, you'll have clear skin. Coming to cleanser.

Rinse your skin in the morning with a face cleanser of your choice. I like to wash my face with simple face wash. A simple face cleansing with Seba Med face wash is my routine. Next comes toner.

Toner, moisturiser, serum is the general routine. Or you can use toner, serum, moisturiser. Toner can be used on a daily basis, even if you skip a day that doesn't matter. I like water-soluble toner better.

I like Biotique toners. Cucumber toner is what i love to use a lot as it gives you freshness despite being water soluble. Korean skin care methods suggests layering skin with toners. You can use this toner for layering.

Personally, I don't believe in chemical toners so I use this toner. Next is serum. You can use the serum in your night routine to prep your skin if it feels dry. For day routine, I use the L'oreal Revitalift Serum.

If you are in your 20's you don't need revital lift you can use the serum that is apt for the 20's skin. Applying a minimum quantity of serum works better is what i have found over the years. Instead of slathering your face with serum, applying little works better. The most important thing is to moisturise your skin for the day.

In my skin care routine, the most favourite moisturiser is the Clinique Moisturiser. I love it! Its thin and feels light. Its doesn't make your skin oily. As i already have oily skin.

Similarly, I like this Avene  Moisturiser. I use this as well. So this is my Skin Care Routine. Apart from all this there is also secret product! There is one best product! There is one best product!.

Skin care in your 40s and 50s

Skin care in your 40s and 50s

No matter your age, you can have healthy,
vibrant skin. Follow these tips from dermatologists on looking your best in your 40s and 50s. Consider using mild, unscented products year-round to help your skin feel better. Deodorant soaps, alcohol-based toners, and products that contain fragrance can leave aging skin feeling irritated and dry.

While products with alpha hydroxy acids  AHAs
or retinoids are not gentle, they can make your skin look younger. If you want to reduce the signs of aging,
ask your dermatologist if a product that contains tretinoin  a retinoid -- may be right for
you. Also consider products with antioxidants as these may help repair and prevent further skin damage. If you struggle with acne as an adult, you
may be irritating your skin.

Switch to a mild cleanser with salicylic acid or sulfur. Gently wash your face and pat your skin dry. Make sure all skin care products and cosmetics are labeled non-comedogenic, non-acnegenic or oil-free. Oil production in the skin diminishes in our 40s, so it is important to moisturize if your skin feels dry.

The best time to moisturize is after taking
a bath or shower. If your skin still feels dry with regular
moisturizing, apply moisturizer a few times throughout the day. Apply sunscreen to your face, neck and body every day. Be sure to choose a broad-spectrum sunscreen with an SPF of 30 or higher to prevent skin aging and skin cancer.

Be sure to also apply sunscreen to your hands to protect from premature aging. Consider applying a glycolic acid or antioxidant product to your hands to help repair sun damage. Also, do not smoke. Smoking can lead to premature aging and fine wrinkles.

If you have questions about keeping your skin, hair and nails looking their best as you age, see a board-certified dermatologist. To find a dermatologist in your area, visit

Skin Care for Climbers, Gripping & Calisthenics! (PREVENT SKIN RIPS!)

Skin Care for Climbers, Gripping & Calisthenics! (PREVENT SKIN RIPS!)

Hey everyone, Manuel here from Tykato Fitness. Today i'm going to show you how to care for
your skin, after for example climbing, or if you're gripping a pullup bar for a very
long time. Let's go! The first thing that i want to show you, that
you should invest in, is tape. Climbing tape.

You can buy this for 5 to 10 dollars. This is very inexpensive, and you can use
it to tape small injuries on your hands, for example; or if your skin rips from too many
pullups. So definitely invest in that! Now, when i come from the bouldering gym,
i'm going to take a little bit of warm water. Don't make it too warm, so that it doesn't
burn your skin.

About this. Drop a little bit of soap inside. And i'm doing this directly after coming home
from the climbing gym. Or after your workout! So.

Now i put my hands into this bubbly bath. Like this, and now i keep them inside of the
bath for about half a minute. Okay, half a minute is over. Now i take this brush, and brush off the skin
a little bit.

Like this, and then i rest them in the water
again, for half a minute. Okay, half a minute is over. Now i take my blanket, and make my hands clean,
and now i have a brush, like these. You can get them in the one dollar store,
or you could take these small sponges, that are very hard, and i use them basically to
clean the callouses off my hand.

Don't get rid of all the callous, but just
the upper areas. Like this, and don't make the mistake of going
into this direction, like this. This is wrong, because this will rip up your
skin, okay? Only go into this direction, this will protect
your callous. So, do this for a little bit, and switch the

And a little bit here, and then you should
be good. Into the water for a last time, clean the
hands again, and after i am done, i take a little bit of fat cream, and possibly with
D-Panthenol, and apply this to my hand. Now we are done here and my hands are as good
as new. Little bit of color here.

So, that's how you clean your hands after
bouldering, or after doing lots of pullups and how to care for them. And i hope you learned something new today,
and if you haven't already, please subscribe to my youtube channel. Goodbye everyone!.

RECOVERY Skincare for ACNE SKIN! Must Try Products!

RECOVERY Skincare for ACNE SKIN! Must Try Products!

Hey, it's Fei! Holy cow... Please ignore the residue makeup. This is a prime example of my skin just looking groggy after K-CON. Or tbh (to be honest), after a long week.

I'm gonna' you guys how I've been currently recovering my acne prone skin in this hot weather. Leggo! First things first, wash yo face you dirty person (A.K.A. Me). I'm taking the Skin 1004 Cocoon soap mask.

This product is highly known in Korea as the 10 second solution for pore care. The silk cocoon proteins are sticky enough to pull impurities out from your pores and tighten them afterwards. Don't worry if you think it's too drying. It actually has argan oil and sentinel nutrients to keep your skin clean without drying it out.

I know it's kinda hard to tell by the lighting but take for example, these two nose pores they look more condensed and overall my nose looks less porous, more clean. It's important to get this on and around your acne as well. The more bad bacteria we can take away, the better! Ugh! You guys know how in love I am with Common Labs and their Mild Peeling Finger Pads. After cleansing, it's normal to rid any dead skin on the surface that could be lingering with residue makeup or dust and dirt.

Guurrrl. Especially being in the sun all day long. I love how these are packed individually too so it's hygienic. You can stick a few in your bag and when you need it, you got it girl! Whip it out and start cleaning! As you can see even after using a cleansing soap I was able to exfoliate off the residue makeup that was too stubborn.

Now I'm stuck between these two masks. To me, these are underdog masks that need more recognition, in my opinion. This brand is Dearpacker and I have with me both the Madagascar Clay Mask and the Black Tea and Black Rose Mask. To demo for you guys, I'll be doing half-half on the face and you can decide which one suits your skin concerns.

I find them both to work well on my acne prone skin. Starting with the Madagascar Clay Mask, I can't stress how important it is to use once a week for clear skin. Women in Madagascar use masks called Masonjoany to protect themselves from the blazing sun. Dearpacker was able to recreate that from traditional to modern.

That explains the colour. Which to me is so odd and unsatisfying because it's a weird mask colour. You know what I'm saying? It's functional enough to tighten your pores after 10 minutes but enough to keep your skin feeling moist. As well, clay masks are great for sebum control and if you use it regularly, you will feel a difference.

Next the black tea rose mask, it's basically tea time for your skin. Black tea it ? In black tea, there is polyphenol which forms when the black leaves oxidize on the face. This simply re-energizes your face. Think of it as a defibrillator to revive your skin.

35% Black tea, 35% black rose, the amount of hydration is submerged in is unreal. You let this rest on your face. After 10 minutes and as you can see the mask gets a little darker in time. That's how you know all of this is working.

It's not going to get darker for no reason. Obviously, it's oxidizing and infusing with your skin properties. Duuuuh. Come through skin! Come through! I can already tell the difference from now.

Amen. Bless thy soul. Thy legs. Thy limbs.

We're almost done. I wanna show you guys something that I used to not do but I realize how useful it is. If you want a skin care product to last you from morning to night. That you can physically tell and see it's there, especially if you're hard to convince.

Get Wish Formula's I'm Pro Ampoule Pad C. Just do it. I can't explain how rich the vitamin C is infused into this pad. And once you rub the ampoule on this skin, the application of this will allow you to get the most out of it.

Feels like a slippery, slimy film on the pad that leaves your face feeling dewy Like straight up dew. This ampoule pad has wine extract and fermentation. So it's a game changer compared to other vitamin C serums. It's no ordinary okay? It's fermented! The last steps are up to you.

I have with me the I Woke Up Like This Rose Mist and Rose Oil Depending on how you're feeling you can use a rose oil that's highly concentrated for optimal nutrients. This consists of plant oils and vitamin E. Great for your  skin. It can be a bit heavy because is it a oil consistency.

But it's great if you need a full recovery. I recommend you wear this overnight obviously. I however prefer the rose mist. I am obsessed with these.

It's lightweight and refreshing with everything else on my face already. A light mist over to lock everything in will provide comfort to my skin and for my skin. And it has a rose scent that I can deal with because usually other rose scents are not my style. I love that is has pycnogenol extract to maintain my skin's health.

This acne needs a lot of attention. That is it for my recovery skincare routine and what i usually do after a trip to pamper my acne prone skin. The most important thing is that it's not irritating nor will it cause more breakouts. Your actually taking care of your skin the right amount.

Instead of ruining your skin with too much products I hope these products can help your skin as well. As always I'll leave links below if  you want to check them out. Thanks for always saying such kind things about my skin as itself still recovering from life. Like this video if you want me to do an updated skincare routine or how I'm getting rid of my acne video.

Please subscribe until next time, I'm sending you love. Bye!.