How I Got Rid of Acne Scars & Hyperpigmentation with Korean Skincare

How I Got Rid of Acne Scars & Hyperpigmentation with Korean Skincare

ACNE Five ingredients
to treat acne Hi, everyone! Welcome back to my channel. And in today's video, I will be sharing with you guys How I got rid of acne,
acne scars, as well as hyperpigmentation. Before & After Beginning of 2017 Jan. 2018 Still get hormonal
breakouts on the chin My acne journey
has been a long one.

But in 2017, I slowly but surely saw results using the products
that I used. And I did a video
similar to this in the beginning of last year where I shared with you guys "Korean Skincare Essentials
for ACNE." But today,
I wanted to talk about the top five ingredients
that helped prevent acne, as well as fade the acne scars. So, I thought
it would be helpful because I know how hard it is
to struggle with acne. I really didn't wanna walk
out of the house even though I had foundation on because I was so insecure
about the bumps.

But now, because I did take
really good care of the skin, I wanted to share
what worked for me, so let's get started. First, I want to talk about
AHA and BHAs. And if you follow up
with Korean skincare, you probably heard of the two because they were so
popular last year. AHAs are found
in a lot of exfoliants.

They basically help break down
the dead skin cells on the top layer of your skin. While BHA,
they go into the pores and help within the skin. Every day, I start with the COSRX Low pH
Good Morning Cleanser. And this is formulated
with tea tree, which is also great for acne, and natural BHA.

Some BHA products can be harsh
on the skin, but this is one of my favorites
because it is so gentle. And the product
is under 10 dollars. So, I use this BHA, gentle BHA product,
every morning, and sometimes at night
after my oil cleanser because I just love
this gel cleanser so, so much. And for AHA, I usually switch off
between the COSRX Moisture Pads as well as
the NEOGEN Gauze Peels.

A lot of people think
that these two are very similar, but they're actually
very different products. The COSRX Moisture Pad,
you can use it as a toner and you don't have
to wash it off. But for the NEOGEN Gauze Peels, after you use it, you have to
wash it off with lukewarm water. Cica cream? I'm using it right now.

This is like
the NEOGEN Gauze Peel, but you don't wash it off. It's like a toner, moisturizer,
all mixed in one. You're supposed to
wash the pad off? - The Gauze Peel? Yeah.
- Yeah, the Gauze Peel. Use the rough side.

Flip it over. Soft side. And then you wash it off
with lukewarm water. Well, I've been using it wrong.

Oh, well now you gotta...
Now, you know. You'll notice the difference. Both are gentle exfoliants
that I would recommend. But if I have to choose
between the two, I would go for
the NEOGEN Gauze Peels.

These are just so innovative
and fun to use. I know a lot
of people don't like them because they have this really
sweet and strong scent, but I personally love it. You basically use
the rougher side to exfoliate, and then flip it over
to smooth everything out. And don't forget to wash it off
with lukewarm water.

Because AHA has the tendency
to thin out your top layer, make sure you are generous
with the sunscreen whenever you use this
in the morning. But I use this for
my nighttime skincare routine, and I only use it twice a week because even though
it is a gentle exfoliator, I'd rather not exfoliate
every single day. So, I really, really love
this product. I almost forgot to mention
that this comes in wine, lemon, and green tea.

All three of those are packed
with antioxidants, which... You should know
that they're great for acne, acne scars,
and the health of your skin. The next ingredient
that I wanna talk about is centella asiatica, and this was also under
the K-Beauty Spotlight because it is high
in antioxidant and has anti-inflammatory
properties. So, so many brands came out
with lots of new products with the key ingredient
being centella asiatica.

But I will only share
my top three. So first, I have the Klairs
Supple Preparation Facial Toner. This is a hydrating toner
that balances pH level and ingredients such
as centella extract, which helped calm my skin. And because I have dry
and acne-prone skin, this was a holy grail
product for me because it did...

It treated
both of my skincare concerns. Be generous with this product. Be generous with this product. I noticed a big difference
whenever I layered it.

I noticed a big difference
whenever I layered it. The next product I have is the Very Mom
Seed Ceramide Mask Sheet. This is formulated with
hydrating ingredients. But because centella extract is on the top
of the ingredient list, I wake up to a brighter
and more even complexion.

So this is my go-to sheet mask, especially when I want to film
the next morning and I want my skin
to look a lot healthier. And this ranks at number one in my sheet mask list. The final centella
product I have is the Troiareuke
Acsen Recovery Cream. And this is actually the product that introduced me
to this ingredient.

And I really like this because it has
the highest concentration, along with other
special ingredients such as calendula
and salicylic acid. It is the most expensive
out of the list that I'm sharing
with you guys today. But it did introduce me
to the world of centella and it really did help
fade my acne scars. And according to other
reviewers out there, it also with pitted acne scars.

So, if you have
pitted acne scars or want to help treat your skin, I really do want
to recommend it. Because I have dry
and acne-prone skin, I try my best to look
for products that will help treat both. And snail mucin is
a great ingredient for that. If you're curious about
where snail mucin comes from and the benefits of it, I'll try my best to link
the best article possible in the description box so that you guys can
read more about it.

But my go-to snail product is the COSRX Advanced Snail
96 Mucin Power Essence. This is formulated
with 96 percent snail mucin, so you know you're not
paying for other ingredients. And I actually noticed an immediate result
the next morning. Because my skin was glowing,
it looks so much healthier.

And I did notice that my acne scars
did fade a little bit. So, slowly but surely,
this product does work. But I do wanna put it out there that my brother actually
doesn't like this product. And that says a lot 'cause my
brother is very loyal to COSRX.

BHA Blackhead Power Liquid. What to say? What to say? Honestly, it's just better
than any Up & Up product I used to use
before coming to Korea. That's all I gotta say. Next question.

But I know for a fact that my brother and I have
different preferences with skincare products because he has oily,
acne-prone skin, and I have dry, acne-prone skin. So, if you have dry skin and have breakouts here
and there, or scars that you wanna treat, I do recommend
using this product. The final ingredient that
I wanna talk about is vitamin C. And vitamin C helps
with acne scars, as well as sun damage.

And I usually go back and forth with the snail mucin,
as well as my vitamin serums. I don't use both together because, I mean,
I actually haven't tried it. But, I don't know, something about layering
two very highly-concentrated, like, vitamin C,
as well as snail mucin, I just don't know
what the result will be. Anyway, the morning after I used
vitamin C for the first time, I noticed an immediate result.

My skin was glowing, kinda like how
the snail had an effect on brightening up
my skin tone and fading scars. Vitamin C was very similar. And this is actually the very first vitamin C drop
that I tried. This is the Klairs one.

I've done a dedicated review
for the vitamic C drops, so if you haven't watched,
you can click up there. But the main difference
between the two is that there's five percent vitamin C. And 20.5 Percent vitamin C
in this one. So, depending on how much
vitamin C drop you want, you can choose between the two.

I do wanna say that this is
a bit more high-maintenance because you do have
to keep this in a cool and dark, like,
refrigerated area because you want to make sure that the vitamin C
is highly concentrated and it doesn't oxidize. But both are my favorite when it comes
to vitamin C products. And if you feel like
it's too strong on the skin, I recommend that you mix it in
with your moisturizer, so that your skin will slowly
get used to the vitamin C. So these are
my top recommendations for acne and acne scarring.

I hope that
this video was helpful. A lot of these products
should not be a surprise though because I did include them
in a lot of my reviews, empties, as well as my morning
and nighttime routine videos. So yeah, I thought
it would be helpful to put all of these products
into one video. Because in 2017, these products
really helped out.

So, if you are interested
in trying any of these products, I'll make sure
to link everything in the description box
as always. And please give this video
a thumbs-up if you found it helpful. And comment down below
which products worked for you. And share your reviews because everybody does
have different skin types.

And it might be helpful
for people who are venturing out
into the Korean skincare and they want more reviews
than just mine. So, let's make the comment
section a helpful one. And yeah, I'll see you guys
in my next one. Bye! Thanks for watching! Click here for more @JOANKEEM.

Joanday joankeem.

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