Hey guys. Its Mi-Anne, and this is Welcome to Casa de Mimi. I dont talk about skin care a lot on Beauty With Mi, but I take it very, very seriously. So this episode is special, and its a little bit different because Im going to challenge myself to do an entire DIY skin care routine for a week.
This is a little bit nerve wracking because Ive never done anything like this before. Every single thing Im going to put on my face is going to be made with these two hands. To make sure Im doing it right, Im going to go see my friend Anit Hora, the founder of Brooklyn apothecary brand Mullein & Sparrow. And shes going to teach me how to make a few of the skin care items that Im going to be using this week, as well as how to hack the DIY skin care at home world Lets go.
Hi! Hi! How are you? Its so nice to see you again. Yeah its so great to see you. So Im actually going to have you make everything for yourself because I just want everyone to see how easy it is. Okay.
Anyone can do it. So here are the ingredients for the cleanser. Amazing. I have lavender powder.
I didnt know that existed. Then I have orange peel powder and then I have some sugar. So its very simple. First of allsmell it.
Woah that is pungent. Wow! That is straight lavender. So youre just gonna be scooping some lavender powder out and putting it into the mixing cup. Is it going to be equal parts? I like to use more of the lavender and the sugar and a little bit of orange peel because you dont need so much.
So now the second part is were going to take the sugar. You dont have to have exact measurements for this. This is what you think you need. Obviously the sugar should be more because it's the scrubby part.
Then the last step is the orange peel. Theres my cleanser! Theres your cleanser. Cleanser done. Boom! Alright so now were going to be making the toner.
Or I should say youre going to be making the toner. So I have some rosewater that I pulled out. What were going to mix that with is something called witch hazel extract. Perfect combination skin recipe Yeah.
Because rose is amazing. Its super hydrating. Its very soothing. And then witch hazel is amazing for acne prone skin.
So lets get started. Youre going to take the rose hydo salt. Ideally I like to put one ounce so its a one to four ratio of the witch hazel. This is so easy.
I have a little bit of organic lavender here. Pretty. Which is good for all skin types. And if you want to put, Im going to say three drops in there.
Okay three drops. Just three drops thats all you need. Perfect. So thats done.
That is your toner. So now lets get started on the last thing, which is our mask. The lightest clay is kaolin clay, white clay. I like to use this as a base because its really gentle.
It makes your skin really soft and its good for all skin types. I say you can fill half of your jar with that. Oh wow. This is called sea clay.
It has so many minerals. Its so good for your skin. For that I want you to put about half the amount you put of this. Okay.
The last clay is called rhassoul clay. This one is great for oily combo skin. That one were going to put about the same that you did with the sea clay. So I have some lavender.
Handy. If you wanted to mix some in there, again I wouldnt do more than two or three drops. Mhm. It smells really good.
Im excited to try this and my toner and my cleanser. Incorporating a few DIY things is pretty easy but lets be real, to make a whole routine can be a lot. Were New Yorkers so yeah. Yeah.
But its amazing that we can also buy your product so we know exactly where its coming from. We know whats in it. We know the quality is there. And itll save you a little bit of time.
Thanks again. Youre the best. Thank you. Im back.
And I have my goodies here. But its not enough. A cleanser, a toner and a mask is not a skin care routine make. I am going to be making a few more things here today.
A lip balm, a lip scrub, a few masks that I will be using for the rest of the week. Lets do it. First up is the lip scrub. All you need is sugar and some honey.
Im going to go ahead and scoop the honey and put it into this mason jar. You can use as little or as much honey as you want, depending on how abrasive you want the scrub to be. Im going to add some sugar into this bowl. And you can go little by little here.
And then I would mix it together with the honey. Alright item number one is done. Next up we have a hydrating mask. All you need is some cocoa powder, plain unsweetened yogurt, and once again hero product, honey.
Im going to start with the cocoa powder. Little spoonfuls. Again this is another recipe that you can
really use as much or as little as each ingredient as you like. Honey is really hydrating and soothing.
Greek yogurt is amazing because its full of lactic acid. So this is going to give your skin a bit of exfoliation. Mask number two. Done.
Onto mask number three. All you need are honey, you guessed it. Lemon juice. And two spices.
Cinnamon and tumeric. Honey is going to be the base of my mask so youre going to want to use a lot of it. Lemon is great because the acids in the fruit
are going to help exfoliate your skin and brighten you. Its easy to go overboard with it so Im just going to do one spoonful of it.
Final ingredientes are the spices. Im just going to use a dash of each. We have one more in store and it is the lip balm. All you need is some cocoa butter, some beeswax, and a few drops of peppermint oil.
It smells so good. I can already feel the cocoa butter melting on my hand. You just want to make sure that youre using equal parts beeswax cocoa butter. Stick this in the microwave for a few seconds just until its completely liquidy.
Im going to come back here and work the magic. So Im back. I have my liquified mixture. While its still liquidy and hot Im going to take a bit of peppermint oil and drop two to three drops in.
Youre going to want let this cool down. And there you have it. This is my entire skin care routine for the next week. Its been a very educational and fun day.
I think I have nothing left to do but start the challenge. So I will check in with you guys throughout the week and let you know how its going. See ya there. Hey guys.
It is the first morning of my DIY skin care routine. I am not using any of my normal skin care products. Since Im making everything this week, Im going to use the cleanser that I made with Anit. With water it kind of looks like this.
Kind of pasty. So I think the key to using this cleanser is definitely to be very gentle. Im going to go in with the toner now. Im actually just going to tap a little bit of this onto the palm of my hands.
And then put my palms together. And gently press that into my face. And then last but not least, I have a bit
of this rosehip oil. And I will say that using an oil at night, no problem.
But using an oil in the morning is actually something Ive never done before. That is my skin care done. Im just going to finish off with a little bit of my LB aka lip balm. Its a little bit on the harder side.
See ya later. Bye. Its 4:30, and I put this on at 9AM. And it looks good.
Im honestly shocked. Now Im going to try to use some of my rosehip oil as my makeup remover. Waterproof eyeliner and waterproof mascara on today so. Alright.
Not bad. Alright back with the cleanser. Im just going to put it into my hands like this. And then Im going to scrub with it.
Pat dry. Always pat, never rub. Im going to hop in the shower and then Im going to do the rest of my skin care routine. Hi guys.
Im going to do this fella. My hydrating mask, the one that has the yogurt base and then the cocoa powder in there. Going in with a little bit of this lip scrub and rub away. Mask off feels really good.
It kind of felt like I was putting a really thick moisturizer on my face. Im a fan of the DIY skin care routine so far. Do I think Im going to do it all the time? No. I think I might pick and choose things from this routine that I like the most, but well see at the end of the challenge how Im feeling.
Ill report back. Hey guys so I just got home. Took off my makeup and Im going to do a little mask. My clay mask.
Im going to get it on my hands here and
rub it on to my face. Its starting to dry really tight, like look you can see all the So thats the mask off. It feels nice. It does feel a little bit dry.
I definitely want to put a little bit of moisturizer on. Im back! And it is the final day of my DIY skin care challenge and Im actually in a little bit of a different location. Im in California. In honor of the last day, I am going to use a little mask with my Momma.
Were going to do it together and were going to close out the week with a bang. Hi! Here with my Mom. And were going to do this, the brightening mask. Are you ready? Yes I am.
Now we wait. Alright so its been like 15 minutes. Its all sticky. Yeah.
Its nice though. And were going to wash it off. Lets go. Oh I like it.
It feels like I dont even have to put moisturizer on afterwards. Yeah but you still should. Mask is off. Ive got to say this entire week has been a really fun experience.
I did the skin care challenge to challenge myself to see if I could make things that could actually work as a routine. And I got to say I think it worked. I loved doing it. But I think I did prove to myself that if I wanted to I could make my entire skin care routine and it ends up being really affordable.
And I hope that you guys enjoyed watching the video. Let me know if you guys try any of the DIY. Recipes that I made in this video. And definitely let me know if you have any DIY recipes that you want me to try in the comments.
Now that Ive done this Im like hungry
for more. Thanks so, so, so much for watching. Ill see you guys next week. Bye! Thanks so much for watching guys.
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