I Swapped All My Skincare For Korean Beauty Products

I Swapped All My Skincare For Korean Beauty Products

Hi, my name is Nico and this week I am swapping all of my normal skin care products for K beauty products. So my normal skin care routine usually only has three steps And that's cleanser, toner, and my gel moisturizing cream. Sometimes I'll throw in the occasional mask but not every day. Recently my skin has made the transition from combination to mostly oily so I use a lot of gel-based products in my normal routine.

So for the entire week I'm gonna stop using my normal skincare routine and make the change to Korean skincare items to see what the effects on my skin will be. We headed to Koreatown to pick up some products to replace my own. Okay, so we're gonna talk about the products in the order that I plan on using them throughout the entire week. First up is this Snail Solution Foam Cleanser that we picked up at Nature Republic.

So the reason that I picked this cleanser wasn't only because of the snail secretion ingredient which I thought was really interesting but also because it says that it cleans out all of your pores gets all that makeup and dirt out without over-drying your skin which is something I have a problem with with other cleansers. And then we got a ton of masks. So one thing I noticed while shopping was that character masks were really popular in these K beauty stores. So I thought it would be cool to try some out.

So we've got two here from The Face Shop. Which are the Simpsons characters, we've got Marge, we've got Homer. Next I picked up these tiger face masks Which were super cute at a store called Bes Fren. While I was at Innisfree, I noticed this little section where you could actually mix and match your own face masks using different ingredients.

So the two ingredients that I picked were mugwort and camellia. I also picked up this pomegranate collagen lip mask at Bes Fren because I've been really curious to see what these actually do I've seen them all over Instagram and I really want to try one. I also picked up this peach cotton emulsion. I have no clue what an emulsion is.

Peach isn't an ingredient that I normally see in any of my normal skincare so I was really intrigued by this product. It's supposed to be really moisturizing for your skin kind of like a serum. I also picked up this blemish care gel cream at Innisfree. I have really oily acne prone skin so I did pick up a gel cream instead of just a normal moisturizer.

And it contains salicylic acid which could really help with my acne. Hi guys So welcome to my bathroom. Tonight is the first night of my Korean skincare challenge. Just to give you a better idea of how my skin is doing at the moment I do have a lot of dark marks and acne bumps.

I wear a lot of makeup, so I do get frequent breakouts. So first what I'm gonna do is go in with my snail solution foam cleanser. I do like how this feels. So this cleanser is very thick, and it feels really good on the skin.

So I'm in the mood to do a sheet mask tonight, and I really wanna do Homer Simpson. So this sheet mask contains a serum that's infused with olive extract that provides moisture to dry skin. Oh my god. Do I look like Homer Simpson? What is on your face? Put your head down, it's not going to fall.

Next I'm going to use my peach cotton emulsion. Here we go It feels like a gel. It smells really good. I'm gonna finish off with my blemish care gel cream.

I really like that this gel cream has acne healing properties to it, because I do get breakouts sometimes. It smells very natural. It smells like a tree or something. Okay, and those are all the products for tonight, and I will see you guys tomorrow.

Hi guys. So it's night two and my skin kind of broke out a bit last night like I have some breakouts here and so I'm starting on my forehead so hopefully today. It'll get better. I don't know what I was supposed to apply this the instructions are all in Korean.

Boop. So since we did a sheet mask the other night I figured tonight we can try out a clay mask. Clay masks are probably my favorite masks to use because I get a lot of clogged pores, blackheads are like my biggest skin problem and they just really work to get all that gunk out of there. So the clay base is made with white clay, and it says it deeply cleanses the skin to help get rid of clogged pores.

I have really been loving this cleanser. I feel like every time I wash it off my skin feels so and nice and clean and smooth. It doesn't feel like it leaves behind any sort of weird residue. So this mask is said to reduce the deep wrinkles on your lips, so like these little lines everywhere.

My lips feel really soft. Not a major difference in the lines I wasn't expecting that anyway. But they do feel really soft and moisturized. So as you can see this whole side of my face is totally dried up which I'm really excited about.

The acne has just really gone down, the marks are fading away. Here, it's a little bit raw still the acne still red, but it's also settling down and getting a lot smaller so I'm hoping that by tomorrow It's all gone, fingers crossed. Putting this on really calms my skin. I feel like all that redness and tenderness just kind of goes away after a few minutes and I really like it.

Like I said before, character sheet masks are really popular in Korean skincare and these were just too cute to pass up. This is a tiger sheet mask. Let's slide this right off. It says to rub all this stuff in, so let's get to it.

We're back guys and my week of trying out all Korean skincare products is finally coming to an end. I had some hits and I had some misses. The snail solution cleanser was probably my favorite thing out of this entire experience. I would come home on days, take off my makeup with a makeup wipe, and then use the cleanser and my skin would feel so clean and so soft.

That emulsion. My skin tends to break out with heavily-scented products. And I feel like that was the one product that anywhere I put it, the next day I just feel bumps underneath my skin. It smelled really good.

It's so sad because it smells great, my skin hated it. The next product that I loved was the Innisfree gel cream. When I started using the gel cream I noticed immediately that the oil in my skin was starting to go away. My face looked much more matte, and it was still hydrating at the same time.

I love using gel creams for my skin because it is more oily and this one was gel But it didn't dry my skin out. I thought the lip mask was so much fun. It's hilarious for like about five minutes. It did make my lips really soft, but the mask itself extends beyond my lip line and the next day I noticed little bumps here and there around my mouth and chin area.

And I think it was because the serum from the lip mask broke me out. I loved the character sheet masks, but They are so oversaturated with serum it is ridiculous. You put it on and it's like dripping down your neck. I get the point of the mask is to rub all the excess into your face afterwards, but it was just so much.

It would slide everywhere. It was really slimy. It was just too much serum saturated into the mask itself that made it a little bit difficult for me to use. So another product that I really loved was also from Innisfree and it was that custom mask where you mix the two toppings into the mask base.

I thought the face mask was a lot of fun to do I had a good time just mixing all my little ingredients together, it made me feel like I was at a spa or something. I like that you have the option of picking whatever two toppings you want to put into your mask base, and you can address the different problems of your skin. I think that custom products like that that address your specific skin problems are super helpful. So aside from all the cool products that I got to try what I also really loved about this experience was the fact that it gave me a little something to look forward to.

A little me time every night. And doing a mask or something just makes you feel like you're doing a little something special for yourself and I really like that. Self-care is super important, and doing a little something like that just made me feel really good about myself..

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