Hey what's up you guys it's Travis and today we're going be doing my skincare routine. I've seen this video requested more than any
other video on my channel So I figured it's finally time to do one. So, today I'm gonna be showing you guys my
night time skincare routine. For this video, I definitely want you guy's

If this is the kind of video that you'd like to see more of in the future please be sure to let me know in the comment
section below. For now, I'm just gonna show you guys my night
time skincare routine. So, let's cut over to Travis in the bathroom
and we can get started! Welcome to my night time skincare routine. Here's some basic white girl shots of the
products I used because I feel like that's what you are supposed to do for these kinds
of videos.

What's up you guys, it's Travis and what the
f**k is that?? Oh, wait, that's just my voice. Anyway, so on to that skincare routine The first thing you're gonna want to do is
have a face Check! Next, you're gonna want to get a face wash
of your choice. I, personally, don't use cleaner at night
because I feel like it strips your face of the oils that give your skin a natural healthy
appearance. But, I have good news! Once a week, I like to exfoliate at night
so I'll demonstrate what I use right here.

St. Ive's Apricot Scrub. It's one of my favorite scrubs because it's
strong enough to give you a great exfoliation but the ingredients don't make my skin dry
and don't make me break out. Now that I have my cleanser, I wet my hands
and face.

Oop! Try not to get any in your eyes. Put a quarter size of the scrub into your
hands Gently rub the scrub on your forehead and
face for approximately 30 seconds. Once I'm done with that, I take a warm wet
cloth and wipe the excess off my face because it really takes the exfoliation to a whole
new level. Man, I am feeling beauty girl as f**k right
now! Once you've washed off the majority of the
scrub, pat your face dry with a towel and now we're ready for the next part of the routine.

Now it's time to apply our moisturizers on
our face. The first product that I like to use is called L"Oreal Youth Code Serum Intense The serum has an oily texture, but it even
outs your skin tone and really gives you a great base for the other moisturizers we're
going to be putting on after this. Put one or two pumps of the serum onto your
hand Rub it between your fingertips and apply it
to your face Next, we're going to use my favorite eye cream
in the world. L'Oreal Paris Revitalift Eye Cream I love this product because it's a cream so
you can really notice the difference in hydration in your skin when you put it on.

But it's also great because it's not too thick
where it blocks your pores. Just put a few dabs beneath your eyes and
maybe a few more on the top lids for good measure The thing I like about this product is it
reduces puffiness and dark circles to really give you a fresh look. Once we're done applying the eye cream, we
move on to the final step. We finish my covering your entire face with
a thin layer of barbeque sauce No, that's not right.

Oh god, it burns! It burns! No, no, you cover your entire face with a
thin layer of L"Oreal Youth Code Night Cream This product also have a creamy texture, which
I really like because it does a better job of absorbing into your skin. On top of that it gets rid of dark circles
and reduces puffiness so your skin looks fresher when you wake up in the morning. That concludes my night time skincare routine and now you are more than ready to take yourself
to bed. Thank you guys so much for watching and now
let's cut back over to bedroom Travis so we can drive this bad boy home.

That does it for my night time skincare routine.
Again, if you like this video please do me a huge favor and give me a LIKE. I really want you guys feedback on this video
to see if it is something that you'd like me to do more of in the future. Also, let me know if know if there is any
specific kinds of videos relative to beauty, health, or lifestyle that you guys would like
to see. And that's all I have for right now.

So thank you guys so much for watching and I'll see you next time! Oh my god! Eddie How's it going? Happy Thanksgiving No, hold on. I can't breathe.

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