- Hey, Naturally Curly world. You obviously know us
from the hair industry, but we love all things beauty. (Camera click) - What we love most about
the beauty industry? The advertising. As in, we love to make fun of it.
- So in this video, we're gonna recreate a skin care ad. - Every skin care ad starts with a presentation of the problem. Kind of like this. Do you sometimes look
in the mirror and think why is this my face? (Laughing) Do people tell you you're pretty, but you kinda know they're lying to you because they're not very pretty, either? - Are you struggling to make friends because your skin looks like a beanbag? - Do you wake up with
a new pimple every day? - Is your face greasy as hell? - Do your pimples grow their own pimples? - Is your face dry as hell? - Do you use spot treatment, but you have so many
spots, that you just end up using it all over your face? - Is your face kind of
greasy in some areas and then kind of dry in some other areas, so they're dry and
greasy at the same time? - If you had to describe your face, would it be chewed gum? (Laughing) - Once they've pinpointed
your issue or concern, they introduce the product
and talk about its benefits like it's somehow different from the millions of
other products out there.
Don't forget percentages
that seem really arbitrary and also throw in the word toxins. Introducing skin fresh,
made with ingredients like bark of magnesia,
willow tree ess-- What? - [Nikki] Can you just read the words? - Yeah, I can try. - [Nikki] Okay. - I just don't know if bark
of magnesia is a real thing.
(Laughing) - [Nikki] It's from India, okay? Please don't laugh at
the ingredients, thanks. - Introducing skin so fresh. - [Evelyn] Excuse me, cut,
you do know how to read? (Laughing) - Um, yes,
- Alight. - It was on my resume.
- Can we do it a little faster?
- Okay.
- [Evelyn] You're like, hooked on phonics. - Introducing skin fresh, it is-- - [Evelyn] Cut, it's skin so fresh. - Skin so fresh. - [Evelyn] And introducing,
not intro ducing.
- Introducing the nourishing
cleanser from skin so fresh. It's 97% proven to remove 90%
of toxins, 99% of the time. - Made with ingredients
that were at one time derived from plants, this
product is probably gentle enough for the most sensitive of skin. - [Nikki] Um, I think you
really have to emphasize the words probably, we don't
have the actual clearance to say that it actually does what it does.
- This cleanser is free
of all of the yucky stuff. Insert buzz word here. - [Nikki] I mean, I know how
to take direction, do you? - This cleanser. - [Eveyln] Excuse me, I don't
know a nice way to say this.
Where are you from? - I'm from, um -- here? - So just a buzz word. - [Nikki] Yeah, go ahead, mm-hm. Let's go, time is money. - Okay.
- Most sensitive. - [Evelyn] Cut. Are you scared? - You're just yelling at me. - What's a buzz word? Like a buzz word that has
to do with cleansing, or-- - [Nikki] You know, like
pathogens, carcinogenicens, - Um.
- [Nikki] Benzilic acid. - Oh, we just make up benefits. Next, the model or influencer has to actually use the product, and pay attention, because
the way people wash their face in commercials is completely
different than the way any human washes their face in real life. (Silence) - [Evelyn] And then look at the camera.
(Silence) [Evelyn] Smile even bigger. (Silence) (laughing) Oh my god. - Probably the most important part is the rinse. It is so extra.
It is so CGI, so fake. Them water droplets don't
land gracefully on your face. - And last, but not
least, the final result. Skin so perfect, so beautiful, but you're not fooling us,
you have makeup on at the end.
How do you have a perfect
highlight and lashes on after washing your face? - And there you have it, with skin-- - [Grace] Cut, you need to go to makeup. - I just washed my face though. - [Grace] We need to sell the product. - I thought we were trying to communicate that the skin's so fresh, it
like, leaves your skin fresh.
- [Grace] Hi, did we hire you to argue? - Okay. - I feel like a brand new me. All my blemishes instantly disappeared. - Wow, the best skin of my life.
Skin like a baby. - Like this? - [Grace] Yeah, that's good. - This is skin so fresh? - [Grace] Mm-hm. - Alright, the director wants
what the director wants, you know what I'm saying? I don't understand what this
has to do with skin so fresh.
Because a lip is a lip. You know what I'm saying, anyway. (Clears throat) - [Nikki] Oh, honey, did
you go to modeling school? - [Grace] I need you to look
right here, into this lens. No, you're not even close, okay.
Bring your eyes up. Oh, no, no, no, no, no, no. That's too much, no, that's-- No, you're in the, your body, yeah. Yeah, now your whole body is in it.
(Laughing) - Are you getting it? - [Grace] Okay, now you're
looking to the left of the lens. I need you to follow my finger. Oh my god. You're giving me Victoria Beckham, and I'm just, oh, no.
That's too much. (Laughing) Please stop. - I quit. (Laughing) - And there you have it.
Everything you need to make a successful skin care commercial. - Let's see how it turned out. - Is your face greasy as hell? - Do your pimples grow their own pimples? - Do you feel like you're
using so much cleanser, and nothing's ever happening, and you're always dirty, always
greasy, you're always ugly? Introducing the nourishing
cleanser from Skin So Fresh. It's 97% proven to remove 90%
of toxins 99% of the time.
Made with ingredients that were at one time derived from plants, this product is probably gentle enough for the most sensitive of skin. It cleanses, yet moisturizes,
leaving skin so fresh. - Hopefully now we've convinced
you to buy this product. - Skin like a baby.
- Before now, I had never thought of putting water and soap together. - Skin so fresh, it leaves
my skin feeling fresh. - If you thought this was
an absolute masterpiece, give this video a like, share
it, comment, and subscribe. We post videos every Friday, so we'll see you next week.
Hey guys It's Diane and today's video is focusing mostly on Korean skincare. A lot of you guys have been asking for a Korean skincare routine and honestly I really don't have a set routine. I really bounce back and forth a lot of different products, but these days I've been testing out this entire regimen that Soka glam sent me I'll be showing my honest opinions and a review on the top 10 best of Korean beauty awards for 2017 so I'll just be going in the order in which I would put them onto my face and the first product is the Enature Moringa cleansing balm. This is just one of your basic solid balm type oil cleansers and honestly once you start double cleansing you really can't go back to Just doing cleansing foam because oil cleanser really gets rid of all of your face makeup and is also very moisturizing at the same time since it is a oil cleanser so basically I take a spatula and some of this product and just Massage that all over my skin.
It completely melts off all of my makeup and especially my waterproof mascaras and my regular eye makeup removers Can never completely take off all my waterproof mascara So I always use these cleansing balms to take my eye makeup off. Next up is the Klavuu pure pearlsation facial cleansing foam this is just one of your basic cleansing foams it has pearl extract in it So it's super luxurious on your skin And you only really need a pea-sized amount for your entire face because it lathers up so quickly and the foam is really really thick I like to use one of those silicone pads I got mine from Daiso I think can I just use that to massage that into my skin and deep clean into my pores Next up is the airborne black soap I would really recommend these bar type soaps to people who have super oily acne prone skin This contains charcoal extract which is known for extracting all of the sebum out of your pores and really cleaning deep into your skin So definitely check out one of these bar type soaps. I know that a lot of my viewers Are in middle school or high school and the oil production can be really really annoying sometimes the next product is the Hun skin real Complexion hyaluron skin essence this essence. I use as both a toner and in essence so first I'll just put some of this on a cotton pad and just wipe away my entire face to get rid of any traces of any Leftover makeup and then I'll just put some of this onto my hands and layer that on three to four times kind of like this 7 skin method personally the 7 skin method is a little bit too much for me, and I'm kind of lazy So I only layer like 3 to 4 times which is perfectly fine And if you're looking for a product to you For the seven skip method you definitely want to look into products that don't have any alcohol content because that can potentially dry out your Skin and really strip it from all moisture this one is alcohol-free And it also has hyaluronic acid in it which is a super super moisturizing ingredient And it's said to moisturize a thousand times better than regular ingredients next I have the cosrx X Triple C lightening liquid This is the special collaboration product that co-star axe had with so clam and I really wanted to try this Product when it first came out because it has 20.5% Vitamin C as you guys know vitamin C.
Is really good for controlling your hyperpigmentation and lightening acne scars and when I was in Middle School I would be able to just pop my pimples and my skin would just like heal the next day And I never had any acne scars, but now that I'm in high school acne scarring is actually so bad And I'm really not used to having all these acne scars all over my skin I'll just drop like one or two drops on And I'll just put that into my skin and hopefully my discoloration will go away And I'll keep you guys updated on this product next up is the Missh super aqua ultra waterful clear cream And this product is a completely oil-free water-based gel moisturizer so again I would recommend this for people who have very oily and acne prone skin It doesn't feel greasy at all on the skin especially for people who are very very oily you want to obviously stay away from Moisturizers that have too much natural oils in them this one is completely oil-free And it's a very light consistency that absorbs into your skin a very fast. For me I have normal to dry skin so I have to go in with another Klairs rich moist soothing cream this one has jojoba oil in it so it's very moisturizing And it also kind of just creates a barrier on my skin once I put it on since it has that natural oil Contained inside of it and for the last game care product. This is the Neogen nh2 dermadeca serum spray I never really use mists or sprays in general because I don't find a need for them It's kind of just an extra step If you really want something special But I've been using this right after I blow dry my hair and blow drying your hair can really dry out your skin and even Though I completed all of my skincare routine and stuff my face gets really red afterwards because of the hot air and this stuff is Super super cooling. I don't know what it is, but when you spray it on your face.
It feels super cold It's like ice water, and I really like that the nozzle dispenses the product very evenly. The mist is superfine and on to the second-to-last product This one is a hair care product a lot of you guys asked for a hair care routine, but honestly I don't really do much to my hair just shampoo condition blow-dry Sometimes straighten my hair And then I'll finish off with a hair oil this hair oil is from M British, and it's the annatto hair oil I was watching a video and Charlotte Chow said that she discovered this product side of a Korean salon that a lot of idols get their makeup in hair done from I can totally see why the salons use this says It's a very light consistency to makes your hair super silky and soft and especially if you have dyed hair the ends can get really Really brittle and dry sometime so I make sure that once in a while I'll put this on to my damp hair and after I finish styling my hair I'll just put some on once again on to the ends. And lastly I have the Etude house dear darling water gel Tints I mentioned in my compilation of the Korean lip tints video I had the old version of these which had these silver caps on instead of the pink caps. These are the reformulations of them and I can totally see a huge difference in the formula.
Old ones were very dry and this stain was very very harsh. The color payoff was good in the beginning but it would fade away very very quickly the new ones are so so much better, and it's a new gel and water formula These blend super nicely onto the lips. They are very very natural I'm wearing it on my lips right now and suprisingly for the water formula They're not drying on my lips whatsoever and I believe they're only $5 a piece so if you guys haven't checked them out, definitely do because they are completely different from the old formulas and that wraps up my review of the 2017 best of Korean beauty and onto the giveaway one lucky winner will win one of these products and to enter the giveaway number one You have to be subscribed to both me and soku glams YouTube channels number two follow us on instagram. I am diane Sokoglam is just sokoglam.
And number 3 comment on this video which product that you're most excited to try out this giveaway Sadly for US residents only but in the future. I'll be sure to maybe hold more giveaways on my channel Oh, yeah, make sure to enter if you're interested and as always Thank you guys so much for watching, and I'll see you guys in my next video.
Today, I have my top 10 favorite Cosrx product in front of me.
This was a highly requested video ever since I filmed my massive Cosrx haul and to be completely honest with you guys it was very difficult just to pick my top 10 so I'm probably going to reference other essences and serum so let's get started. First, we have the Low pH good morning Gel Cleanser. And this is one of my favorite cleansers because it's super gentle.
This is formulated with botanical ingredients. It helps your skin feel very soft and also helps clear it because it's a mild acidic cleanser I love this my brother loves this. It's very gentle and affordable. I think this is like less than ten dollars so highly want to recommend this cleanser.
Next, we have the cosrx one step pimple clear pads. If you watched a lot of my empties, this has been featured in almost every single one of them after I discovered them and i love them because it helps exfoliate and it removes the makeup that your cleanser didn't remove. A lot of guys say " then why do you use that cleanser?"
There are days when i'm lazy and I don't double cleanse. This pad right here and helps me remove that extra makeup and it exfoliates.
I love how soft my skin feels after using this and it's definitely one of my favorite toners out there.
I have another toner and this is the AHA/BHA Clarifying treatment toner and you can tell i am almost done using this my brother absolutely love this so actually he basically used up the majority of this product, but this is basically a product that help reduce the appearance of whiteheads, blackheads, and blemishes. It cleans out your pores.
I love how gentle this product is.
There are other toners that I tried from Cosrx and I think they're great i just love how gentle cosrx products are in general, but this is my favorite out of all the other ones because it comes from spray and also I just saw better results with this Sorry, Eunice from Wishtrend came in and I wanted to say hi, but basically I love this product -- very gentle and if you have acne and acne scars i would recommend this toner for you.
Next, I have an essence and here we have the Advance Snail 96 Mucin Power Essence And there are so many essences that I've tried from cosrx and it was really hard for me to pick one because the essence from AHA is really good 95... I don't know how to say it, but that was really good BHA and blackhead ones are really good, but I chose this one because i saw fading of acne scars the day after I used this product so if you have acne scars and hyperpigmentation I. Really want to recommend this snail product this help moisturize your skin your skin will feel super smooth afterwards and it's just another product it's just another holy grail product of mine. After the essence, I like to follow up with a lotion and this is the oil-free ultra moisturizing lotion with birch sap and as the name says it is ultra moisturizing.
I love this product because I have dry skin, but people who have oily skin like my brother he fell in love this product because it's oil-free very gentle and moisturizing for this skin as well. So during the wintertime I like to use this and another moisturizer afterwards and this one is the advanced Snail 92 All in One Cream and again i love snail products because i have acne scars and snail products definitely helped fade that. And I am seriously almost done using this moisturizer. It's super moisturizing.
On the packaging it also says that it reduces the appearance of wrinkles definitely one of my favorite moisturizers. I plan on sharing my top 10 in the future this is definitely on that list. Definitely want to recommend it! On days I want extra moisture,
I follow up with a overnight mask. You can skip it and go straight to the mask but because i have dry skin, i like to use the lotion, a cream, and then like an hour later I really do this before I go to bed.
This is Rice Overnight Spa Mask and this might surprise you because you guys know that i love the honey one, but i have been using the rice one every single day and I must say I like it more than the honey one because it really brightened up the skin. The honey one helped with the acne scars and I. Feel like they're both great products but right now, i'm in love with the rice one. Next, we have my all-time favorite products from Cosrx and it is the Centella Blemish Cream.
My brother calls this the MVP cream and a lot of you guys comments that to it seriously just a great product if you have acne or acne scars this help fade it. It's one of my favorite treatment for acne along with pimple patches A lot of you guys ask me when you should be using this i use it after all of the products at the very end and my brother does it this way to and the next morning you'll notice that a lot of your pimples and acne scars will be faded and treated. So definitely a great product if I have to recommend like one product from cosrx it would be the Centella Blemish Cream. So next, we do have the Acne Pimple Master Patches.
And these stickers, I am amazed because they actually help with your cystic acne and after you put one of these stickers on
the next day you'll notice that that area will be calmed down and if you had a rising pimple or a zit
It actually takes out all that gunk. So I love these patches and this is actually like my fifteenth package because I go through these so quickly and my brother loves them too. Cosrx is another brand that is the only brand, the only Korean Skincare brand that my brother fell in love with so the a lot of products like this this... Are all approved by my brother as well.
Okay, finally we have Aloe Soothing Sun Cream This is one of my favorite products because it's a very moisturizing sunscreen. A lot of you guys ask me "do you like the Klairs one? Innisfree? Missha? Neogen? Kicho? All the sunscreens that I mentioned on my channel are really good and sunscreens in the past broke me out,
but the ones I mentioned on this channel didn't. It just depends on your preference if you want a moisturizing one, I would go with this. If you want something that kind of helps with the redness, the klairs one! If you want something watery, i would recommend the Missha or Neogen.
So it really depends on the preference but the Cosrx Aloe Soothing Sun Cream something is one of my favorites because it's a very light sunscreen it doesn't smell like a sunscreen it doesn't leave a white cast and that's what I look for in a sunscreen I want something that is very lightweight, but very protective when it comes to suncare. So these are my top 10 Cosrx products
these are my favorite I actually had a hard time picking ten because for essence, i really like the blackhead one, the BHA one, the A-Sol, honey overnight Mask, I love the aloe cream as well... There's just so many Cosrx products that i fell in love with, but these are my top 10. Cosrx is actually one of my favorite Korean Skincare because they're very gentle and really good for acne.
A lot of you guys ask me is ok if you're in high school or junior high
my cousins (who are young) with acne actually love cosrx because the products are very gentle and very helpful for their acne prone skin so highly want to recommend cosrx I'll be linking all the products in the description box
If you have any questions please ask down below in the comments
I'll try my best respond to you guys I'll see you guys in my next video.
Hello again, everyone. Today we're going to
talk about the ten commandments of skin care. And, just before I get started, this is not
any sort of religious commentary - I just thought this was a good vehicle to deliver
these tips to you. So, don't take it too seriously, but listen to the information and take from
it what you will.
So, the ten commandments of skin care. These are the hardcore rules
about how not to ruin your skin and how to keep it healthy and how not to damage it and
how to slow down the aging process and to just have awesome skin. Commandment number
one: thou shalt not touch your face. Now, obviously, I'm not talking about washing your
face and applying your products, I'm talking about picking at your skin, I'm talking about
scratching, I'm talking about self-extraction.
Any sort of extraneous touching of the face
is something you don't want to do. First of all, the temptation to pick at the irregular
surfaces and textures on your skin is totally normal; you feel something unusual and your
natural impulse is just to try and get it off or to mess with it. The problem here is
that you have a lot of dirt and bacteria under your nails and on your fingertips and when
you're scratching at the skin you can create little tiny wounds in the skin through which
the bacteria and dirt and oil and all of the gross stuff on your hands can enter. And if
you're picking at something like a blemish, you're just going to make the problem worse.
That's a very good way to give yourself a scar.
If you're picking at a little bump on
your skin or a little pimple, it might have healed perfectly fine on its own, but by you
picking at it and scratching at it and messing with it, you're making it that much harder
for your skin to heal itself. Now, a tip to help you stop touching your face. First of
all, keep your nails short. If you have long nails and you're scratching your face, this
should be a no brainer.
Keep your nails as short as possible and also keep them manicured
because when you put polish on the nails you kind of dull the edge, so you don't have this
sharp edge and it's much harder to actually scratch your skin with polished nails. So
that's a tip that I recommend everyone and that's actually something that helps me, because
I used to have this problem. I am a kind of compulsive person and I, you know, if I feel
a bump, I'm like gonna -- Aaah! I'm gonna freak out on it. I get it.
I totally understand.
But, don't do it. Commandment number two: thou shalt exfoliate gently. This is something
I see a lot of as well, people who use scrubs at home who are very overzealous with them
and push really hard when they're trying to exfoliate, will often get really tiny broken
capillaries all over their face. It's unfortunate because you're really not accomplishing that
much with a scrub to justify the amount of damage that you're doing.
Scrubs are not that
great at exfoliating, they're good at getting off like little flaky surface bits and that's
why you think that they're doing a really great job. And for younger people, that's
fine, you know, you can use a scrub to even out your skin texture and that's totally cool.
However, be very gentle about it. There's no benefit to really grinding a scrub into
your skin. You're just damaging your skin.
Scrubs, like I said, are not that effective,
so there's no benefit to going really really harsh with them. You can use a scrub with
a washcloth, with a clarisonic, with any kind of face brush, just do it very very gently.
And it's not really not good for your skin to exfoliate that aggressively, you're going
to be more prone to sun damage, dehydration which means more prone to skin infection and
it just doesn't look very good if you're constantly peeling, so I would recommend doing a low-strength
AHA, if you're going to use AHAs, use a low-strength, if you're using BHAs, use a low-strength,
start as low as you can and work up. You need to start low, otherwise your skin is going
to slough too fast and it's going to get irritated. And irritation is the enemy of skin, you want
to avoid irritation at all costs, that includes exfoliating.
So, if you over-exfoliate your
skin, it can get irritated, it can get hyperpigmentation, more sun damage, dehydration, premature wrinkling,
you can lose elasticity. Irritation is absolutely the worse thing for your skin so avoid it
at all costs. Now, word on retinol, use it in cycles, do not use retinol continuously.
I've seen some people who do this because they like the very dramatic results that retinols
can give and they end up with this very shiny, translucent, waxy-looking skin. And that's
not healthy.
Your skin may be smooth as a waxed baby's bottom, but I'm telling you,
it's not healthy. When your skin gets into this state, it's really like on the verge
of being extraordinarily irritated and any tiny thing can set it off. It may be irritated
like just up to the point where you're going to see an extreme reaction and then any tiny
little thing can set it off and you can get like horrible redness, rosacea-type acne,
like this sort of like cracking, awful appearance and it's painful. And I've seen this and I've
had it happen on small areas of my face before.
It's really really unpleasant and, given everything
I've just said about irritation, you want to avoid it at all costs. Number three: thou
shalt not wax while exfoliating. Basically, what this means is if you are applying like
and AHA or a BHA or a retinol or, most importantly, if you're using acutane, do not get waxed.
Acutane, you can't get waxed anywhere on your body, but if you're applying your AHA's to
your face, don't get waxed anywhere on your face. I've been using a 5% AHA and with my
skin texture I know for a fact that if I tried to wax, it would lift my epidermis.
This is
what people refer to as a "burn" when they get waxed and it's not a burn, that's not
at all what it is, what it is is your epidermis lifting off. And that sounds super scary and
it kind of is, but when you think about the anatomy of the skin, it makes perfect sense.
The epidermis is like a dry layer of hard keratin cells that are stacked in like a brick
wall type formation, and when it's not prepared properly or when it's in a sort of "loose"
state, if you will, from exfoliation, the whole thing can lift right off. You can lift
off the epidermis and expose the new skin below which is very sensitive and it will
basically scab over and can create scars. So, don't do it.
As a professional, I always
ask every single client every single time: "Are you using any exfoliating products, Retin-A,
any type of retinols, Acutane?" I ask them this everytime, not just the first time, I
ask everytime. Because not everybody knows to say: "Oh yeah, by the way, I've just added
this new glycolic." And it's not everything, like a glycolic face wash is not the same
as a glycolic leave-on treatment. But if you're using a topical exfoliating treatment regularly
or if you've just recently had a chemical peel or microdermabrasion or something like
dermaplaning, any sort of, you know, good exfoliation or if you're using a retinol -- retinols,
you've got to be very very careful, you can't use them anywhere near the application. So,
if you've applied retinol for two weeks, you've got to wait a month.
You've got to let more
cells turn over before you go in to get waxed. Also, if you are getting waxed on the same
day that you have a facial, do the waxing first. Your operator should know this, but,
just in case, you always want to do the waxing first, then do the facial. This does not really
apply to body waxing, unless you are applying a lot of exfoliants to your body or if you're
using Acutane.
If you use Acutane, and I don't recommend Acutane to anybody, but if you do
use Acutane, do not get waxed ever. Commandment number four: thou shalt not sleep in your
make-up. And, this is pretty self-explanatory, just don't do it. I usually will allow myself
to pass out without washing my face once a year.
This has gotten even less as I've gotten
older, but back in the days when I used to, you know, go out partying, if I was so tired,
if it was so late and I just wanted to pass out, I would let myself do it once a year.
And I would always pay for it. My skin would be hell for a couple of days afterward, but
just don't do it unless you absolutely have to. And don't make excuses about it, don't,
you know, don't say, "Ah, but I'm so tired." It doesn't matter, it really doesn't matter,
take five minutes, wash your face, remove your make-up and if you are so tired, so often
that this is a problem for you, that you are frequently sleeping in your make-up then you
need to look at your lifestyle and see what you can do to change your nightly routine,
to make a priority of removing your make-up so that your skin stays healthy. And it's
not just about removing your make-up, you need to wash your face.
You need to introduce
water into your face and then put on something to hold that water into your skin for it to
be healthy. Commandment number five: thou shalt not put dirty things on your face. This
applies to: make-up brushes, fingers, phones, make-up sponges, make-up, any sort of dirty
old make-up. If you have a compact with a sponge in it, that sponge is meant to be temporary,
that is not supposed to be a permanent tool for you to use indefinitely, until you use
another product.
That's a very good way to ruin your products and also ruin your skin.
You can buy replacement sponges for pretty much any type of compact at the drugstore,
at the beauty supply store, just swap them out, you know, five days at most, if you're
using it everyday during a work week, you know, even that, if you are really good about
swaping this stuff out, you can do it every other day, everyday. Every day is not necessary,
in my opinion, but every other day, if you are really really good at this stuff, otherwise,
try to do it at least once a week. For brushes, do a spot clean every time you use them, deep
clean them, you know, once a month or so and you'll be good. For phones, try not to ever
talk on your phone this way unless you absolutely have to.
Try to use a headset, try to use
alcohol as often as possible to clean the surface of your phone. They're introducing
all the bacteria from your hands and from whatever else they've been touching. Try as
much as you can to either use a speaker phone or to use a headset. Commandment number six:
thou shalt avoid fragrance.
And I've been talking about this a lot lately and for a
good reason. Fragrance is the enemy of skin. There is no benefit at all to using fragrance
other than to amuse you. And companies have been doing this for a very long time and it's
a very outdated concept.
There is no reason to have perfume in skin care or in make-up.
Some people like it, most people are like: "Oh and it has a smell, I don't mind it so
much" or "I hate the smell but I'll use it anyway." But companies still use this party
line of: "Well, women want perfume in their cosmetics." It's really not true, I don't
think they've actually asked anybody and they certainly haven't asked anybody who knows
better. A lot of women don't know how harmful it is to put this stuff on your face. This
goes back to the whole "Irritation is the worst possible thing for your skin." Fragrance
is the number one irritant in all products. There is nothing worse for your skin.
you know, maybe pouring alcohol on it. But as far as, like, daily use goes, fragrance
is the worst thing in all of your products. Forget parabens. Parabens have not been scientifically
proven to be harmful, and I will speak about this later.
But fragrance -- fragrance is
something that we absolutely know, one hundred percent, for a fact, is harmful to the skin.
So make that your priority. Make that the priority in your skin care. Eliminating products
with fragrance 'cause that's the worst thing. And also, just so you know, fragrant plant
oils, like lavender oil or eucalyptus or peppermint or, you know, any of those kinds of oils -- those
are fragrance too.
There is no benefit to putting these natural products in your face.
There's no -- there's no great reason to do it in nature. I don't think that our cavemen
ancestors were putting these types of things on their face. It's just not something that
happened. Just because it's natural doesn't mean that it belongs on your face.
number seven: thou shalt not use tanning beds. Ever. Don't do it. Commandment eight: thou
shalt eat less sugar and drink less alcohol.
Now sugar has a very strong connection with
premature aging. This is something that's only really making its way into the mainstream
now. But sugar is connected to something called glycation. I'm not going to get too far into
what that is because it's going to be really long.
But just know that sugar leads to glycation,
glycation leads to the breakdown of the structures in your skin that keep it firm and taut and
young-looking. So, it's something you really want to cut down as much as possible. And
alcohol is a particularly vile form of sugar. It's also very dehydrating.
It's toxic to
the system, in addition to introducing sugars into your bloodstream. So, whenever possible,
try to reduce sugar from your diet. If you put two teaspoons of sugar in your coffee,
put one teaspoon in your coffee. Cut down a half a teaspoon.
Try using stevia. Stevia
is a natural sweetener. I don't recommend any artificial sweeteners for any reason,
ever. But stevia is a natural sweetener that is no calories and is a good substitute.
find it to be a little off-putting if you use a lot of it, so I mix it with just like
a tiny bit of agave syrup or something like that. You can use honey, if you tolerate honey.
But mixing it with a tiny bit, not a lot, of a natural sugar kind of cuts the odd taste
of it but for the most part you don't really taste the difference. If you're accustomed
to artificial sweeteners you're really not going to notice that much a difference if
you start using stevia except that stevia doesn't taste like chemicals. Now with alcohol
I'm not saying to stop drinking alcohol.
I. Like to drink alcohol. I can't right now so
I have to kind of live vicariously through other people's enjoyment of it. However, when
you go out, try having one drink instead of two.
If you're going to have two, drink a
big glass of water. Don't drink five. Don't have five drinks. Just don't do it.
no reason to do it. Drink your drinks slowly. If people are pressuring you into drinking
more, just say: "Ah well, I can't, I'm driving." And if they try to give you crap about that,
then they're being assholes. If you don't drive just say: "Ah well I have an early day
tomorrow." You know, whatever.
Just, whatever. Give them some excuse. There's no reason why
you should be pressured into poisoning your body by your "friends" -- people who are trying
to get you drunk so that they don't feel alone. It's really just something that you have control
Only you are in control of this. Another thing that you should avoid, for the sake
of your skin, is drinking and driving. Death is not very cute. It's not going to make your
skin look very good.
And nobody ever looks good in a mugshot. Commandment number nine:
thou shalt not smoke. Duh. Just don't do it.
Next to sun damage, smoking is absolutely
the worst thing that you can do for your skin, so find a way to quit. Make it a priority.
There's so many reasons to quit. And I'm a former smoker, I know how it goes. I was a,
you know, young rebellious club goer.
I totally get it. But you need to eventually say: "Ok,
this is stupid, there's no reason to be doing this. I'm just paying tons of money to a terrible
corporate machine, when I could be spending this money on good quality skin care." Or,
you know, save up for a vacation, use it for anything. But smoking is expensive, it's disgusting
and it's terrible terrible for your the skin.
Smoking actually destroys vitamin C which
is a natural antioxidant made by the skin that helps protect from sun damage. So, not
only is the smoking itself terrible for the skin, but it's also going to speed up the
sun damage that you're getting while you're probably outside smoking. And last, but not
least, we have commandment number ten: thou shalt take action. It is no one else's responsibility
but your own to take care of your skin, just like it's no one else's responsibility to
take care of your body.
You are in charge of your life. Even if you are a young person
with parents who are telling you what to do, you can still make decisions for yourself.
They're not watching you twenty-four hours a day. You have a say. So, start good habits
Do research. Learn about ingredients. Start reading your labels. Make decisions
for yourself.
Don't be told what to do. Even as I'm telling you what to do now, question
me. Question my thought process, question my credentials, question everything. Make
decisions for yourself.
Learn everything you can. Take the time to learn about ingredients.
Don't just get your information from marketing machines. Really learn about ingredients -- individual
ingredients and what they do. And finally, please just don't believe everything that
you hear or read or see on youtube.
Nobody knows everything and a lot of the people who
are giving you advice or who are trying to share information - they're not getting it
from a good source. And a lot of times it's heard secondhand or it's heard from someone,
someone's friend of a friend's of their cousin who is a dermatologist or whatever. Or it's
like these e-mails which get forwarded which is how the whole paraben hysteria got started.
Just don't believe everything that you're exposed to because not everyone is getting
their information from a good source. A lot of these sources have sort of dubious intentions.
And you just really should familiarize yourself with skin care ingredients, with the climate
of the skin care industry and the cosmetic industry to be able to make informed decisions
for yourself.
If you get nothing else from my videos that I'm going to be making, that
I've been making lately it's that you really need to educate yourself, take responsibility
for yourself and your own skin. Be in charge. All I'm saying really is take in all the information
that you are getting and use your brain. Make up your own mind and make your own decisions.
So I hope you guys got something from that.
I really don't mean to be lecturing you so
harshly. I get passionate about this stuff. If you have any questions, let me know. And
if you have any questions for me to answer in a future video, please leave me a message
below or send me a message through the youtube messaging system.
They have made it damn near
impossible to do that so go to my channel page and underneath my channel description
there will be a little triangular box next to my username. That's how you send messages
now - it's such a pain in the ass. But if you want to ask me a direct question that's
the best way to do it because then I don't have the comment restriction -- I don't have
that character restriction to answer your questions. Thank you guys very much for watching.
If you like this, video please give me a thumbs up and subscribe if you haven't and I will
see you again very soon.
Hey guys, it's Kim Dao here, welcome back to my channel. In this video I am going to be telling you guys the top ten Japanese skincare product you must buy if you go to Japan [so] previously I made a video on the top 10 makeup products which you must buy if you visit [Japan] So if you guys want to see the makeup version it make sure you check out this link andhrrhehehshjsj2uehsgsgwhwjksjssnsvgsuwuwhe when I made the makeup version Of the video a lot of people requested me to do the skincare version So here it is just before I start [the] video if you guys want to know how much the product is and where to buy It in Japan make sure you check the blog post below dat all you go travel so let's start with the twins to get to the other side of a game to the tablet is bag he didn't step on his father of the characters I made this over the other side of a game to the tablet is bag he didn't step on his father of the characters I made this so don't say i copied from strangers product first item is the costed custom airport clear turn eyes own [mask] now the Just for your eyes you'll have 32 uses out of them and this product is Ai am so uncle especially good for eye or mouth Zone care It's going to come back fine lines wrinkles and dry skin It's been a number one product for nine years in a row now So the packaging is very simple you lift up the sticky part and then you take out as many sheets as you want to use So I apply just underneath my eyes and then I left it on for about 10 minutes. What's amazing about this iron? Mask is that it's almost transparent, so it doesn't really look [like] you are wearing a mask at all I'm not sure why I didn't [think] about this [before], but I could have totally bought this onto a plane and worn as well I was on a plane which would have made my skin so much better. So next time I'm definitely going to be doing that I find it if you are.
Just using it for One day You're not going to see results you have to use it for quite a while So after using it for [about] a week I found a difference in my [skin] my skin was no longer as dry as [it] was Usually when I fly my skin gets very flaky especially just under my eyes, and I feel that it's not flaking anymore So that has definitely helped best of all it's a drugstore item is very very cheap and affordable [Ex] item is a cannibal suicide beauty clear powder now this product is Superduper popular in Japan if you go inside any drugstore in Japan you will see this product everywhere so pretty much what this is is that you have some mini capsules inside and Inside the capsules you have a little bit of powder and to use. It's also very simple I just pour all the powder onto my hand and then mix the powder with the water and then the Consistency should be quite milky, so this item washes your skin, and it's also very gentle So it doesn't dry out your skin at all you can apply just [with] your hands if you have a brush it would work more Effectively, I believe so after using this product my skin felt so incredibly soft afterwards also one thing I loved about the product is that there's no fragrance isn't it I feel that this item is not strong enough to remove makeup But if you guys like to double cleanse which is what I like to do most of the time I find out this is perfect For using so this item is also meant to exfoliate and [remove] excess sebum for Acne prevention also it includes soy milk fermentation extract which really moisturizes your face [I] found this product is really great for traveling with so Especially if you're on a plane, you've got a little bit of powder You just need a tiny bit of water you can just wash your face on an airplane or an airport so easily [place] item is an interesting one and this is to say to the Collagen and is actually a Drink so she said it actually claimed that this drink is a best Collagen drink available And it was salt on your wrinkles in just about [3] days so when I heard [about] this product is that you are meant to drink this the night before and then when you wake up the Next morning your skin will look a lot more brighter and a drink actually comes in different types So I just got the collagen type. So I'm going to try it out now It kind of smells like medicine citrus and it kind of smells sweet as well. Ok let's try it.
It's a ducky [mas] It tastes like juice actually. I'm just going to down the whole thing It's my skin nicer now so with this product you are meant to drink it more often So it doesn't work after just one drink unfortunately, but it's not bad. It's quite a nice drink It's very easy to drink it very quickly tastes like juice, and it's quite pleas i i taste the samet hing whith my uncle ant [I've] actually used that item before and I feel that it does work in terms of making your skin brighter But I feel that in terms of getting [rid] [of] clogged pores or Acne It doesn't ryum yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yum the y um yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yum eally work that way but if you just want brighter skin then definitely that item does work pretty well if item is a DhC deep cleansing oil now this product is super Duper popular if you go into drugstores once again? You'll see this product everywhere. It's a makeup remover, and it just pretty much helps make up slide off your face [I] feel it's very lightweight onto your skin So it doesn't cause your skin to break out so a lot of people might freak out because you're putting all on your face But let me assure you this product is very lightweight.
So when you apply [it] onto your [face] It doesn't you out, so this item is a decreasing oil And it's a makeup remover it features our unique water soluble formula that rinses thoroughly it is very rich [in] vitamins and antioxidants And it also hydrates for younger looking skin apparently one of these items sells in every 10 seconds worldwide, so to use it It's pretty easy you [just] rub it onto your face while your face is still dry and what I like to do is gently Rub it all over and make sure it removes all my makeup and As you can see my makeup is removed very very easily once you are done Just wash off your face with water also despite. It being a cleansing oil It does not make my face feel greasy at all Next item is this charcoal slope and this is [a] sumi hike or set of ken charcoal of Bastogne So this adds on when you smell it has got a very earthy Aroma to it and charcoal is great for cleansing because it helps [pull] dirt and grime out of your pores and [this] particular sopes Bamboo Vinegar which is going to disinfect clean and moisturize your skin and also another great thing about this herb Is that it's not just for your body is actually gentle enough to use on your face To remove my makeup of course it's not the greatest makeup removed, but mainly because it's not really meant to be use for that But if you are having a bath, and of course if your makeup is really [off] This is great to just clean your face with so Chaco is meant to make your skin brighter clearer and more even in tone So I have very uneven skin tone and this helped out so much also this soap is super Duper cheap in Japan and it will Last a very long time when I use a soap on my face my skin did not feel dry at all [next] item is this black sheet mask, and this is a [coaster] kazmir port clear turn black mask And this one is the one that contains Japanese medical herb extracts And I decided to pick up as product to show you guys because it's been the number [one] product for [10] years [so] this mask claims to have penetrating beauty sera bursting with moisture which would tighten skin around your pores Also gives you fresh skin with a translucent look and also the power of the japanese medical herbs will also nourish your skin so each Mask is packed individually [just]yum gycag7ga you can see from the product is so much Moisture inside the mask so after wearing the mask for about 10 to 15 minutes I take it off OHIYYI MISBWU 2OWNEH RJE. And then [just] massage the rest of my face my face feels so much more moisturized Like sytem is a favorite of mine, and this is [a] little [imbalanced] moisture mask now This item is one of the most popular face masks in Japan It's very very affordable for the [men] masks that you get inside So the mask comes in different colors, and I've got the pink one Which is just a regular version, so these masks are the best selling masks in Japan you can find them anywhere So when you go into a [drugstore] you'll find them even if you go to a convenience store you might see smaller packets the mask Increases your skin's ability to retain moisture and also enhances the absorption of serums So I think comes with a few important ingredients such as hyaluronic acid which is great for moisturizing your skin also Soy bean extract which gently soothe troubled skin so ever all your skin is meant to look really bright after using this mask One thing I love about this masks is that it's one of the only masks that actually fit my face usually when I use face masks even from Japanese or Korean Brands They are way too big for my face, [and] they don't fit very well at all But this mask fits, so well [onto] my face It's probably one of the only ones that do it's super easy to use this product so like the eye Masks you just open up the sticky part Take out a mask and then just apply it onto your face and as you can see there's a lot of moisture in the mask As well, so after using the mask I feel that my face definitely feels a lot more healthier excited, Mr. Corces se que se emotion now.
I got this in a small I travel size, but you can also get these in the big sizes waller drugstores. This is an intensive motion and it's formulated to enhance Translucency in skin for it to look younger and healthier and this also helps prevent skin Pigmentation and the prints of freckles and it also stops the hydration also this item is suitable for all skin types So it's going to clear milky consistency and once you rub it into your face instantly it just feels so much more Moisturized the item is [very] quick absorbing And it's a very lightweight moisturizer which brightens and soft hands your skin nicely contains vitamin C inner product which is what prevents inflammation? Freckles and 18 spots I find out after using the emotion your skin does feel slightly sticky afterwards So I would definitely recommend. [You're] putting a moisturizer on straight away after using it But this product makes your skin feel amazing is actually won so many awards as well So definitely check that one out one thing I want to tell you guys is [that] for the more expensive Japanese? Skin care products what I love that is that you can also buy a smaller travel size products Just in case you want to try it out first and see if you actually like before buying the full-size products So I actually just bought travel sizes for most of my products this item is a skincare product that I have been using for years This is the sana Na Maraca on Portia De queijo sweet this product has won so many awards, and this is actually one of the first Japanese skincare products I have used when I first came to Japan [it] feels amazing onto your skin, so it's actually quite thick in consistency It's very milky, but it just absorbs really quickly, and it is so moisturizing [it's] very gentle on your skin and [uses] soy milk Which is very effective on hyperpigmentation? So the moisturizer when you apply onto your facing lights very easily onto your skin [and] since It's moisturizing is so light you can layer on as much as you want depending on how you feel It's also super cheap for this product and a little bit of the product goes a long way So [when] I apply [this] I only put a tiny bit onto my face and seriously you can use [the] product for a very long Time final item [missus] usedo perfect whip so this item is actually a foam cleanser And it's meant to take off makeup and also draw impurities from the pores So the foam is meant to protect your skin from Harsh cleansing motions So actually what you were meant to do is just apply a tiny bit onto your hands just a little bit and then just run It under water then rub your [hand] And then you should be able to get a little bit of [firmer] to your hands now of course There's not that much foam that appear So if you use a foam net or if you use a brush or a clarisonic, you'll get much better results [but] since I was just traveling I didn't have any of that, so I just use my hands So I put it all over my face to remove my makeup and my makeup removed quite easily so according to suceed Oh, this is an ultra Rich foam which dissolves impurities and makeup Effectively, so I put it this doesn't work very well however if you have heavy eye makeup like really strong waterproof Mascara [it] Probably won't be able to remove that so if you are using waterproof, Mascara I highly recommend you use an eye makeup remover first to take off your makeup and then use this onto your face it does feel Very light on my face, so I didn't feel my face dried out at all and afterwards. I my skin felt very soft It's also very very cheap for this product so definitely recommend it so that is it for the top [ten] Japanese skin care products you? Must buy when you visit [Japan], please give this video a thumbs up if you enjoyed [it] and if it was helpful [and] also if you want me to do more videos like this let me know in the comment box down below Subscribe to my channel if you haven't [yet] to keep up to date with me on my videos also subscribe to my [blog] Channel you want to see [what] I get up to on my everyday life in Japan and don't forget to follow me on my social Media the Links are here or just down below in the description box and once again if you guys want more information about how much? These products are and where to buy them in Japan don't forget to check out the blog post down below I want to go travel everything is linked down below [face] guys once again for watching and I'll [see] you guys in the next video you.