- Hey, Naturally Curly world. You obviously know us
from the hair industry, but we love all things beauty. (Camera click) - What we love most about
the beauty industry? The advertising. As in, we love to make fun of it.
- So in this video, we're gonna recreate a skin care ad. - Every skin care ad starts with a presentation of the problem. Kind of like this. Do you sometimes look
in the mirror and think why is this my face? (Laughing) Do people tell you you're pretty, but you kinda know they're lying to you because they're not very pretty, either? - Are you struggling to make friends because your skin looks like a beanbag? - Do you wake up with
a new pimple every day? - Is your face greasy as hell? - Do your pimples grow their own pimples? - Is your face dry as hell? - Do you use spot treatment, but you have so many
spots, that you just end up using it all over your face? - Is your face kind of
greasy in some areas and then kind of dry in some other areas, so they're dry and
greasy at the same time? - If you had to describe your face, would it be chewed gum? (Laughing) - Once they've pinpointed
your issue or concern, they introduce the product
and talk about its benefits like it's somehow different from the millions of
other products out there.
Don't forget percentages
that seem really arbitrary and also throw in the word toxins. Introducing skin fresh,
made with ingredients like bark of magnesia,
willow tree ess-- What? - [Nikki] Can you just read the words? - Yeah, I can try. - [Nikki] Okay. - I just don't know if bark
of magnesia is a real thing.
(Laughing) - [Nikki] It's from India, okay? Please don't laugh at
the ingredients, thanks. - Introducing skin so fresh. - [Evelyn] Excuse me, cut,
you do know how to read? (Laughing) - Um, yes,
- Alight. - It was on my resume.
- Can we do it a little faster?
- Okay.
- [Evelyn] You're like, hooked on phonics. - Introducing skin fresh, it is-- - [Evelyn] Cut, it's skin so fresh. - Skin so fresh. - [Evelyn] And introducing,
not intro ducing.
- Intro. Ducing. - [Evelyn] It's not that. - Intro..Intro Ducing.
- Introducing the nourishing
cleanser from skin so fresh. It's 97% proven to remove 90%
of toxins, 99% of the time. - Made with ingredients
that were at one time derived from plants, this
product is probably gentle enough for the most sensitive of skin. - [Nikki] Um, I think you
really have to emphasize the words probably, we don't
have the actual clearance to say that it actually does what it does.
- This cleanser is free
of all of the yucky stuff. Insert buzz word here. - [Nikki] I mean, I know how
to take direction, do you? - This cleanser. - [Eveyln] Excuse me, I don't
know a nice way to say this.
Where are you from? - I'm from, um -- here? - So just a buzz word. - [Nikki] Yeah, go ahead, mm-hm. Let's go, time is money. - Okay.
- Most sensitive. - [Evelyn] Cut. Are you scared? - You're just yelling at me. - What's a buzz word? Like a buzz word that has
to do with cleansing, or-- - [Nikki] You know, like
pathogens, carcinogenicens, - Um.
- [Nikki] Benzilic acid. - Oh, we just make up benefits. Next, the model or influencer has to actually use the product, and pay attention, because
the way people wash their face in commercials is completely
different than the way any human washes their face in real life. (Silence) - [Evelyn] And then look at the camera.
(Silence) [Evelyn] Smile even bigger. (Silence) (laughing) Oh my god. - Probably the most important part is the rinse. It is so extra.
It is so CGI, so fake. Them water droplets don't
land gracefully on your face. - And last, but not
least, the final result. Skin so perfect, so beautiful, but you're not fooling us,
you have makeup on at the end.
How do you have a perfect
highlight and lashes on after washing your face? - And there you have it, with skin-- - [Grace] Cut, you need to go to makeup. - I just washed my face though. - [Grace] We need to sell the product. - I thought we were trying to communicate that the skin's so fresh, it
like, leaves your skin fresh.
- [Grace] Hi, did we hire you to argue? - Okay. - I feel like a brand new me. All my blemishes instantly disappeared. - Wow, the best skin of my life.
Skin like a baby. - Like this? - [Grace] Yeah, that's good. - This is skin so fresh? - [Grace] Mm-hm. - Alright, the director wants
what the director wants, you know what I'm saying? I don't understand what this
has to do with skin so fresh.
Because a lip is a lip. You know what I'm saying, anyway. (Clears throat) - [Nikki] Oh, honey, did
you go to modeling school? - [Grace] I need you to look
right here, into this lens. No, you're not even close, okay.
Bring your eyes up. Oh, no, no, no, no, no, no. That's too much, no, that's-- No, you're in the, your body, yeah. Yeah, now your whole body is in it.
(Laughing) - Are you getting it? - [Grace] Okay, now you're
looking to the left of the lens. I need you to follow my finger. Oh my god. You're giving me Victoria Beckham, and I'm just, oh, no.
That's too much. (Laughing) Please stop. - I quit. (Laughing) - And there you have it.
Everything you need to make a successful skin care commercial. - Let's see how it turned out. - Is your face greasy as hell? - Do your pimples grow their own pimples? - Do you feel like you're
using so much cleanser, and nothing's ever happening, and you're always dirty, always
greasy, you're always ugly? Introducing the nourishing
cleanser from Skin So Fresh. It's 97% proven to remove 90%
of toxins 99% of the time.
Made with ingredients that were at one time derived from plants, this product is probably gentle enough for the most sensitive of skin. It cleanses, yet moisturizes,
leaving skin so fresh. - Hopefully now we've convinced
you to buy this product. - Skin like a baby.
- Before now, I had never thought of putting water and soap together. - Skin so fresh, it leaves
my skin feeling fresh. - If you thought this was
an absolute masterpiece, give this video a like, share
it, comment, and subscribe. We post videos every Friday, so we'll see you next week.
- Bye..
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