My 9 Step Skincare Routine Korean & Clean Beauty

My 9 Step Skincare Routine Korean & Clean Beauty

Hi everyone. It's Aileen. Today I want to take you along with me as I do my evening skincare routine. There are about nine steps to my typical skincare

I don't always use the same products. Sometimes I switch out products here and there, but the steps are generally the same. After spending a long day wearing makeup,
I can't wait to wash it off. First thing, I gotta put on my headband.

Get those bangs out of my face. Whenever I wear makeup, I like to oil cleanse first. Here, I'm using MUNs Akwi Purifying Cleanser. It's just an oil-based cleanser to break down
all of the makeup that's on my face, especially the eyeliner and stuff.

And yes, I am aware that I have eyelash extensions and you're not technically supposed to use
oil-based cleansers because it takes off the glue of your lash extensions. I don't really care because I've had these
extensions for long enough. Honestly, I just like using oil to remove
my eyeliner because, if Im just using a cleanser, I feel like
I'm scrubbing that area for a little too long and I'd rather just break it down in the beginning. Then I'll go in with a second cleanse, and
this is one of my all-time favorite cleansers.

It's just one that I've used for years and
years, and I always feel like I have to repurchase it. Just washing my face off, because oil cleansing
is not enough. I do feel like you have to wash that oil off. And the best feeling is having a clean, freshly-washed
face after wearing makeup for an entire day.

I just love having a bare face. Next, I'm going in with a witch hazel toner. I'm going to put this on a cotton pad. And I kind of consider this my third cleanse.

I like having a cotton pad to just make sure I've got everything off my face. So it's like a toner and last layer of cleanser. Next, I'm going to use this coconut water
toner and I'm going to spray multiple layers onto my face. So this might take a while.

I'm not going to make you watch me spray all these layers, so I'm just going to do
it once on-screen. But just so you know, it just depends on the night. Sometimes I feel like spraying more toner. I'll do up to six or seven layers, and that's
just really helped my skin drink in all that moisture.

Next, I'm going in with this Missha Time Revolution
Essence. I love this, as you can tell. I'm almost done with this bottle. This essence is a dupe of the SK-II essence, so I'm actually going to try that next after
I'm done using this bottle.

But it's made out of fermentedsomething
fermented that I know it helps you rewind the aging of your skin. I'll post a link below for more info, but
here I'm doing two layers of this essence because I just
like to pack on the layers of moisture. My skin is really dry so it really appreciates
the extra layers. After essence is serum, so right now I'm using
this Leaders truffle oil serum.

And this is just one that I'm trying out. I can't say there's anything particularly
amazing about the serum, so I'm basically just using
the bottle until it's done. Alright, now I'm gonna go in with this night
cream by Nudu. And I like using something heavier at night, just to seal in all those layers
of toner and essence.

This is kind of on the oily side, but because my skin is so dry, I don't mind
it. I like that it's heavier and oilier. Next, I'm gonna go in with some eye cream. This one's by Cremorlab, which is a Korean beauty brand.

And eye cream is something that I sometimes
get lazy about. But I realize it's super important as I get
older because that's where your first wrinkles start to form. So I'll put on eye cream under my eyes, and
then the crows feet area, even on my eyelids. And then, if I have any extras, I'll put them
either on my forehead or the smile lines, wrinkles, just to prevent
those aging wrinkles.

Gotta rewind my skin. Lastly, this is like my favorite product out
of the bunch. This is the Laneige Lip Sleeping Mask, and it's essentially like a really thick lip
balm or lip mask that you put on before bed. I love that it just seals in the moisture
on my lips.

It's not like your normal chapstick or anything. It really is amazing. It's something I highly recommend. I love Laneige.

They also have a sleeping mask that I usually
use, but not tonight. And there you have it. That's my typical evening skincare routine
with the products that I'm using right now. But like I mentioned, I always swap out products, so it's constantly changing but the steps
are always the same in that same order.

Alright, have a beautiful day or a beautiful
evening. Love you all so much. Bye!.

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