My Korean 10 Step Skin Care Routine (OilyAcne Skin) ENG SUBAnna Luisa

My Korean 10 Step Skin Care Routine (OilyAcne Skin) ENG SUBAnna Luisa

Hello everyone! How are you? This is Luisa. On today's video, I am going to be sharing
with you my 10-Step Korean skin care routine. This is a long awaited video. I planned this video for such a long time.

I didn't want to upload a video just because
I wanted to upload it. Of course, I wanted to upload videos of quality. That's why I really tried testing out this
Korean 10-Step skin care routine for months and months because I have oily, acne prone
sensitive skin. I can't incorporate all of the products at
the same time.

So it took me a while. I think I started contemplating on doing the
10-Step Korean skin care routine around March and I'm only doing the video now because I
am only able to really incorporate everything recently. And that I have tried and tested it for quite
some time. So I'm really excited to share this one with

I'll try to keep it short. But I can't really tell how talkative I'm
gonna get. Don't forget to grab some snacks. So that you have something to eat while watching
this video.

If you have any questions, leave them all
in the comment section down below. And I will be happy to answer all of them. And just for your reference, I have oily,
acne prone, sensitive skin. So the first step in the 10-Step Korean skin
care routine is of course, removing your makeup.

Korean skin care routine is known for double
cleansing. They either remove their makeup using a cleansing
water or an oil based makeup remover. Now, this step I usually only do at night. Because I feel like I don't really need double
cleansing in the morning.

However, some people claim that double cleansing
can also benefit you if you do it during the day. But personally, I don't do it during the day. But for the purpose of this video, I did it. So usually when I don't wear makeup, I still
do double cleansing but the one that I use is cleansing water.

And the cleansing water that I am currently
using right now is The Saem Healing Tea Garden Tea Tree Cleansing Water. This would be my second bottle of this particular
cleansing water. The first one that I used was in the Green
Tea variant. And the second one is this one right here,
the Tea Tree variant.

Both are good products. Before this is also what I use to remove my
makeup but I stopped using it because I started wearing waterproof makeup. This cannot remove waterproof makeup especially
the Etude House Curl Fix Mascara. It cannot remove that one.

That is why I just opted to use this whenever
I don't wear makeup to remove excess oil and dirt on my face. On days when I wear makeup, I use this Heimish
All Clean Balm. This is an oil based makeup remover. I have a full review of this one during my
K-BEAUTY week, I will be placing the link down in the description bar and somewhere
in the card up there.

Basically this is a solid oil based makeup
remover. It is solid at first but once you get some
and spread it on your face, it turns into an oil. And it removes everything. Everything on your face- dirt, oil, makeup,
waterproof mascara, including the Curl Fix mascara of Etude House plus the Heroine Make
mascara, it removes all of that.

It really performs well. Now, for the second part of the double cleansing,
this would be step 2. I use cleansing gel foams. Now, there are different types of cleansing
foams you can use for the step 2.

You can use cream foam, you can also use mousse
type cleansers but personally what works best for my skin type are gel foams because gel
products tend to mesh well with my skin type. As I've said, I have oily, acne prone sensitive
skin. If I try and use cream foams or other forms of foaming cleansers, I tend to breakout. So I only use gel foams.

I have 2 to share with you because one, I
use during the day time and the other one, I use at night. So my daytime cleanser is the Low PH Good
Morning Cleanser from COSRX. This is very good. It also smells like tea tree oil so if you
don't like that smell, stay away from it but if you, oh my goodness you will love this.

This is very light on the face. It's not stripping (of moisture) at all. It also lathers up (not so much). The one I use at night, however, is this Aloe
Vera Soothing and Moisture Cleansing Gel Foam.

This is included in my favorite skin care
line from Nature Republic and I use it at night. It smells like typical Aloe Vera. Are you familiar with the Aloe Vera gel from
Nature Republic? It smells exactly like that. And it's really good.

For me, it's really good. I like it because it's also not stripping
and I only use it at night. I honestly don't know why I bought 2 (cleansers). But I just thought it might be good to have
a variety of products (to use) on my face.

That is why I use this one. It also works almost the same as this one. The COSRX however, once dispensed has a smoother
gel consistency, almost water like. Whereas the Nature Republic has a thicker
gel formula.

But both are good products. They don't strip off the moisture out of your
face and it cleanses the face very well. On days when I wear makeup, I sometimes use
a sponge to help cleanse the face completely or recently, I have been using this. This the No.

7 Cleansing Face Brush and it's
just a battery operated, spinning cleansing brush. It looks like the typical cleansing brushes
from Vanity Planet. It's not like the Clairsonic because the Clairsonic
is more of a vibration but this is the type that spins. The next step would have to be exfoliation.

Now, this part, I don't really do every single
day. But to be honest, I only do it once a week. So once a week is enough for me. I don't want to overly exfoliate my face.

Especially since I do physical exfoliation
most of the time. But I'll give you some options on what you
can use to exfoliate your skin. Exfoliating is very important so you can scrub
off the dead skin cells on your face. Soemtimes, especially when you use AHAs and
BHAs, they remove the dead skin cells but I feel like they don't completely get sloughed
off your face.

Sometims, I feel like its what causes breakouts. Because dead skin cells get trapped on the
surface of the skin and clog pores. So it is very important to exfoliate the skin. For me, once a week is enough.

And most of the time, I use this product right
here. This is the Skinfood Black Sugar Mask Wash
Off. Just as it says, it is a wash off sugar mask. And what I do is while my skin is still wet
from cleansing, I apply it all over my face.

That lessens the abrasiveness of the sugar
mask. Because that's one of the things other people
don't like about this product. They say it can be abrasive and not good for
sensitive skin. But for me, I have sensitive skin, and this
one has never caused me any problems.

Because I read the instructions. It says right here that if it is too abrasive
for your liking, you can put toner or water. So what I do is while my face is still wet,
I use this one and lather it on my face. This smells so good.

It has like a citrus scent. When you apply
this on your face initially, you will feel the scrubs but as you lather it all over your
face, it slowly melts. After that, you leave it on for 10-15 minutes
on your face before rinsing it off. After that, it leaves the face super soft
and I really like using this as my physical exfoliator.

Sometimes, I don't have time to use physical
exfoliators especially since I usually have to wait 10-15 minutes like a treatment for
this one. So when I don't have time, I use this particular
product right here. This is the Missha D-Tox Peeling Gel. I actually have a full first impression on
this particular product.

It reminds me of that product from iWhite,
the 2 Minute Miracle something. When you rub it on your skin, it forms particles. It's hard to show you but you can feel that
it gets rough. And those particles gets removed.

I guess you can say this is a form of a chemical/physical
exfoliant. It works best when you massage it on your
face. This (Missha) is a little milder than tis
one (Skinfood) in theory but Skinfood leaves my skin a lot softer which is why I prefer
it. I just thought I'd mention this one because
I also use it.

So far, it hasn't broken me out. So after exfoliating the skin, my skin is
definitely ready to absorb all that products that I am going to be applying on my face. I will be moving on to the 4th step, which
is toning my face. Now, just like my cleansers, I have 2 toners
that I use on a daily basis.

The first one is the Nature Republic Soothing
and Moisture Aloe Vera 90% Toner. And like I said, this is form the same line
of my favorite skin care line from Nature Republic. It has the same scent with the soothing gel
but it is in toner form. It's very mild, I just apply this using my

This is the product that I used for the demo
because it was daytime (when I filmed this) and it's very cooling and refreshing. It just leaves your skin feeling soft. It's not like previous toners I've tried which
dries out the skin. Even though you have oily skin, you shouldn't
strip your skin of it's natural oils.

Because when you do that, it triggers our
oil glands to produce more oil because it thinks your skin is dry and it compensates
by producing more oil to fight dryness. There must be balance so that your skin doesn't
get confused. Anyway, I really like this one. I'm halfway through this bottle.

This one is also perfect for doing the 7 Skin
Method. (Someone commented that this isn't a good
product for that method because it contains alcohol. Pleae be aware.) If you guys haven't seen that video yet, I
did a full video regarding 7 Skin Method. It's a Korean skin care trend.

I will just place the link over there and
down in the description bar. I have no time to discuss it but basically
you layer your toner 7 times, the reasons and benefits, you will be able to see on that
video. Now, at night time, I use a "stronger" toner. I use a toner that is specially made for acne
prone skin.

I like using this one. This is the Natural BHA Skin Returning A Sol. I'm not sure if you guys are aware, BHA is
really good for acne prone skin. It goes deep into the layers of your skin.

That is why it helps heal breakouts. The great thing about this product is even
though it has BHA, it doesn't sting the skin. And at the same time, it isn't drying afterwards. I used to like the Eskinol toner.

I used to use it on my face. However, that one can be very stripping. This one, isn't. The scent, however, is a little bit alcohol-like.

It doesn't feel like alcohol on the skin and
I really like this one to use at night. Next after toning, 5th step would have to
be essence. The essence that I have with me right now
is the Missha Time Revolution First Treatment Essence. This is their intensive moist variant.

This essence is really good. It contains niacinamide so it helps fade dark
spots. Basically, essence is the core of the Korean
skin care routine. With essence, you can use a product that targets
you specific skin needs.

As for me, even though I still breakout, my
major concern at the moment are my hyperpigmentations because I have a lot of it. Over the past few months, my skin has improved
so I just felt like I had to remove my dark spots. So far, it's doing me good. I can't say it has completely faded the dark
spots but it's a good addition to my skin care routine.

It adds to the moisture on the face.It's very
easy to apply. I only use my hands to pat it on my face. And one tip is whatever goes on your face,
put it on your neck as well. Because it's difficult if you neglect your

Your facial skin may be good, but if you leave
out your neck, it might not look good. So make sure to use products for your neck
as well. After essence, I use a serum or ampule. So this is the Centella Blemish Ampule from

I have a full review of this one complete
with check ins and all that. So if you guys are interested, I will be placing
a link down in the description bar and on the card over there. Basically, I apply this after essence or sometimes,
I just skip the essence and go straight to ampule.I feel like as long as I have a treatment
product in my skin care routine, I'm good. Sometimes, I just use essence and sometimes,
I just use ampule.

But there are also time when I use both. Whenever I use both, I use the essence first,
then ampule. This one is really good for acne prone skin. I feel like it helps a lot especially since
ampules are made to sink deeper into your skin.

It's really good to use it especially when
you exfoliate your skin. The skin care products you apply will definitely
be absorbed better by your skin. After ampule, you can go straight to your
moisturizer. And the moisturizer that I'm currently using,
and I've been using this for the past 3 or 4 years, this is the Nature Republic Soothing
and Moisture Aloe Vera 92% Soothing Gel.

This has really changed my skin care game. I was using different moisturizers before
this and I noticed that I really do get a lot of breakouts and I get small bumps here
and there. After I started using this, I noticed that
the small bumps has been minimized. The small bumps on my forehead and on my face
has gone.

Whenever I would break out, it would only
be the ones underneath the skin, cystic ones, caused by hormonal imbalance. But on the surface bumps were removed by this
product. I told myself that for as long as Nature Republic
is still releasing this product, this would be the only moisturizer that I'm going to
use because it works for me. It's very light.

I can use it all year round. Even though we have winter here, and this
is a lightweight moisturizer, perfect for spring and summer, it feels like water when
you apply it, but during winter time, I can use both essence and serum so I feel like
my skin will still be well moisturized while using this. I don't feel the need to change this. I can use it all year round, all seasons,
and it just never breaks me out.

In fact, it improved my skin tremendously. And I know that there are a lot of brands
that copied this one. But I just never tried them because I know
that this already works well for me and I. Just can't risk using another brand's soothing

I might breakout. After that, I apply my eye cream. Usually, I apply eye cream after moisturizing
because at this point, I am making sure that my skin has fully absorbed the moisturizer
I applied. So usually, while waiting, I apply my eye

The eye cream that I'm using is this TEHFACESHOP
Pomegranate and Collagen Volume Lifting Eye Cream and this is my holy grail eye cream. I think this would be my fourth tub. I've been using this since 2014 so it has
already been 3 years. Definitely, I've seen improvements on my undereye
when I started using this.

Whenever i would try different eye creams,
I am always disappointed. They can't compare to this one. When you apply it under your eyes, it feel
lightweight like regular eye cream but it keeps the eye area moisturized (for a long
time). Which is why I think the fine line underneath
my eyes aren't pronounced.

I'm 27 and I'm not getting any younger. I definitely have fine lines underneath my
eyes and I want to prevent further depression of fine lines. This really helps me with that. I remember I tried switching to a different
eye cream because of the craze about the Mizon eye cream.

I tried it out but got disappointed because
this one performs so much better. I highly recommend it. A friend of mine is also using this one. She was actually the one who recommended this
to me because before, I was using a different THEFACESHOP eye cream and it worked well for
me, the Wrinkle Stop eye cream.

However, it was phased out. And then my friend just casually mentioned
that she also wanted to get the Wrinkle Stop eye cream but she couldn't find it so she
got this one. So when I couldn't find the Wrinkle Stop eye
cream, I decided to switch to this one and it was a good decision. My only problem with this one is it''s not
readily available in most THEFACESHOP stores (recently).

I'm not sure if they're planning to phase
this one out or what but when I went to Korea and when I was still living in the Philippines,
whenever I would visit THEFACESHOP stores, this is not available. Good thing I saw this on the ibuybeauti website. It can last you for 6-8 months and I religiously
use it twice a day. It comes with a spatula too.

After that one, I have an extra step that
I do. It's not really included in the 10-Step Korean
skin care routine but I ought to mention it to you guys, because I always do this. After applying eye cream, I apply lip balm. Your lips also show signs of aging.

There are lines that will show how old you
are. Which is why it is really best to keep moisturizing
your lips. As for me, I use this everyday and night. After all of that, I go ahead with the last
step of my daytime skin care routine, which is Step #9, and this is the sunscreen.

And the one that I'm using is the Nature Republic
Provence Calendula Aqua Sun Gel. It contains SPF 50+ and a PA of +++. Now, sunscreen is very important. I know some people don't use sunscreen but
it's very impoprtant.

They say when it's rainy or it's winter time,
or when the sun is not shining brightly, they don't use sunscreen, but guys, the sun doesn't
go away. That is why there's light during daytime. That means there are ultraviolet rays whether
or not it is scorching hot or not. Definitely, wear sunscreen all the time.

So I always use this every single morning. And what I found out over the years is my
skin is very sensitive to sunscreens. I can only use gel type variants. Previously, I only used dermatologist prescribed
or provided sun gels but I found this one.

This is the Nature Republic Sun Gel and it
works on my skin. It contains 60ml, if I'm not mistaken. It just feels like a super light gel lotion. When you apply it on your face, it gets absorbed

Sometimes when you apply regular sunscreens,
it feel sticky and it's very hard to blend but it is defintely not the case for this
one. It gets easily absorbed and I really like
using this one. I highly recommend it. I would definitely repurchase after I finish
this one.

Anyway, for the last step of the skin care
routine, usually, I do this at night. In replacement of the sunscreen but I only
do this once a week. Once or twice a week. Back when I was in the Philippines and I wasn't
working, I used to do this twice a week and it definitely gave good results on my skin.

However, since I'm very busy with work, I
can't do it twice a week but if you can, I. Highly suggest that you do. I normally use this after all of my skin care
products. This is just face masks.

Basically, I use this to seal everything on
top of it. Some people like to use this after toner because
it also contains essence. For me, I like to use this on top of everything
just to seal everything in place. My favorite at the moment are Innisfree ones.

I have more variants in my collection right
now but the one that I would highly recommend at the moment are Innisfree It's Real Squeeze
Masks. Any variant from this line is good for my
skin. It never breaks me out. I really remember when I was doing mask sheets
twice a week, it definitely made my skin a lot better.

And it even decreased the amount of breakouts
I was having. It definitely improved the condition of my
skin. The next step is not a part of the Korean
10-Step Skin Care Routine but I do it because I have acne prone skin and that step is Spot
Treatment. For spot treatment, I use this one right here.

It's the Centella Blemish Cream and it's just
a cream that you apply on your breakout. The trick to using this one because it says
right here: how to use it. Apply on pimples by dabbing with fingertip
until cream blends into the skin. So I used to do exactly like that.But I realized
that if I apply it and dab it halfway until it gets absorbed by the skin, and then I just
let the rest of the centella cream on my face to get absorbed naturally, I feel that it
works better.

It heals my pimples faster. It draws out the gunk from underneath your
pores and it just promotes healing faster. Another thing that I like to do whenever I
have breakouts especially when I have cystic acne, because those are definitely underneath
the skin. I use pimple patches.

I use this Etude House AC Clinic Powder Spot
Patch but I'm almost running out. I'm looking forward to trying out the COSRX
one. So far, that's my skin care routine but I'm
looking forward to try more Korean kin care products. In fact, I have a few that I want to share
with you.

Just so you know what products I'm going to
be trying out over the next few months. You're gonna have to look forward to my feedback
on these products on my future favorites videos. I do it bi-monthly. So you'll probably see these products there
if I do like it.

I'm looking forward to trying out this one. This is the COSRX Advanced Snail 96 Mucin
Power Essence and then I'm also really excited to try this out but at the same time I am
very nervous because this is an eye cream from a different brand. This is the Innisfree Orchid Eye Cream. I've heard so many good things about this

It looks like that and I'm quite excited to
try this one out. But I'm nervous because like I said before,
whenever I steer away from the THEFACESHOP. Eye cream, I get disappointed. I hope don't get disappointed with this one.

I will let you know my thoughts on this one
on a future video. And then I'm also looking forward to trying
out this one. This is super popular in Korea. This is the COSRX One Step Pimple Clear Pad.

I'll try it as soon as I can. I'll let you know what I think about this. At the same time, I'm also going to be trying
out the COSRX Acne Pimple Master Patch. Once I run out of the Etude House one, I will
use this one for my pimples whenever I get cystic ones..

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