The greater Corn Moisture

Corn Moisture

The greater the moisture in corn the more pounds you need to equal one bushel. The Ohio State University Extension provides a table entitled "Corn Moisture Corrections," which illustrates the point. According to the table, corn with 10 percent moisture requires 63.49 pounds of ear corn to equal one bushel. The figure for shell corn is 52.58 pounds. Increase the moisture to 15 percent and the figure rises to 67.89 pounds for ear corn and 55.67 pounds for shell corn to equal one bushel.

Soil Moisture

Moisture in soil affects yield equations for crops. Measure subsoil moisture with a soil moisture probe. The government of Saskatchewan provides yield equations for various crops that require a figure for water usage which includes subsoil moisture and predicted rainfall levels. The yield equation provides a good estimate as to crop production.

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