We Scraped The Acne Off Our Faces

We Scraped The Acne Off Our Faces

(Upbeat music) - I've dealt with acne
throughout my whole life, ever since I was a teenager. - I've been struggling with adult acne and breakouts every other month. - I'm Doctor Harold Lancer,
I'm a Dermatologist. And we're gonna be
demonstrating the microbuff.

Using little fine crystals
and polishing the skin. And it works by actually removing some of the dead skin cells
layer, and does it painlessly. Doctor Lancer reporting for duty. So you have a little bit
of a dried out cyst there, some shaving, razor-burn, a little bit of markings here, redness, brown.

A little bit of acne
that's a little bit active and a little bit subdued, and a little bit of ongoing clogging. The polishing is actually done
with the machine behind you. The microbuffer, to sort
of polish your skin down, then we'll use some of the liquid nitrogen to clean away the debris. And then you'll actually feel your skin, it'll feel like a baby's brand new butt.

- Oh wow. - That's how smooth. And now this is the microbuffing. - [Assistant] Just keep
your eyes closed okay? (Machine whirring) - [Assistant] Yeah, that's how it feels.

It's like those crystals
actually scraping off the surface of your skin
to actually get rid of that dead skin cells that's
been there for a while. - It feels like it's suctioning, vacuum, with little jagged knives at the end. Scraping my skin off. - What is this white stuff
that you're putting on me? - [Assistant] These are the crystals.

Then this crystal microbeads
are very fine crystals that are also uniform in shape and size, so it doesn't hurt the skin,
it won't abraid the skin. - [Harold] It's stimulating
new blood flow to the skin. You need new blood flow to
bring oxygen to the skin, and that's how the skin repairs itself. - [Assistant] So I'm just
taking off the crystals off of her face and then
I'll do another round of the cleansing to prepare
her for our favorite part, the warm towel and liquid nitrogen.

(Dramatic music) - Ahh, That feels good. - [Assistant] Yeah, this
is my favorite part. So it actually does,
it's whatever's left over from the microbuff,
all the dead skin cells that are on the surface of the skin, it actually helps get rid of it even more. - I've never been to antarctica, but I'm assuming this
is what it feels like.

- I feel like a baby, 28 years ago. - Alright, I'm ready for my review. - [Assistant] Here you go. - Wow! - Now I'm excited to
try the skincare routine for the following week.

Maybe longer if it works. - Hopefully I'm acne free
forever after this week. - So it's been a few
days since my treatment, and I'm using the products
and it feels really good. My scars have definitely gone down, it's not bumpy and red as much anymore.

- My skin is a lot smoother, and my complexion is
definitely more bright. If you would take a look at
the right side of my cheek, I had like active breakouts
when I first went in, and they basically have
subsided for the most part. Overall, things have
been going pretty good, and I'm super excited because it hasn't even been a whole week. - It feels really nice and smooth, still, so I just gotta keep
this up and, hopefully, everything will go away..

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