Women Find The Cause Of Their Acne

Women Find The Cause Of Their Acne

- I would love for like a day where it's not like oh my God your skin looks really good right now, but it's just like, oh my God, your skin is fucking flawless. (Pop music) Today we're getting our acne diagnosed. And I'm very excited about it. - I'm slightly nervous just because I've been
avoiding them for a while now.

- When I was a teen, I
actually had really clear skin. And like never had to wear make up. It wasn't until like I was in my 20s and all of a sudden I started getting like weird cystic acne that I was like what the fuck is going on? - So about six months ago, I
was completely normal skin. Now, as of today, I'm pretty combination.

- I feel like the dermatologist is gonna tell me that it's like hormonal because I do find that
my acne is very cyclical. - At first I thought it was my makeup, so I changed my makeup. And then I thought it was because I wasn't cleaning my brushes enough. And I just hate that I can't walk out the house without makeup on.

- I'm ready to just get it figured out. (Upbeat music) - My name is Dr. Vicki Rapaport. And I am a dermatologist
at Rapaport Dermatology.

I'm gonna help diagnose their acne. Explain to them what kind
of acne that they have. Hi Alaina. How are you doing? - I'm doing well, I'm excited.

- I'm gonna take a really good look at you and then we'll decide what
to do based on what I see. So now comes rule number one in my book. Absolutely no picking allowed, right? - Right, see that's a problem. I'm a picker.

- Okay, so you're a picker.
- Yeah. - That's good information, that's stuff I need to hear about. From afar, it looks a little bit T-Zone. Not so much on your forehead, but down the middle of your
face is central acne.

And yes, it is definitely cystic. I mean, they're small
cysts, but they're cysts. Even if you told me you didn't pick, I would know you were
not telling me the truth because I can tell. - I know.

- But that's good in
a way that it's mostly old picked lesions, it's
not a lot of active things. You do you have a couple
little tiny pustules. And then you have a couple
old scars on your chin. It's pretty clear you have
a genetic predisposition to either have a lot of
oil glands in these areas, compared to the average person, or your oil glands are
just easily turned on.

Remember, stick with science. We do know a couple things
now and it's kind of new. There's something called
the glycemic index. I've been shown that high glycemic index foods can affect acne.

White sugar, white rice,
cookies, candies, sodas, having a high glycemic index food that increases your insulin levels does actually affect your oil production. We've diagnosed your acne,
and now what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna do a liquid
nitrogen slush on you. It's gonna take off the
very top surface layer. And just help start the
whole exfoliation progress.

I like the idea of doing
the lightstim on you. It's gonna take about 10 minutes, and like I said, there's no down time. And it kills the bacteria on your skin. (Upbeat music) Let's talk about Bree first.

It's really interesting about Bree is that you see her from afar and you think that she has a lot of acne, but actually she just has more post inflammatory lesions that are old. So we're treating Bree topically. Alaina, she had a little
bit different acne. Hers was a little deeper,
a little more cystic.

She was very, very, very oily. Her oil production will
be good later in life, but now it's just causing more acne. For her, we did something oral, an antibiotic which
will kill the bacteria. - Thank you so much for everything today.

I feel like we worked
out some serious issues. You're now my dermatologist
and my therapist. - The first time going
to the dermatologist, I was quite nervous. I knew she would have to tell
me what I needed to hear.

And I didn't think I was
necessarily ready for that. Because I thought I was
doing the right things. - I had a very strong inkling that it would be hormonally based. And I think she emphasized more of like a genetic basis on it.

- She had told me that my diet
is a big cause of my acne. I thought she was gonna tell me something completely different. - I fully recommend
going to a dermatologist. I honestly don't know how
it took me so long to go.

Like, I feel really silly about it. I recognize that, like healthcare
can be kind of expensive, and finding the right
doctor can be intimidating, but like, if there is
something bothering you about, like, the way your skin is, there's not a reason for
you to live like that. (Upbeat music).

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