5 Keys to Anti-Aging and Beauty

5 Keys to Anti-Aging and Beauty

Josh: Hey guys, we're going to be talking
about how to totally transform your skin and really natural beauty tips including the best
essential oils, best herbs, best vitamins and supplements, and some of the best foods
for transforming your skin. And if you're a person who is struggling with
any type of skin issue or just in general, you want to have beautiful glowing skin. We're going to talk about some of our top
tips today. So Jordan we can go ahead and jump right in.

I know we've got . . . Again I'll play Vanna
White here for the first one I'll have you then number two.

We're going to talk about five keys to anti-aging
and having perfect glowing skin. And so, number one thing that you need to
start doing right away to transform the health of your skin is do what Jordan? Jordan: Healthy fats, and there are many types
of fats and I recommend you get them in your diet every day. Let's talk a little bit about the taboo saturated
fats, or should I say the bomb, because saturated fats are critical for your health and what
are saturated fats? They come in medium and short chains. Short chain fatty acids which are great for
the gut, and by the way, the skin is a reflection of your insides.

It's a great way to tell how healthy you are. Short chain fatty acids are found in butter,
even a more concentrated source in ghee. I know you love ghee I loved ghee. Josh: Oh yeah.

Jordan: I loved ghee. It's really good for you. Ghee is clarified butter and it's a powerful
food and remedy that is consumed throughout India and around the world. Those are short chain fatty-acids.

Medium chain primarily comes from coconut
oil, and palm oil, and red palm oil also has vitamin E which is great for the skin. It can be a little messy though when you consume
or cook with the red palm oil it can stain really bad. Coconut oil and red palm oil fell out of favor
50 or so years ago when the myth that saturated fat causes heart disease was out there. Well guess what? Saturated fat might actually help your heart.

In fact, we believe it does. So you want saturated fats, coconut, coconut
oil, palm oil, look for organic virgin or unprocessed, you want butter grass-fed organic
and ghee. And then we have monounsaturated fats coming
from olives in olive oil, macadamia nuts, you've got sesame seeds, peanuts have monounsaturated
oils, and avocados are a great source. Josh: Yeah, absolutely.

Jordan: And then we have Omega-3s, two types. From fish, fatty fish in particular salmon
herring, mackerel, sardines, and fatty tuna. You've got Omega-3s from walnuts, chia seeds,
and flax seeds and their oils and you can take supplements of course that have EPA and
DHA. And probably, and you asked me this before,
my favorite source of fats because it has phospholipids, it has squalene, and many other
fatty acid components, its caviar or fish roe.

And it's not just for the wealthy. Caviar is fairly affordable when you buy it
from the right places. And it's really, really beneficial. Little high in sodium but if you can get either
salmon roe or any type of caviar with no preservatives and colors, it not only gives you omega-3
fats, it gives you Vitamin E, Vitamin D, and phospholipids which help drive the fats into
your system.

Those are amazing for your skin. Egg yolk is also a great source of fat, and
get this here's a tip. When I see people that have skin issues, I
recommend an egg yolk facial mask. I don't know if you've heard of this but not
only does it have antioxidants, but it also pulls out impurities.

And I believe that when you consume eggs internally,
especially raw and another program we'll tell you how to do that properly. Eggs actually act like a toxin sponge and
can pull junk out of your body. But if you are bold enough to wear egg on
your face, give it a try. Eggs are good internally and they're good
on your face, especially if they're pasture raised.

Josh: And I might want to mention this, one
of the things, face masks Jordan, I love the idea of the egg yolk and adding some turmeric
to that. Rubbing that on the skin, it's incredible. I know we're going to talk about some natural
beauty tips when we jump in and talk about essential oils. Jordan: Yeah, I'm not to be here when the
person who rubbed turmeric on their face calls back in and says, "How do I get it off?" You can talk to him about that one I'll stick
with the egg yolk.

Josh: All right, let's jump in here, so five
keys to anti-aging, number two one of my absolutely favorite topics. We're going to talk about the best essential
oils for supporting healthy skin and the natural anti-aging process. And I'll tell you Jordan, I'm a huge fan of
essential oils. I'm going to start off talking about some
of my favorite essential oils and let you talk about some of yours.

So I'm a huge fan of geranium and geranium
rose. Geranium, actually works through naturally
hydrating and moisturizing your skin. So geranium is one of my favorites. I love myrrh essential oil.

We know myrrh was used in the Bible. In fact Jordan, when we hear the story of
the three wise men bringing gold, frankincense, and myrrh to the infant Jesus, some researchers
believe that myrrh would have been used by the whole family, but potentially by Mary
as well. In fact, myrrh during those days was used
to prevent infection, it was used to balance hormones. We know Queen Esther, it's referenced in the
Bible that she used a total of six oils, but one of those they mentioned was myrrh essential
oil along with floral oils as a natural beauty treatment.

We know Cleopatra . . . So again myrrh essential
oil, one of the most popular, one of my favorite.

And myrrh is a little bit thicker than the
other oils. One of the benefits is it doesn't vaporize
as quickly as certain other essential oils. So myrrh oil, one of my personal favorites
especially for issues of red, dry, and flaking type skin, it's absolutely fantastic for those
types of issues as well. Jordan: Now you know what I always think about
when I read the passage of Scripture in the book of Esther, could you imagine if we found
the scroll that talked about the beauty treatments that the incoming queen candidates consumed? Josh: Oh yeah.

Jordan: That would be so amazing, six months
of treatment of myrrh is what the Bible said. But just a written protocol how cool with
that because those were ladies that transformed themselves to be in the presence of the king. So if any of you have that scroll, you can
send that in and we'll give you more than just one free gift. Josh: And I want to talk about a natural .

. . Actually
I'll talk about my special formula for my anti-aging serum using essential oils in one
second. But Jordan, share with us some of your favorite
essential oils for natural skin care and beauty.

Jordan: Absolutely and I do love lavender. In fact for me, every day I use lavender,
frankincense, and rosemary, and I pour it on my head, actually multiple times and I
love to anoint my kids. Josh and I are working on an amazing book,
I'll tease it here. It will be already in the next few months.

It's called Essential oils: Ancient Medicine
for the Modern World and it is a whopping 400 plus pages already and it's not fully
complete. It is the guide to essential oils, and I'm
loving doing the research and the reading myself. It's truly amazing. But one thing we talked about is, how I like
to anoint my kids and I put a little drop of usually lavender, it's an oil that can
be very safe for children in various areas.

I'll tell you something funny in just a minute
that many people can probably attest to doing also. So I put a drop of oil on their head and I
quote from Psalm 23, "I anoint your head with oil your cap runs over, surely goodness and
mercy will follow you all the rest of your days and you'll dwell in the house of the
Lord forever." And I say that about myself when I pour it
on. You know what else I thought of? I have a bunch of goats and animals at the
farm and I said, next time a female goat has triplets, three girls, I'm going to name them
Surely, Goodness, and Mercy. You know what I did the other day? I get to the bottom of the essential oils
and I get irritated because they don't come out of what you would call the orifice reach
anymore, so I pull it off and then I close it, thinking I'll remember next time.

So I went and poured frankincense on my head
and I couldn't catch it. Sometimes you quickly catch it, it went all
over my face and I think almost in my eyes and it didn't bother me. It was unbelievable, I mean I wouldn't normally
put frankincense in my eye and my cup certainly ran over that day. But if that's ever happened to you, you know
what I'm talking about.

Thank God it wasn't oregano. Josh: Yeah, no exactly. Yeah oregano or clove you'd have to be running
water in your eye for 30 minutes. Jordan: And I have accidentally put clove
on when I did it in the dark, just a drop or two and it wasn't that great, I'll tell

Josh: Oh yeah. So as we're talking about, I mean essential
oils are so beneficial for the skin, part of your natural beauty routine. I'm going to share my formula for a natural
anti-aging serum that I use, that my wife Chelsea uses on a regular basis. Before I do that though, today there are millions
of people all around the world who are using chemical based products Jordan.

If you think about it, I mean things like
EDTA, sodium lauryl sulfate, parabens, all of these chemicals that are found in our shampoo,
and our body lotions, and our moisturizers. I want to encourage you today, if you're using
those chemically based beauty products and skincare products. Get them out of your house, replace them with
essential oils. We actually have lots of natural DIY recipes
on my website, draxe.Com.

So if you want to make your own natural shampoo
like I do, just search Dr. Axe shampoo recipe and we've got all of those things on there
right now. And so here's this radiating serum we use,
Jordan. We actually use a little bit of jojoba oil
which is very good for the skin.

We do a little bit of pomegranate oil, and
then we mix in lavender, myrrh, and geranium. Those oils and then a lot of times frankincense. And so we mix all those oils together. That's what we use in our skin, that's what
we use on our face, that's one of the great things as well about oils especially like
frankincense and geranium.

Whether you have dry or oily skin, they're
actually good for both. They work to naturally balance out the oil
on your skin. So again, essential oil is so powerful we
know for natural beauty and skin. And I know Jordan you've got kids at home,
so we're talking about anti-aging and beauty before I uncover this third one.

What are some of the oils you use if your
kids get any type of issue maybe they fall and scrape themselves? What do you do in that case?
Jordan: I hate to go to the well too often but lavender is so good for mild burns, cuts,
and scrapes. I cut two of my fingers, I'm not even sure
how and you're always preparing things, kids have nails or grabbing this that in the other,
but lavender is so gentle and soothing. I use it all the time. But I also use frankincense and I'll use it
more now that I dropped some in my eye by accident because it's pretty soothing as well.

But I think lavender and frankincense are
a major one-two punch. Lavender brings healing, frankincense is very
anti-inflammatory so they're both amazing. There's many others of course. And there's also what we would call the healthy
fats to use.

Rosehip and rosehip seed oil are really, really
good as well. And of course coconut oil is always great. Josh: Oh yeah. We're jumping into number three here.

You guys are going to enjoy this one. This is huge and may surprise some of you
when it comes to skin health. Number three here in the five keys to anti-aging,
you need to consume more collagen rich foods. Jordan: And this would be bone broth which
we mention almost every single program.

That is the quintessential beauty product. We talked about this yesterday, if you want
great health there's a handful of foods and compounds that are ancient yet need to be
super modern. We mentioned fermented foods, bone broth,
fish roe or caviar, those are amazing. But particularly, bone broth.

And it isn't just bone broth, when you are
consuming a chicken, so today we're having organic roasted chicken for dinner. When it's organic I eat the skin, it's one
of my favorite parts. That's where the hyaluronic acid and other
collagen boosting compounds are found. So even if you're not simply making broth,
you can consume the skin.

And you know what else? In addition of bone broth, meaty broth. When you cook meat or when you roast chicken,
people always throw away what they think is the fat. It's not the fat. Its broth from the meat that contains not
only collagen rich substances but also immune supportive, energizing supplements particularly
amino acids.

Josh: Yeah, it's incredible. If you think about Thanksgiving and all that
juice at the bottom of the turkey, I mean it is loaded, that's where all the nutrients
are. Now, my mom, my grandmother likes to make
gravy out of it. Now when Chelsea and I do Thanksgiving now,
we actually use that, we make our own sort of paleo or gluten-free gravy with it.

It is so good for the body and that's the
part that you absolutely want to be getting on a regular basis. So I want to mention a few things here with
collagen rich foods. If you look at bone broth, it is packed with
proline and glycine. I mean these are building blocks of collagen
that support healthy tissues.

And when you're buying things specifically
for the skin type one, two, and three collagen are all beneficial. So you want to focus on getting something
that's a well-rounded product with different types of collagen. And Jordan, another thing I want to mention
here when we look at bone broth, is its high in something you mentioned. It's high in glucosamine, chondroitin, and
hyaluronic acid.

All of these not only support the joints and
the gut, they protect the skin as well. And talk to me Jordan about some other food,
so again we know bone broth is by far number one. But after bone broth are there any other foods,
or nutrients, or plants that actually can support collagen production in your own body? Jordan: There are many. Think about this, when you look at bone broth
you talk about chondroitin, glucosamine, and hyaluronic acid, they are glycosaminoglycans.

They are polysaccharides, so there are also
proteoglycans and there's really two major food sources of polysaccharides. You could think a third potentially and they're
all good for the skin. Number one is mushrooms. Mushrooms both culinary and medicinal are

And we talked about this earlier, well not
a mushroom, more of a fungus, chaga is amazing. Chaga actually has melanin in it, chaga is
a tree fungus from Russia and is absolutely acclaimed. Reishi or Ganoderma is a powerful Chinese
mushroom that people talk about as the mushroom of immortality. Turkey tail is amazing for a number of reasons.

Shiitake is great, agaricus. So mushrooms are a great source, not only
of immune support but of collagen building. Number two is sea vegetables or seaweed. Seaweed has various components or polysaccharides,
sulfated polysaccharides in red marine algae that's great for collagen and elastin production.

And of course, citrus. Vitamin C was named after collagen. Vitamin C which cured scurvy, scurvy was really
characterized by bleeding gums and loose gums and teeth because the collagen had worn down. So consuming Vitamin C rich food and the cofactor,
so that's why I think actually lemon, orange, grapefruit, lime, and tangerine oil would
be great as well because all of the components.

Citrus peel is wonderful. But consuming lemon or lime juice can help
also boost collagen production. So if you're someone who says, "You two always
talk about bone broth. I'm a plant-based eater, I'm a vegan," well
here's what you can do.

I'm not only a bone broth every day, I have
shroom broth every day. Josh: I love it. Jordan: More like tea. I take mushrooms and some of them are very
hard, we grow medicinal mushrooms I will make a decoction or an infusion and
consume that as well.

So I'm getting it all over from all different
angles. And this isn't even a vegetable, it's a fungi,
so let's call it this, multi kingdom collagen. Josh: I like it, it's great. So Jordan, step number four here, let's talk
about it.

Organic acid, I'll have you go first. Jordan: Organic acids are a powerful, often
left out nutritional superhero. Organic acids are created either naturally
in food, so citric acid is found in lemon. There is acetic acid which is created by bacteria
but found in apple cider vinegar, there is fulvic and humic acid which is created by
the natural breakdown of carbon-based substances and there is lactic acid through probiotic
fermentation and many others.

Organic acids, we hear a lot of them, fruit
acids put on the skin, right? Josh: Oh yeah. Jordan: But consuming fermented foods is a
great way to get organic acids, as is consuming something that will contain a fulvic or humic
acid. So these are really, really important. One great source of organic acids is Himalayan

Shilajit is sort of this dark colored goo
that oozes from volcanic areas. They find it in the Himalayas. Also another form of it is humate. So consuming those can be really, really good
for you.

But organic acids truly help you become younger
and most Americans today because of our processed diet are virtually deficient in organic acids. Josh: Jordan a lot of people talk about alkalizing
the body. But organic acids kind of work in a different
way, they really help balance your pH of your digestive system which is really so important
for the body. We know that there's a lot of different organic
acids, Jordan mentioned shilajit, even apple cider vinegar, we're talking about things
like acetic acid, fermented herbs, sauerkraut, some of these other foods, great sources of
organic acids.

And they really support a healthy probiotic
growth within your system as well. So you really want to make sure you're getting
some organic acids. So one tablespoon of apple cider vinegar and
water with a meal is a great thing to do. A serving of sauerkraut as we've talked about,
or in your supplements looking for things like shilajit, humic acid, fulvic acid, like
Jordan's talking about.

Some absolutely fantastic tips there, what
about kombucha? Jordan: Kombucha has organic acids as well,
it has glucuronic, gluconic, and acetic acid, and it's another great source of organic acids
and beauty. A lot of people consume kombucha for its beauty
benefits. Josh: Jordan, what do you think and, this
is a little off topic, but Jordan, what are your thoughts on iodine? Jordan: I think iodine can be very good, some
people believe it is the absolute answer for everything. We're going to talk about that in an upcoming
show, but I think a natural source of iodine particularly sea vegetables can be really,
really good, and there are some good supplements out there and there are people that really
need iodine.

So if you know that you've got thyroid issues,
I would recommend seeking help from a natural health care practitioner to make sure, but
that would be their reason to supplement with larger amounts of iodine. Josh: Absolutely. Our last food and this is an absolutely big
one. Jordan: I'm going to talk about three enzyme
rich fruits, okay? So two fruits that are known for their enzyme
content are papaya and pineapple.

So papaya has papain, I'm sure you've heard
of papain. It's the number one meat tenderizer out there,
because it breaks down proteins, it's also found in a lot of supplements that are geared
towards digestion. Bromelain is the other. Bromelain is from pineapple really from the
stem, and papain is commonly found in the latex or the skin of the papaya, not the parts
we eat unfortunately.

Those two are standbys for enzyme production. Josh: So Jordan, talk about those enzymes
that are found in kiwi and then I can touch on the next fruit after that. Jordan: I absolutely. I've been eating one to two kiwis a day or
in evening since I realized that the powerful enzyme actinidain which is another proteolytic
or protein digesting enzyme is found in kiwi.

And kiwi also contains omega-3s, the seeds
and you can even eat the skin. I peel it because I like to taste better. But kiwis are awesome and the enzymes in the
fruit, it's not found in the stem or a part you don't eat. So eat more kiwis, look for the actinidain
enzyme content.

And the last one is? Josh: Figs. I mean, Jordan knows because I talk about
them all the time, I am a huge fig fan. And figs actually contain fican which is another
proteolytic enzyme that has similar benefits to actinidain, and bromelain, and papain. So again, figs are absolutely fantastic for

When you talk about the skin, talk about an
antioxidant powerhouse. All of those seeds are great for naturally
helping cleans the colon. So again, figs are a great one. So remember this, pineapple is great.

We know that papaya is great. But our two favorites are probably kiwi and
figs are excellent. I want to actually throw one more out there. There's an herb or a root high in proteolytic
enzymes, ginger.

Ginger contains zingiberene which is another
enzyme that actually helps support digestion. So ginger is beneficial for so many things. But that could go on the list there as well. And just a few recipe ideas.

I love doing Jordan, I'm a kiwi smoothie,
I do actually just some kiwi. A lot of times I'll put some of that vanilla
bone broth protein powder in with that. The figs, I love doing with chocolate. In fact my wife and I a few weeks ago do chocolate

We did some raspberries, blueberries, and
figs dipped, so we took dark chocolate, coconut milk mixed it up, did fondue with it. Talk about an anti-aging dessert. We got a couple questions here we're going
to answer for you right now. One of the first questions here is from Sarah.

She says, "What are your thoughts on this? My husband is afraid to take probiotics because
he hasn't eaten too clean lately. Wouldn't he benefit from taking probiotics
anyways?" Jordan: Probiotics are great if you eat well
or if you don't. And either way, they're not going to harm
you because if you get too many they're merely digested as protein would be. So if you've not eaten very well lately, it's
the best time to take probiotics, maybe not a mega dose but certainly get started on it.

Josh: All right. Maria has a question. She says, "My son has some skin issues," so
her young son. Says, "The doctor say they are actually under
the skin cysts.

I'm just wondering what are some things my
son can do to help him have naturally healthy skin? Jordan: Not sure the age, but detoxification
or cleansing is very, very important. But one of the best ways to have healthy skin,
and there's so many things we could have mentioned, hydrating. I know people that get enough fluids have
much better looking skin. I would put fat right up there as a one-to-one.

But also getting sun. Many people have skin issues when they don't
get sun, green foods are amazing. There's so many things we left out in retrospect. But also this would be a great candidate for
essential oils, particularly frankincense and lavender combo.

Josh: Yeah, I would say one of the things,
especially if we're talking about a young boy here, let's say it's elementary or high
school often times as Jordan mentioned, lavender oil is great. One of my favorite things to do Jordan, is
to mix manuka honey, or just raw local honey you get at your farmers market with some lavender
and tea tree oil. Rub it on the face, leave it on there two
minutes and wash it off. It's really great for young kids and teens
to do.

Jordan, this is a question from Licha Rosa
Shifflett she says, "How can I lessen some of my hormone balance issues?" Jordan: Start with adaptogenic herbs, not
pro-hormones, not bioidentical hormones but adaptogenic herbs. Ashwagandha is my favorite, rhodiola is really
good, eleuthera, reishi, reishi is amazing, cordyceps you mentioned, ginseng, depending
on what you're dealing with is a powerful adaptogen as well. Schisandra is just awesome. Adaptogens first, two I would go with a bioidentical
hormone program under a licensed physician.

So get tested. I don't believe in using progesterone creams,
just loosey goosey, as you say, willy nilly or whatever. Because you don't know your numbers. So make sure that you get tested and I think
bioidentical hormones are a second step.

Third of course would be a prescription hormone
medication which I'm not too fond of, but some people need based on what their lifestyle
is. So start with adaptogenic herbs that help
lower cortisol, helping to boost DHEA which helps with everything from serotonin to you
name it. Josh: Got a comment here from Dana. She says, "Yes.

I cut out dairy and it helped acne," so that's
a great comment there. We have actually a question from Nida. She says, "I get bloated a lot. Any thoughts and what can cause it and help
to reduce bloating." Jordan: So eating one food at a time is great.

Number two, chew your food thoroughly, I guarantee
you, Nida, if you focus on chewing after our program all my kids took longer to eat dinner
because they were chewing their food. And they were like, "You and Josh argued. He said 30, dad you said 50, I'm going with
30," thanks a lot, Josh. So they're happy.

Chew your food more thoroughly, especially
carbohydrates and really take digestive enzymes with your food, that is what this is for,
to reduce post-meal, gas, and bloating. Josh: Hi, Dr. Axe here. I want to say thanks so much for checking
out this YouTube video.

Also don't forget to subscribe if you want
to get more great content on things like herbs, essential oils, natural remedies, and how
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