Anti-Aging Facelift MassageHow to Get Rid of Face FatTanaka Method - Massage Monday #203

Anti-Aging Facelift MassageHow to Get Rid of Face FatTanaka Method - Massage Monday #203

Hi everyone. This is Yasuko and it's time
for Massage Monday. As I'm getting older I have been bombarded
with signs of age starting with gray hair, fine lines, things are sagging and drooping,
getting loose and lumpy. It's very sad.

I have been researching anti-aging facelift
massage. This week I'm going to introduce you to Yukuko Tanaka who was charismatic very
famous Japanese beautician. Unfortunately she passed away last year but there's a
lot of DVDs and books and tutorials so the rest of us can still benefit from her method.
She was famous for Zougan Massage which helped to lift up the face and make your face smaller.
You look 10 years younger and you only need few minutes a day. In her method she incorporates lymphatic drainage

As you can see there's a lymph node in front of the ear. The idea is to loosen
up the facial muscles. Push all the impurities, toxins and fat to the lymph node in front
of the ear and drain it through the neck towards the lymph node by the clavicle. I'm going
to bare all my imperfections and work on myself.

Let's get started. First you need a creme or lotion to massage
with. I'm going to use my favorite moisturizer by Eminence Organics. Apply all over your

Let's get the lymphatic system going by slowly stroking from the ear down to the
clavicle three times. Use the index, middle and ring fingers. You are touching the side
of the neck, not the front of the neck. If you have long fingernails you can stroke the
other side of the neck.

Right side with your left hand and left side with your right hand. On the forehead. Slide your three fingers
from the center to the sides. Drain by sliding your finger by the ear to the clavicle.

this three times. Around the eyes. Gently slide right under
the eye from the outer corner to the inner corner. Put a little pressure as you slide
your finger under the eyebrow.

Then slide your fingers under the eye socket with little
pressure from the inner corner to the outer corner and to the temple. Drain by the ear
to the clavicle. Right under the eye inside the eye socket is very delicate so do it very
gently. Do not touch the eye balls.

From the center of the chin, press and slide
your fingers around the mouth to the philtrum between the nose and the upper lip. Firmly
press against the gum as you do this. Repeat three times. Massage around the soft part of your nose
five times.

This helps to cleanse the pores. Then massage the hard part of your nose. Slide
your fingers to the sides and drain by the ears to the clavicle. From the center of the chin, slide your fingers
to the corners of your mouth, pass the edges of your nose, and go all the way to the inner
corners of your eyes.

Slide to the sides and drain by the ears to the clavicle. Use the
entire palm, not just fingertips, to push all the meat and fat. Repeat three times. Hold one cheek with one hand.

Slide the palm
from the bottom of the cheek diagonally under the cheek bone to the inner corner of the
eye. Slide to the side and drain. Repeat three times. Again push all the fat from the cheek
to the eye and to the side and drain.

Repeat on the other side. Put three fingers by the soft part of your
nose and press with good pressure. Slide to the ears and drain to the clavicle. Repeat
three times.

Next put the base of your thumb between the
nose and the cheek bone. Slide along the cheek bone to the front of the ears and drain. Repeat
three times. Put the base of your thumb on the corners
of your mouth.

Press against the gum. Slide as you push the cheek meat to the front of
the ears and drain. Repeat three times. Press the heel of your hand on the center
of the chin.

Pull up the chin towards the front of the ear until the thumb goes behind
the ear. And drain down to the clavicle. Repeat three times. This helps to get rid of the
double chin.

Repeat on the other side. Put your thumbs on the chin and firmly press
the sides of your index fingers by the nose. Push all the impurities to the sides outside
of your faceline and drain. Make sure there is no space between the index fingers and
the face.

Repeat three times. With one hand go zigzag on the forehead as
you move from one side to the other. This helps to eliminate the lines. Finish up with the forehead strokes from the
center to the temples and drain by the front of the ear to the clavicle.

Repeat three times. For some reason the video wasn't very clear
but I hope you got the idea. I may have to reshoot the video so it's clearer. You can
easily try this at home as you put on a sunscreen or lotion.

It takes only few minutes so I
think it's worth a try. Some people have immediate results. So try this and let me
know what you think. Thanks for watching.

I'll see you back next
week. Make it a great week and don't forget to subscribe..

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