Should Men Use Anti-Aging CreamsDo Anti Aging Creams Stop WrinklesWhy Men Should Use

Should Men Use Anti-Aging CreamsDo Anti Aging Creams Stop WrinklesWhy Men Should Use

Hi. Im Antonio Centeno. Im the founder of Real Men Real Style.
Today, gentlemen Im going to be answering the question, should men use anti-aging cream?
And, before I get into this, guys I would love to hear from you, whats your gut reaction?
What do you think? Let me know in the comments of the video. And, yeah, give me some feedback
and let me hear it because Im going to give you five factors five things that you
should be thinking about as youre making this decision, three natural ways to actually
improve your skin quality.

And then, Im going to get into the details, what you should
be looking for if youre going to go out there and purchase an anti-aging cream.
At the end of this, Im also going to refer you over to my article. Why? We have a list
and I will actually recommend a few anti-aging creams that I have tried that I have been
using for over the last year, so that you guys can make a smart purchasing decision.
So, really quick here are the five things that I think effect a mans decision and
the answer is, you know, it depends on your situation. There isnt a right or wrong
answer here because first off, it depends on your profession. And, I think this is important
because if youre in sales, if you are the face literally of your company, of your profession,
of your business, its important that you have that you put on a great face.

I mean
think about it, actors, thats a great profession in which how they look matters a lot, whether
theyre going to get the part, whether or not they have sustaining power in the industry.
If you are in sales, you better believe that if you have a pleasant appearance, if youre
I talk about style, but how your face looks is going to have an effect on how much
you sell. You guys that are out there and youre in your 50s, youre in your
60s, youre in your 40s, you know that, hey, you know, people treat me a little
bit different now that Ive aged a bit. Sometimes, it is an advantage, other times
if it starts to become something like you really have bad skin, that you need to pay
attention. And thats factor number two, exposure and
the condition of your skin.

Some of you guys you have blue-collar jobs youre out there
and you are working in the sun. My grandfather, he dug ditches for his entire life. My father
did a lot of  he, you know, he was out there picking strawberries when he was a kid
and growing up. They were exposed a lot to the sun, its something Ive had jobs
like that, but nowadays Im, you know, spend in the office, so I really dont have that,
but many of you guys out there you have really rough skin because youve exposed it to
a lot of sun and it simply is in rougher condition.

So, in that case, actually using an anti-aging
cream may actually help your skin. Point number three, genetics. Some of us are
just simply going to age faster, so thats something to pay attention to.
Number four is your personal situation. So, Im happily married, four kids, and Im
really, you know, I have to say I dress for myself, I dress for my family, but many of
you guys out there, youre maybe in your 40s, your 50s, youre maybe recently
divorced, or youre still single, and youre going out there and youre just simply trying
to put your best foot forward.

I can tell you an anti-aging cream is probably something
youre going to want to look at. And, point number five is simply what do you
want. There are some men out there that just simply want to look good and they want to
look good into their 60s, their 70s, into their 80s. I think it was, you know,
it kind of reminds me  have you ever listen to David Allan Coe? He is  I used to listen
a lot to him when I was younger.

And, he talked about, I think in one of his  basically
he said when he die he wanted his funeral to be a closed casket because he wanted to
look dead. Some of you guys out there, you simply you want to look great until the day
that you die and if that is you, then probably an anti-aging cream is something in your future.
So, guys based off those five factors, you want to make a decision that is right for
you. Now, there are three things that you can do to instantly  well, not instantly,
but overtime improve. One, quit smoking.

Number two, drink more water. And number three, protect
yourself from the sun. Thats not going to require any anti-aging cream. If you do
those three things, you are going to help your skin last longer.
However, all of that being said, anti-aging creams do serve a purpose, so if you find
that you are and you want this, one of the things that happens to our skin is collagen,
I believe that  I believe I said that right.

And, basically there are twenty eight types
of this structural protein. And so, collagen basically it helps with skin elasticity, in
our teens in our twenties, weve got plenty of it. But, something happens in our 30s
and our 40s, our bodies start to produce less of it especially in the skin.
Now, vitamin C has been shown to actually increase the production of collagen, however
if you intake it, its a very, very small amount that actually gets to the skin cells.
So, its been shown in numerous studies that if you actually apply Vitamin C and various
other things Im going to talk about here in a second, you can see basically more of
it of tone in the skin. Why this matters? Okay.

As you get older and older, basically
your skin starts to lose tone and thats why we start to see wrinkles around the body.
And, there is some truth in how you smile and some of the expressions if you use your
facial expressions a lot, youre going to get a bit more wrinkles. But to an effect,
you can start to combat these things. [0:05:14]
Now, youre going to hear two words; lotions and youre going to hear creams. I like
creams a bit more than lotions.

Lotions are going to be a little bit more liquidly, creams
are usually going to be more solid theyre going to have a higher make up of oils and
some of the other things. Creams are also usually going to be more expensive. The easiest
way, lotions are going to flow if you turn them up, creams you could hold them upside
down and theyre not going fall out of the container.
In the article, I go into a lot more detail and Im going to link up that article down
below in the comments, but let me give you a quick overview. So, if youre looking
at the back of a container for an anti-aging cream, you want to make sure you know what
to look at, okay, doesnt have a Vitamin C.

That right there is probably the number
one ingredient youre going to see across the board. The next is going to be hydroxy
acids. Hydroxy acids are kind of expoliators, so when you apply this on the skin, its
actually removing that top layer and its going to allow for penetration of other items
that youre going to be, you know, that are going to be in the ingredients, so retinol,
Vitamin A, these has been shown as well. Basically, to be able to tone up the skin
especially on the face and in hands, always see Coenzyme Q10.

Again, I go into a lot more
detail over in the article, but this is also been shown to have an effect. Weve got
grape seed extracts and tea extracts. Finally, B3 vitamins youre to see as well. Those
are oftentimes used because theyre going to help retain fluid.

Like I said, stopping
smoking, drinking more water 8 glasses a day, and protecting yourself from the sun are natural
ways to improve your skin or to actually keep it in the best light.
But, not all of us will be able to do that, some of us in our 30s, 40s, 50s,
60s, 70s are wanting to have better skin. So, hopefully youre able to use this
information. Go over to the article, Im going to actually recommend a number of companies
that you can check out. Im going to try to have some discounts over there for you,
so if you decide to use them they will actually, you know, be a good deal for you and best
of luck.

And, I would love to hear from you guys in the comments down below what you think
of anti-aging creams for men. Take care. See you in the next video.
[0:07:26] End of Audio.

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