Anti-Aging Skin Care Tips with SK-II Steve Jan - Massage Monday #386

Anti-Aging Skin Care Tips with SK-II Steve Jan - Massage Monday #386

Hi everyone I am Yasuko and it's time
for massage Monday. This week I'm doing something special
and I have a special guest here Steve. Hi everyone I'm Steve so excited to be on Yasuko's channel today. I'm a little bit about me to everyone.

I have YouTube
channels called MrJanAllInOne. On my channel I do a travel luxury and beauty
and I've been with a skincare company called SK-II for 14 years. And today we're
gonna do a four easy step to make you look even more beautiful. Yes and he's an
anti-aging expert and I get a lot of requests for anti-aging facial stuff so
he's gonna show us how to do it.

Okay so first step is we'll want to
cleanse Yasuko's face and since we don't have a water here I'm going to use
the lightweight toning lotions and that will remove her makeup really good.
And ideally you want to use cleanser to wash your face is the best. What I do I
like to put it on the cotton and lightly you swipe like this way. And we're gonna
leave the eye makeup alone so we're not touching our eye makeup. Your skin's good.

Thank you. Well I have been using the SK-II. So I'm
gonna clean this. I'm gonna clean the other side real quick.

For skincare the
most important thing is your cleansing If you don't cleanse your skin properly
the skincare will not go in deep enough and do what it's supposed to do.
And we learned that especially in the U.S. People are so busy and they don't
take time to wash their face. So taking time to wash face is very important. I'm
guilty of that.

You're guilty of that. Just a little bit more. Make sure you
completely clean. How's that feel.That feels good.

And you have a dry skin or oily
skin? I have a combination but I think lately it was kind of getting drier. Getting
drier. I think it's because of a pre-menopausal. Hormonal.

Hormonal. Yeah and the weather we're live in California it is a little bit drier so. So that we just clean the face, clean the
neck. Now we're gonna move to the next step.

After cleanse the face, the first
product I recommend Yasuko to use is SK-II Facial Treatment Essence. And this is the product I have been using for 14 years. It truly is amazing that you
use couple drops on a cotton pad and then you press on the face for one minute the
entire face. So we're gonna do half the face to show you guys before and
after a little bit.

As you press you want to see the water essence on the skin
like this. You're supposed to feel very hydrated as you press in there. Yes. And
you've been using the essence.

Yes. Yeah it feels good. Feels good and ideally you want to use this after toner before your treatments. And what is in this Facial
Treatment Essence.

It's the ingredient called Pitera that was discovered about
35 years ago in Japan. And scientists that visited sake brewery noticed that a worker has a pronounced line wrinkle on the faces but the skin of hands are very
smooth. So he discovered when they're making sake, the hand is immersing in that liquid. So he thinks that liquid may be the reason why
they have beautiful hand.

So they studied the liquid for over five years. Turned out
the liquid naturally contained all these good vitamins, amino acids and minerals in there. So he named the liquid called Pitera and
that becomes secret key to beautiful skin 35 years ago. And that's what SK-II stand for.

Okay. Interesting story. Yeah very interesting.
And that you can see the skin with the essence and without the essence. Mmm yeah it feels Yeah hydrated here already.

So now
let me finish the other side of the skin And it's good to like pat it? Or press it in? Press in there. The reason why is our skin naturally creates barrier
that's what you see outside. And as we age we don't renew the skin naturally
so there's a lot of death skin on top. So when you apply skin care a lot of time
they don't go inside.

They sit on top. So essence, when you press, it's forced to go in deeper. In fact, the Essence is very, under the microscope the very
similar to human skin cells. So when I.

Press they go in deeper. I see. So they do better job. Here's around the eye area too.

More you do, better your skin is going
to look. Okay. I want to show Yasuko a little tip here. Yeah.

Sometimes you get really dry on the cheek area. After the cotton pad, don't waste this. Put this
right here that's a little mini mask. Okay.

Nice. Few minutes. Okay. Like it.

Because Yasuko told me that you worry about aging, so we're going to show you this
protocol R.N.A. Power Essence and what the serum gonna do for you is help you plump
and hydrate your skin, reduce pore size and fine line and the biggest thing I want
to show is that, when you use a bottle like that, you must use the whole dropper. Oh
okay. A lot of people use one drop.

That's not enough. Okay. So use a lot. You have to use more

I see. You would just want to pat around the
skin like that. And this I'm gonna embarrass myself.
You are a massage expert so I'm gonna show you what we do but probably not as
good as what you do. Well I'm not an esthetician.

I'm a massage therapist. I don't really massage the face. So we want to just glide upward the skin As I touch your skin, honestly your skin
does feel a little bit more drier. Yeah and it's very important when we our skin feel dry, you must hydrate the skin before you put

Because if you don't hydrate it nothing is gonna really work underneath
the skin. Just like that. Very simple. How's that feel? Good and I like the acupressure points you're pressing too.

I'm learning a lot from you so. It's very
important to drink too right? To hydrate from inside. Hydrate the skin. See that's it.

Very simple. Let's move on to the next step. Okay. After the serum, I definitely recommend you start with a moisturizer so I'm going to use the SK-II

Power Cream but I want to be honest with you I'm not saying you have to use
SK-II skin care. You can use any skin care you like but a trick is that
to find the skincare that address your skin concern. So for example, you
worry about anti-aging. So all your skincare should be anti-aging.

Don't by brightening. That makes sense? Okay. Yeah that's the biggest mistake
people do. They bought a wrong product for the skin.

I see. So I'm gonna put a
little bit. Actually put a lot. Your skin is very dry.

Okay. So after that we're
gonna just glide to the skin. I'll leave the eye area alone
because we're gonna apply eye cream later so. See I said I glide the skin.
I'm not pulling the skin so that's good.

If you pull the skin actually gonna cause more wrinkle. Mmm. Yeah I sometimes get the question that you know face massage
isn't it bad because you're pulling a skin uh-huh oh I see. So that's how you do it.

Okay. Very simple. You glide over. I glide over

See Voila. Fast and easy. Let's finish the last
final step. To complete your skin care ritual I wanna finish with eye cream.

And a lot of people would say use a ring finger to apply eye cream. I
want to show you my little tip right here. The best way is put eye cream on
back of your hand. Okay.

And you massage til there's no colors. Once there is no color
you basically pat around the eye area using your ring finger. The reason why is if you
put eye cream direct on the skin, it's too much cream on the skin, it can cause little milia all of little bump. So this way you will not have that issue.
And then if you're worried about aging you can glide but see I'm not pulling your eyes I'm gonna glide.

Okay. See this you have to be very careful with this one
because if you pull the skin you're gonna get more wrinkled than ever. I see.
So that's the key you glide over. Yes so once again any eye cream should do the

Just make sure it's for anti-aging. And if worry about puffiness and dark circle, you
don't want to buy eye cream. You wanna eye gel. Oh okay.

Yes. Because that you need massage to reduce puffiness and dark circle. So you use the eye gel. Yes.

And you asked me
earlier about if you concern both anti-aging and brightening what
do you do. Yeah. Honestly, one for day and one for night. Okay.

The reason why is
that you can't put too much product on the face. Anything more than five, six
that's just too much and skin won't even absorb. I see. So I would do
anti-aging at night, brightening in daytime.

I see. Okay. Good to note. And how often do you recommend you do
this? Like everyday? Skincare? Yeah.

Day and Night. You're so cute. Be diligent. Yeah I mean I mean you don't
if you don't have the time you don't need to massage.
I just pat it on.

This is okay but if you have time massage a little bit. Yeah okay. So that's it that's your little four step skincare. Easy.

Easy. And it feels amazing. It feels so like hydrated and plumped yeah than
ever before so yeah this this works. So thank you very much for doing that
facial the anti-aging facial.

Yes. I feel so plumped and hydrated and it's
just amazing. Can you come over like every day? You can come to my place every day that's okay. And your channel name again is MrJanAllInOne and my channel is all about fashion, luxury, like you can see this is
my little closet and I do beauty and travel.

Awesome so
yeah go check out his channel too. And if you have any kind of a skincare
questions please ask him. Check out my Instagram too MrJanAllInOne. Okay
there you go.

Thank you. Well thanks for watching. I'll see you back next week
make it a great week and please don't forget to subscribe. Bye..

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