Reverse AgeingYouth Elixir Activation Guided Meditation

Reverse AgeingYouth Elixir Activation Guided Meditation

Welcome Take a moment and make yourself comfortable,
relaxed and prepared to guide yourself inward for a little exploration and expansion within
your mind and body. Begin by relaxing your whole body and starting
to navigate your breath in through your body and mind landscape. Bring all the three - your
breath, your body and mind into the present moment, into right here and now.
Age is a state of mind. Aging is an attitude.

Aging is behaviour, a trait and an expectation.
Aging is seen as a decline and something of lack. Let's begin your journey to thinking,
feeling and becoming more youthful today by simply starting to look at things differently.
Take three big breaths in and out and when you do, energetically expand and take up a
lot of space. What you think about must be followed by the
body - that's the mind and body unity. Guide your awareness onto you feet and ankles.
Notice any sensations there.

Visualise all the cells healthy and vibrant
and without any reasoning in your mind just know that these cells are in complete harmony
and wellbeing. Now visualise within these cells a gene, a youth gene.
You have a power to focus and to channel an ability to activate this gene I am inviting
you to switch this youth gene on through the energy of your intention and focus. Focus
on these cells within your feet and ankles and see the youth gene being colour amber
and now using powerful energy of your intention switch the youth gene on and see the colour
within your cells change and light up from amber to colour green.
You may see this change collectively or one cell at a time slowly or rapidly changing
and creating a new experience. Take a moment to observe any sensations erupting and energy
shifting within this or and other parts of your body.
You may invite any visualisations or memories to compliment the sensory experience.

it is like when your youth gene is turned on? Do you feel or remember running faster?
Feeling more solid on the ground as you use your feet? Breathe naturally and bring all
your memories of youth and your desired reality visualisations relating this part of your
body and enjoy the energy being generated here and now. (Sound of three deep breaths)
Slide your awareness onto your legs. Soften your inner gaze, relax your shins, calves,
your knees, hamstrings, thighs and buttocks. With your gentle inner gaze, scan your legs
and move your awareness in deeper into the cellular level.

What would change if you switched
the youth gene on within the cells of your legs? Connect to the knowing and trusting
to the intelligence that lies within this part of your body. Make the intention to switch
the youth gene on within the cells of your legs filling them with the activated colour
green. Breathe and sense, listen with your body, decide what thoughts, abilities and
sensations your youthful legs would experience? Bathe in the awareness, sensations and vibrations
that are erupting from this intention and action.
Now guide your sweet awareness onto your hands, arms and shoulders. Relax your arms, hands
and shoulders and consciously look for any sensations and notice any subtle energy, experiences

Allow for the breath and mind to be spacious and open, sweep your attention onto
your cells of your hands, arms and shoulders; release any thought energy you hold against
your cells and introduce thoughts of trust and surrender to the intelligence of the cells
abiding within. Connect to the intention and place it over
the cells, instructing them to turn the youth gene on and you let go of resistance completely
and breathe... How do you see yourself utilizing this youth gene in this moment? What is one
or more new ideas that you would like to introduce today into your renewed cells of your hands,
arms and shoulders. In your mind, tell yourself about it, tell yourself a story of youth.
Bring your awareness to your torso; include your lower abdomen, your chest, your back
and your shoulders.

Notice the connection present between your body and your breath.
Observe the sweet process of breathing, the strengthening, nourishing and opening presence
of the oxygen within your body. Feel the brief pause in between your inhales and exhales.
This point in between is so short and yet you can catch the complete peace and utter
stillness within you and outside of you that exists in that fraction of time.
Breathe normally and allow for the torso to rest and to become liquid soft.
Let this central channel of your body to be open and spacious. Curiously observe any sensations
and energies present within this part of your body. Relax and breathe.
As you keep moving inward with your attention, move your attention to your cells and onto
its ability to release resistance and to switch the youth gene on.

Breathe and observe the
powerful army of the cells that contain this true ability to turn your body more vital,
youthful and robust. When you are ready, tap once again into the light of your intention
and make an intention for the youth gene to be switched on within the area of your torso,
your central channel. Now that you have this gene switched on in
this location within your body, how would you utilize this new energy? What does that
reality feel and look like? Take a moment to piece this part of the puzzle and make
it whatever you want it to be. Breathe and saturate your face with the oxygen,
then the back and the top of your head, your neck and all the muscles around the eyes.
Let the jaw part slightly and your tongue drop from the roof of your mouth.

Allow for
all the muscles of your neck and your face, particularly the eyes and the jaw, to completely
let go of any tension and gripping. Relax the space inside your head. Each time you
inhale and exhale, create more space. Breathe in the spaciousness and become vast and soft.

Begin to visualise the patterns
of your cells populated across your neck, your head and your face. Visualise these cells
in perfect balance and aligned with the highest energy of Source. Now see within these cells
the same gene of youth that has been switched on through the rest of your body. Turn your
laser focus onto this gene and with your powerful intention, turn this gene on, see the cells
turn colour green, full of vibrancy, stamina and vitality.
How does your new face, head and neck feel and look like? Does your face smile at lot
more? Is there a brighter sparkle in your eyes? Is your skin more supple and smooth?
Bring back memories or create new ideas, be the creator right now of the new version of

Breathe and without force, simply open the
door and allow for that which is of no use to simply leave by itself as you introduce
a new way of feeling and seeing. You are the alchemist that can transmute any emotion and
turn this emotion into physical reality. Become aware of your body as a one unit, one
planet with all the parts that makes up the planet. This planet is radiating its aura,
one that is seen and felt from afar.

Amongst the rays within its aura energy there is also
the energy of youth radiating vibrantly inward and outward.
Take a minute to observe your whole body and your new and youthful sense of self, new sensations
created here, down to the cellular level. Keep your inner focus broad and spacious. Come back to your breath now and become aware
of your physical surroundings, sounds, smells, temperature, the surface beneath you. No need
to add anything more or to take anything away.

Just rest in your energy.
Being young is about feeling, so feel more, so you can then see more!
Take all the feelings you created here today into your daily life and appreciate every
moment where you feel good, grounded, happy, peaceful and positive in any other way. Take
these feelings as a trail towards your treasure of youth and vitality.
Define and sculpt your reality, as you want it to be. Feel young and be young!
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