The #1 Anti-Aging Drink

The #1 Anti-Aging Drink

Hey, Dr. Axe here, doctor of natural medicine
and founder of draxe.Com and in this video I'll be talking about the number one drink
for an anti-aging, which is green tea including sencha and matcha and some of the benefits
here are going to blow your mind. I'll also be talking about the dosage that
you should be getting on a daily basis to reap the benefits. And I'll say this to start, I'm going to go
through a lot of benefits here.

But in general, green tea can help boost your
energy levels, help you burn fat, fight cancer, act as an antioxidant to help you age slower. So the benefits are tremendous and it's one
of the key secrets of the Japanese. Did you know that Japan as a country per population
has more than centurions, that's more people living to be over the age of 100 than anywhere
else in the world. And when you ask them or when you study and
look at their diet, one big thing stands out, that they drink green tea as their number
one beverage of choice on a daily basis.

So green tea, you can see here, it's an herb
very high in chlorophyll, in theanine, and catechin such as EGCG. It really is a potent antioxidant leaf you
can find here that you can turn into an herbal tea. So let's talk about the benefits. Number one here, Alzheimer's disease prevention.

You know the number of people with dementia
and Alzheimer's is rising exponentially and one of the things that can cause neurodegeneration
and cognitive decline is a lack of antioxidants in the diet that really support the brain. And as I mentioned earlier green tea contains
a compound called EGCG-Epigallocatechin gallate and other catechins that have actually been
shown to slow neurodegeneration and actually help fight and prevent Alzheimer's disease. So it's powerful for that. Also it's great for bone health.

Green tea part of the reason is it's very
high in chlorophyll. Now chlorophyll is what makes a food green. So when you hear like a wheat grass juice
shot or again matcha tea or green tea, they have more of that grassy, herbaceous flavor
but that chlorophyll is great for alkalizing the body. Remember this, minerals in general, calcium
and magnesium, these alkaline minerals and when your body is in a state of acidity, your
body will actually pull minerals from the bone to help alkalize your body.

So the great thing is when you are consuming
green tea and all the chlorophyll, it's going to help balance out your body's pH, which
in turn will support bone health in your bones keeping those minerals where they should be. Number three, eye protection. People with glaucoma and other types of degenerative
eye diseases can benefit from antioxidants. Now we all know that carrots are great.

We know that berries like bilberry are great
for the eyes as well, but green tea, those unique antioxidants, really support the eyes. Number four, heart health. Now there is a unique medical study published
here not too long ago where they actually looked at the health of 40,000 people. So this is a big study, 40,000.

And when they did this study they actually
found that those people that consumed green tea on a regular basis decreased their risk
of heart disease by 26%. Think about that. I mean, that's a huge reduction just by adding
a single beverage to their diet on a daily basis. So we know that green tea has tremendous benefits
for the heart.

A couple of other bonus benefits I want to
mention. Number five is cancer. Did you know green tea has been proven in
several medical studies to fight breast cancer, lung cancer, and colon cancer? So if you really want to fight and prevent
cancer, that antioxidant I mentioned earlier, EGCG, Epigallocatechin gallate, has been shown
to actually fight and prevent cancer there as well. I also want to mention green tea in terms
of really supporting anxiety and other brain related issues.

If somebody has anxiety, there's actually
a compound found in high quality green tea called L-Theanine and L-Theanine is known
to increase GABA. GABA, it's a compound that your body can produce
that really supports calmness. So if you're a person has anxiety or a lot
of stress, green tea can actually bring down the stress levels, balance your hormones,
and help you get a better night's sleep because of the theanine content but that's only if
you're buying a very high quality green tea. So again when you're buying green tea you
don't want to just buy the cheapest one you can find.

You want to buy just a good quality green
tea that's either organic or one that's a ceremonial green tea when you're using green
tea. Now listen there are lots of different types
of green tea. My two favorites that I consume on a regular
basis are sencha and matcha. Now sencha tends to be the most popular one
that people consume in terms of a very high quality green tea.

The most nutrient dense though and also the
strongest in flavor is matcha. Now listen there are other here like Fukamushi
Sencha that's a type that's very, very good as well. We have Tencha tea, which is great. So all of these are very high quality teas
but I'd recommend starting with sencha and matcha on a daily basis doing between one
to three cups every single day.

And I love doing this right when I wake up. This is a great coffee replacement, or hey,
I do both. I mean, doing coffee if you buy organic, mold-free,
high quality coffee. Also very high in antioxidants but green tea
is great as well.

And I want to talk about how to enjoy this. This is a great thing to consume on a ketogenic
diet. You can add in a tablespoon of ghee or grass
fed butter. It's actually delicious that way.

That's how people in Tibet, they actually
drink this for anti-aging. They would do green tea plus ghee on a daily
basis for those reasons. But again, drinking three to four cups a day
can be some of the best results. I recommend typically one to three maximum
four cups a day.

The other benefit here is that it has less
caffeine than coffee. About one cup of green tea has one third the
amount of caffeine as a single cup of coffee and you're getting all of these incredible
antioxidants. So we mentioned the benefits here of green
tea. Again, when buying green tea make sure that
it's a high quality brand.

Okay? Number two, look at all the benefits: Alzheimer's
prevention, bone health, eye protection, heart health, cancer fighting, supporting fighting
anxiety, better sleep higher energy levels. Weight loss was another benefit in a clinical
study by using green tea on a daily basis. And hey, if you've enjoyed this live training
video of me talking about how to use green tea as a natural form of medicine, then hey
make sure to subscribe here on my page. I've got a lot more videos coming out on the
benefits of different herbs, essential oils, and super foods.

Also hey, if you want to learn more about
green tea online, just do a Google search for "Dr. Axe green tea" and you can see more
of the advanced articles I've written where the studies are quoted as well. Thanks for watching. Hi, Dr.

Axe here. I want to say thanks so much for checking
out this YouTube video and also don't forget to subscribe if you want to get more great
content on things like herbs, essential oils, natural remedies, and how to use food as medicine. Also check out more of our content on my YouTube
channel. Thanks for watching..

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