DIY Toner for Anti-AgingSmooth & Clear Skin

DIY Toner for Anti-AgingSmooth & Clear Skin

In this video I'm going to show you how to make a toner that's really great for your skin for both men and women now most women know that toners are great to clean bacteria out of your pores preventing acne and premature aging but the way I make it also becomes a moisturizer as well so it's more of an elixir most guys don't use this sort of thing but i will tell you have all the same benefits that women use it for and it's great for shaving now all women that I know like clean and moisturized skin so if nothing else i would use it for that but every time that I give this to a guy what's within a couple days that they say to me you know i don't normally use that sort of thing that spray you game is really great so I. Highly recommend now i usually use in the morning and at night and then after i shave now I will tell you that it gives you a very clean and refreshed feeling. But to start with as far as skincare I would always avoid soap and other cleansers especially with ingredients like sls or sodium lauryl sulfate because what they do is dry out your skin because they take away your skin's natural defense or fatty acid called sebum now this is typically why people have oily skin because their skin is trying to overcompensate for all the dryness caused by so if you stop using soap or most other cleansers that have these bad ingredients in them this will help correct the problem pretty quickly now for more on that you can see my blog on oil cleansing but particularly for removal of makeup i would highly recommend that now to start with you always want to put this in a dark last bottle like this one because if not the oils inside can become rancid because of the light and they lose their effectiveness which is why you always see essential oils in dark auburn or blue bottles like these now to begin with we're going to fill it up about forty percent of the way with distilled water next we're going to fill the bottle to about eighty percent with witch hazel extract now the big fan of witch hazel because it has so many benefits for the skin - it's an anti-inflammatory antioxidant is the skin soother, it was used by american indians as a medicinal plan to help sooth cuts, sores, bruises, as well as insect bites but it also has many other benefits. It's one of the most effective natural treatments for acne that you can get it kills bacteria in your pores it prevents signs of aging and wrinkles it reduces pore size it can help get that last bit of makeup off it's also great for razor burns and helps with eczema and psoriasis and there's been some studies that show it can even help prevent cancer now you could use any typical drugstore brand of witch hazel but i would avoid those because they're often mixed with chemicals or alcohol that could irritate your skin I like this brand because they have an alcohol-free one with rose petal which is very soothing to your skin and the alcohol free one is great for people with sensitive or dry skin and then they have other typical ones with alcohol that are great for people with oily skin now I'm gonna have a link in the blog where you can get this quite easily online the only warning with this is for people with rosacea because you might have a reaction.

If you have rosacea I. Would replace the witch hazel with an evening primrose oil and that can be helpful now typically these oils will evaporate off your face so what I like to do is make it more of a moisturizer by adding a jojoba oil, fractionated coconut oil, or you can add a vegetable glycerin and I'll have links on where to get all these in the blog associated with this video and about a teaspoon worth of that a 4-ounce bottle will be all you need then just had 20 to 30 drops of your favorite essential oils I like lavender melaleuca which is tea tree oil and frankincense but I'll have many other options in the blog associated with this video depending on what you're looking for. Some options are German chamomile geranium hilochrism sandalwood and a few others. I have a list of these in the blog and where to get them inexpensively and the best brands that I like I would avoid any citrus oils like lemon orange or grapefruit because they're phototoxic and can cause some sun damage but depending on what you're looking for i have great options for acne, acne scars, psoriasis, eczema, makeup removal, anti-aging, and more so check out the blog associated with this video and you'll find many tips for skincare that be very helpful for you.

There is also shaving tips and many other things that make an immediate noticeable difference such as how to cut open aloe leaf and use that on your skin as well as using yogurt or Kefir on your skin because they're an anti-inflammatory and 20+ of the best tips you'll find anywhere on the internet so i hope you try this and if it works well for your please share the video and don't forget to subscribe good luck with this!.

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