HEALTH TIPS. BY ARJUN WALIA. Roger Haeske is a health and fitness coach,
and after going through some difficult times in his life with his mental and physical health,
he ended up finding his very own fountain of youth. Its basically just positive vibes,
which is huge if youre aware of the emerging science behind the mind-body connection, a
diet predominately full of raw fruits and vegetables, and a good amount of physical

Obviously, there are a lot of people that
disagree with this, and when it comes to our health its not always one size fits all. As you can see from the video below, Roger
is clearly in tip top shape and really looks healthy and youthful for his age. So, when
it comes to his first secret, a vegetarian diet full of predominately raw fruits and
vegetables, it makes sense. Dr.

Deepak Bhatt, a Harvard Medical School professor and Editor-in-Chief
of the Harvard Heart Letter emphasizes, When it comes to getting protein in your
diet, meat isnt the only option. Mounting evidence shows that reducing meat and increasing
plant-based protein is a healthier way to go. A diet with any type of meat raises the
risk of heart disease and cancer, when compared with a vegetarian diet. (Source)
Weve published multiple articles regarding the health & science behind a meat free diet,
so if youd like to learn more, I encourage you to go through the articles linked below.
5 Ways Animal Protein Is Damaging Your Health 9 Things That Happen When You Stop Eating
Meat Internal Medicine Physician Shares What Happens
To Your Body When You Stop Eating Meat Plant Based Protein vs Protein From Meat  Which
One Is Better For Your Body? The Heart Disease Rates of Meat Eaters Compared
To Vegetarians & Vegans Were Those Who Roamed The Earth Before Us
Nearly All Vegetarian? When it comes to the second component, which
is exercise, no proof of that is really required, it goes without saying that its
an integral and necessary part in living a healthy lifestyle that helps to slow down
the aging process and therefore, age related diseases.
Theres something Id like to add in as well, and thats fasting and caloric restriction.
Caloric restriction (CR), defined as lessening caloric intake without depriving essential
nutrients, beginning early or in mid-life and sustained over the life span, increases
longevity and delays or slows progression of multiple age-related diseases in many,
but not all, laboratory animal models (14).

Basically, when you take a look at caloric restriction studies, many of them show a prolonged
lifespan as well as an increased ability to fight chronic disease. Calorie restriction (CR) extends life span
and retards age-related chronic diseases in a variety of species, including rats, mice,
fish, flies, worms, and yeast. The mechanism or mechanisms through which this occurs are
unclear. The quote above is from a review of literature
that is more than 10 years old.

The work presented here is now showing some of these mechanisms
that were previously unclear. This brings me into another important point,
the power fasting, which, like caloric restriction, turns out to have a tremendous amount of health
benefits, and basically has the ability to regenerate your entire immune system. The
science behind fasting is truly incredible, and based on my research and experience, its
definitely a life changer for those who incorporate it into their lifestyle, but, it requires
a lot of research. If youd like to learn more about the benefits
of fasting, please refer to the links below.

Doctor Explains What Happens To The Human
Body When It Goes Into Ketosis Autophagy, Fasting & Exercise  Scientists
Reveal Multiple Ways You Can Slow Down The Process of Aging Neuroscientist Shows What Fasting Does To
Your Brain & Why Big Pharma Wont Study It The Complete Guide To Fasting  Reversing
Type 2 Diabetes  A Special Interview With Dr. Jason Fung Why Researchers Are Seeking FDA Approval For
Fasting & Caloric Restriction For Cancer Treatment Scientists Discover That Fasting Triggers
Stem Cell Regeneration & Fights Cancer Study Shows What A Ketogenic Diet Did To Mice
With Systemic Metastatic Cancer The Biggest Misconception About The Ketogenic
Diet  You Dont Actually Have To Follow It New Study Shows Intermittent Fasting May Be
A Powerful Tool To Increasing Longevity Study Shows How Fasting For 3 Days Can Regenerate
Your Entire Immune System What Fasting Can Do For People With Type 2
Diabetes, Cancer & Alzheimers Disease When it comes to the mind-body connection,
the research and proof is abundant, there is enough to warrant the use of these practices
inside of hospitals, without a doubt. Why do I say this? Because as far back as 1999,
statistics professor Jessica Utts at UC Irvine, published a paper showing that parapsychological
experiments have produced much stronger results than those showing a daily dose of aspirin
helps to prevent heart attacks. Utts also showed that these results are much stronger
than the research behind various drugs like antiplatelets.

The interaction of our thoughts with the physical
material world is of huge interest today, garnering increasing attention by academics
around the world. Despite a wealth of scientific data showing that one can influence the other,
and even more evidence proving that certain emotional states can lead to chronic illness,
many who work in mainstream medicine remain entirely ignorant of these concepts. Perhaps this is why more and more people are
gravitating towards alternative forms of medicine. As Garth Cook from Scientific American points
out: A growing body of scientific research suggests
that our mind can play an important role in healing our body  or in staying healthy
in the first place.

. . There are now several lines of research suggesting that our mental
perception of the world constantly informs and guides our immune system in a way that
makes us better able to respond to future threats. That was a sort of aha moment
for me  where the idea of an entwined mind and body suddenly made more scientific sense
than an ephemeral consciousness thats somehow separated from our physical selves.

You can check out the articles below for more
information on the mind-body connection. This is How Powerful The Mind-Body Connection
Really Is The Astonishing Link Between Quantum Physics
& The Human Mind Distinguished Scientists Gather To Emphasize:
Matter Is NOT The Only Reality Study Outlines What Prayer, Meditation & Yoga
Can Do To The Human Body I think its important to share the information
and articles linked above because at the end of the day, its really time to question
what we are doing on our planet, and have been doing for a long time. Its hard to
propose new ways of doing things to a human race thats been doing something for so
long, but its a step thats always been taken throughout human history. We go through
drastic changes and major global paradigm shifts, and one seems to be happening right
now with regards to meat eating, from a compassionate, health, and environmental standpoint.

Im going to link a couple more articles
you might be interested before you get to the video..

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