Teen Skincare Tips No One Tells YouDo's and Don'ts in Teenage Skincare Routine

Teen Skincare Tips No One Tells YouDo's and Don'ts in Teenage Skincare Routine

Okay, you jump up to google and type in teen skincare advice if you'll come across a lot of advices saying that you should start Your skincare routine as early as possible and then some articles with even suggest you guys to jump on the anti-aging game ASAP and a lot of people would suggest a very extensive skincare routine and yes It's never too early to take proper care of your skin But that doesn't necessarily mean it has to do with investing in products Or you know going extravagant with facials and all that so today I just wanted to strip down and take you guys to the basics and share some teenage skincare tips Tip number one is to take a step back before you start anything or invest in any skincare products or learn about skincare products you Should learn about how our skin, and how our body works skin in our body is such a smart functioning system It knows how to regulate it knows how to rejuvenate and repair and restore everything by itself So it has something called seller turnover rate, which our skin naturally? Generates new skin cells and pushes all the dead skin cells to the surface of the skin And that's like our natural exfoliation process in teenagers your skin is already functioning at its best in a very Optimal condition and as your skin matures your skin naturally slows down in the process And that's why we need some help with some skin care products in easier terms that your skin is more like a memory foam so Even though you wake up with a really ugly pillow crease your skin is able to bounce back and kind of you know Resurface by its own in an hour the one major difference that I noticed Hitting my late 20s and nearing 30 almost is that my pillow crease doesn't go away for several hours You have a scar if you have a wound your skin is able to regenerate and heal That wound so much faster than mature skin. That's why your skin probably doesn't need that much help from skin care products a lot of you guys ask what my Skincare routine looked like in my teenage years. I gotta say I didn't really have any skincare tip to be honest I wash my face with water and sometimes use my mom's cleansing foam But I didn't have my own skincare routine and that's because I didn't wear makeup until I hit 20 years old I think I didn't really felt the need to instead any kind of skin Issues or skin conditions that is caused by wearing a lot of makeup and skincare was something. That's luxury It wasn't accessible.

It was an affordable the only beauty outlet that we could go was a department store until Misha shifted the entire paradigm like they released three dollars makeup three dollar skin care products, so I think ever since Misha happened You're seeing what you're seeing right now It does have a very positive effect in making more options available in a much affordable price tag well However the trade-off is that I do think it's kind of promoting a lot of people a lot of younger aged people To use products that's probably unnecessary yet and nowadays I'm seeing a lot of teenagers having their own extensive very very structured skincare regime And it does sometimes worry me because I'm seeing more and more Acne patients clogged pores congested pores, and I've been thinking like what is happening to our teenagers nowadays I think a very good example is the ordinary the ordinary has a very extensive range of active ingredients in very high like maximum Concentration which means that it's a really good news for a lot of mature skin who's been using that specific active ingredients? But they want to use something in a more affordable price tag and that's what the ordinary is serving having it $5 price tag that's a necessarily mean that teenagers like you guys should be using it and Jump on board of course is going to give you a very skin Transformative result I mean for instance. There is a vitamin C. 30% And there is 80 a 30% you Probably don't need it another thing that I suggest you guys to do is to take a step back from taking too much advice you Might be already following me and a lot of other bloggers, and if you do take a look at their own skincare routine it's much tailored towards their age their skin condition under specific skin type and their own goal in using that skincare routine And they might be using a lot of active ingredients which can work in their favor and also there's really no skin care products That's going to outsmart your skin when your skin is already functioning at its best Okay, so give a little bit more credit to your skin Is a good time to learn more and find out about your skin type and the easiest way to find out about your skin type Is probably to determine by the post cleansing skin? Result or skin feeling Results so after you wash your skin with a pH balanced cleanser and alkaline cleanser is only going to damage your skin barrier And it's going to give every skin type of drying sensation afterwards so anyways moving back you want to leave your skin without applying Anything on top for about 5 to 10 minutes Another credible source that I found online is dr. Bauman 16 different skin types and I'll leave all the online sources down below But she basically has 16 different skin types depending on the dryness and oiliness and the Resiliency of your skin barrier now if you do have more room to spend and if your parents are feeling generous visit a facial is aesthetician or a Dermatologist so you have a better understanding about your skin type and skin condition And what your skin issue is moving on to how to build and start a skincare routine? I have a full video on it, so you guys can definitely check that video out.

It's not going to be really different I will link it right here and also in the info box below In a nutshell all you need is to cleanse and moisturize and protect your skin by using a sunscreen Deliberately now the question is how do I choose the right product for teenage skin? I know there's so many different options out there in the market the problem is they almost sound freaking amazing It's supposed to do anti-aging that's supposed to combat acne it's supposed to do all the pore controlling and skin brightening distances and Dad now group them all together and ignore them for now now these targeted solutions are going to be effective when your skin needs it look for a product that claims to hydrate and moisturize well without any fancy ingredients look for product That's specifically designed for sensitive skin types so the good thing about finding a product that are specifically designed for sensitive skin Type is that they're oftentimes formulated without known irritants or allergies sensitizing ingredients or? Photosensitizing ingredients pretty minimal ingredients and on of that they're mostly very moisturizing and nourishing So I think this is the product claim that you probably want to look for when purchasing and shopping for skin care products Hydration is going to be the best ingredient for skin brightening Anti-aging acne fighting and poor controlling and sebum regulating and all that and I don't expect you guys to go through Individual skincare ingredients and once you start doing that a it can be super overwhelming B. There are so many confusing information out there that may or may not be necessarily true and see a lot of times these Controversy around the toxic ingredients out there it may be only toxic when you probably drink a gallon of it give a little bit more credit to the Cosmetic chemist so sit back and enjoy a little bit and giving that kind of self affirmation by touching your skin massaging your skin But do we need to invest in expensive products in teenagers that you probably don't need to Spend a lot of money at all like drugstore options. I grade their affordable Korean skin care products as well The only time that I would invest a skirt on some skin care products or they may we have to do with the active ingredient Formulation like how stable it is and how well it deposits And how well it goes and penetrates into your skin again? You probably don't need these kind of like super fancy Technology to hydrate your skin acne and teenage skin, yes, it's really really stressful But you have to acknowledge that it's coming from inside out your body is going through hormonal changes hormonal fluctuations So you might be better off seeking for a naturopathic doctor Holistic doctor or any professional who can guide you through and kind of help in bechler? Hormonal imbalance if you are already on acne treatment acne Medications you might want to stick with your dermatologist guide I know a lot of teenagers might start using benzoyl peroxide But you want to use it smartly a lot of people make a huge mistake by applying benzoyl peroxide wash benzoyl peroxide moisturizer all Over their skin even though their spots are only concentrated on their cheeks or on their jaw line on one specific area which is totally disrupting and weakening the skin barrier causing more inflammation causing more skin problems and Sensitivities and also if you're using benzoyl peroxide moisturize deliberately like really really well it can be counterproductive causing more breakouts if your skin barriers weakened I'll link a video about the skin barrier that I talked about down below as well as The acne basics down below as well and stress is going to raise this cortisol Level which is going to also damage or skin barrier, so stresses are another enemy that you don't want in your skincare routine I'm going to list down all the skincare Do's and don'ts on my Instagram at about Leah Hughes, so make sure you check that out I'm going to list out all the common mistakes that you might be making in Teenage years I sincerely hope this video helps some of you guys out there. Please do share it with your friends if it did you are welcome to join my pom poms out if you haven't already by clicking the subscribe button down below and Until then Stressless stay healthy eat more veggies.

There's a lot of things to do, but yeah, just take care of yourself.

Take The Stress out of Skin Care

Take The Stress out of Skin Care

Our next guest says she's never lived in a big city before and now that she's here, she wants to look her very best. Hi doctors, my name is Stacey. I'm 44 years old and I'm single with no kids. I moved to Los Angeles from Alabama and it's the first big city I've ever lived in.

I absolutely love it and I would love to meet someone special to share this amazing city with me. I've gone on some dating sites, but I'm a little self conscious when I have to post my photo because, although I've never smoked, I have a few more lines and wrinkles than I would like on my face. I would love to improve my skin because it would give me more confidence and I would love some tips from my favorite show, so help me, docs! Because we believe in love and lovely skin, dermatologist, Doctor Sonya Batra, is here and together we're going to show Stacey and all women how they can look and feel great. So audience out there, do you think that we can get Stacey camera ready? Yeah! Yeah?
Well, I think we can too.

Doctor B, take it away. So Stacey, looking at you, you look great, but I do see the start of some of those lines and wrinkles you mentioned in the segment. You're starting also to notice a little bit of sagging and laxity and that happens to all of us as we hit our 40's. So tell me about your skincare routine.

I currently use four or five products on my face, but I can't really see a change and, honestly, using that many products can get a bit expensive. Yeah, and Stacey, it's not about how many products you use. What's really important is the science behind the products. If you use products that have really excellent science behind them you can set up a routine, you can have products that are proven to work and I actually have a great one in mind for you.

But first I want to talk to you because you mentioned that you're here from Alabama, you're looking for love. I know it can be stressful to find love in LA. Tell us about that. Yes, it most definitely is and maybe a little more so for me coming from somewhere where we basically knew everyone so it adds to the anxiety of an already kind of stressful situation for me.

Well, we're going to definitely talk about some of the things that might be affecting your skin as well. Well Stacey, you're already beautiful and you shouldn't worry because stress can lead to more lines and wrinkles and a great way to de-stress is to give yourself a facial massage. It's not bad to do a little self-help, it's quick, it's easy, and it feels really good. And it actually also really benefits your skin by increasing the blood flow, which plumps the skin, it helps drive out toxins out of the cells, you get more nutrients in that way.

This adds a lot of vitality to dull skin. The other thing I always like to recommend is chamomile tea because it can help you relax and when you're done you can take that teabag, put it in your refrigerator, leave it there for five or 10 minutes, and then you have a nice, chilled bag to put on your eyes to help de-puff and de-stress. And although you're on the dating sites, be sure to shut off all those electronics at least an hour before you go to bed, Stacey, so you can get your rest. A rested face looks rested.

A tired face looks tired. And a little tip, while you sleep, you can reduce those facial creases by sleeping with a nice, silky pillow, like this. How's that feel on your face? That feels awesome. You know what it does is decreases friction and skin compression and sleeping on your back also helps.

Your face doesn't wrinkle from the pressure at night while you're sleeping. I feel more relaxed already. (Laughter)
Well that's the idea. Okay, Doctor Batra, what else should Stacey do to get ready for that dating scene, here in LA, which we know can be a little challenging.

Well she really needs the right skincare product and she would benefit from using a serum that repairs the skin because as we age the lines and wrinkles definitely do become more obvious. Did you have something in mind? I'm here for the free advise. (Laughter) Take advantage of it! Absolutely, so I like this serum from Number Seven. It's called Protect and Perfect Intense Advance Serum because, like I mentioned earlier, it's actually backed by science.

It's clinically proven to reduce the appearance of lines and wrinkles in just four weeks and the results actually get better over time. You would apply it in the morning and at night after you cleanse and you can find this at Target for less than $30. Wow, that sounds amazing. I've been looking for something that doesn't cost a million bucks.

I can't wait to try it. Thank you, doctors. Well, you are very welcome, Stacey. And Doctor Batra, thanks so much for taking care of Stacey and putting her best face forward.

Alright all of you out there, how would you like some of the serum as well? (Audience applause) Stacey and everyone in the audience is going home with it today. Whoo! And we will be right back..



Hey guys, it's Annika. Welcome to my "Chann-ika." First, I just want to say I'm super f-in sorry about the lighting. It looks like f-ing trash. Today I'm going to be doing a video that has been so requested recently.

I'm not quite sure why. Maybe people just want some clear skin for back to school. But, nevertheless, I totally understand your concern. I love seeing people's skin care routines, personally.

Especially now that I've been getting some problematic skin. But it's natural. It happens during puberty, during that time of the month. So, what I use to take off my makeup kind of varies.

But right now I'm using the Yes To Cucumbers Soothing Cleansing Micellar Water. This is cruelty free. You can buy it at Ulta. And I think it's like 8 dollars.

And I'm just using cotton squares. I sound like a beauty guru. So it's a pump kind of thing. So I'm just pumping it.

And I'll use one of these pads for my face, and another one for my eyes. Actually, probably like two for my face when I'm wearing a full face. So what's the haps with y'all? My life has been pretty uninteresting, tbh. Essentially, I use two different face washes when I'm washing my face, just because I like to make sure that it's extra clean.

And since I wear a lot of makeup, I just want to make sure that I have all the makeup off. But I use the Vasanti BrightenUp! Enzymatic Face Rejuvenator and I also use the "Fresh" Purity. I'll show it to you, but I'm just gonna go wash my face at the sink. I f-ing wash my face like any other normal-ass person with hot water and then cool water to .

. . Like, close my pores. I don't know.

I f-ing hate myself. I'm back. Let's just not talk about how thin this eyebrow is. I don't know why, but this eyebrow doesn't grow, so if I f-- it up, it doesn't grow back.

Love my life. I just found this. I thought that I'd f--ing lost it. It's 8 dollars at Nordstrom Rack.

I'm pretty sure the mini size is like 16 dollars at Sephora. And I'm pretty sure that philosophy isn't cruelty free. If it is, then, yeah. This is good.

Like, go for this. But if it isn't, it's really not that great. It's good. Like, it washes your face.

But it's really not that different from any other cleanser. It's so similar to the Fresh Soy Milk Cleanser, literally any other cleanser . . .

[Burp] And, I like to use an exfoliator every night, unfortunately, since I have really dry patches on my skin that I really need to exfoliate. And also just like sh--. If I'm not using the Vasanti BrightenUp! Cleanser, I like to use the Ocean Salt Face & Body Scrub by Lush. This doesn't test on animals, obviously.

And . . . "Not virgin"? Da f--? This just smells like .

. . Like . .

. Salt. But I just wanted to quickly talk about some face masks and pore strips and stuff. So I don't do pore strips too often.

My favorite pore strips are the . . . Where are they, though? The Bior Deep Cleansing Pore Strips.

This is a pack with fourteen, and it has seven face strips and seven nose strips. I love these. I only have one left. And then, as for my favorite face mask right now, this is the Muddy Body Detox Clay Mask.

This was sent to me, and I was honestly like . . . I didn't really expect to like it.

And I know that you guys are probably like, "Oh, it just got sent to her." But it's actually really good, and I feel like it really cleans out my skin, which is crazy. I haven't used it like three weeks, which is why my skin is killing me. It comes with a little applicator brush. So what you do is, you dump a little bit into a cup, and you put a little bit of water, and then you put it all over your face.

This is my absolute favorite face mask f-ing ever. So I'm taking the Muddy Body Detox Clay Mask -- it's not focusing, because it doesn't like me -- and I have a tiny amount of water. You really don't need that much. I'm going to avoid the under-eyes because I want to show you guys these really cool under-eye patches, but .

. . This brush is actually super nice, as well. I didn't think I was gonna like the brush, just because I never really like the brushes that come with anything.

Oh also, I forgot to mention -- probably a really important part -- if you want to get 10% off of your Muddy Body, any purchase, anything from Muddy Body, just use the code "ANNIKA." I think it's in all caps. Where are the eye masks at? While this is drying, I'm probably not going to be able to f-in laugh or do any of that sh--. But the eye masks that I have are the Karuna Skin Renewal Eye Masks. So they "target dark circles, puffiness, and fine lines." "Comes with four pairs of eye masks." "One month supply when used weekly." I have not tried these yet, but I've been looking for some good eye masks, because the thing is, whenever I wake up, I just look so gross.

And on the first day of school, I just want to make sure that I don't look too gross. Oooh, this is cool. Okay. So it's like a book, I guess.

Queen. I'm suicidal. Okay. So this is what they look like.

I really like the way these feel. And also, they fit your eye really nicely. I also like that you don't just get one pair, you get four pairs. So I appreciate that.

"Remove backing and relax for 10 to 20 minutes." Damn. I'm looking like a snack. Okay. I'm gonna take these off.

Oooh, that feels so good. And I'm gonna wipe this off just with normal f-ing water. I legit don't understand how I went from trash to snack. Like, number one: Look at my skin.

The pimples are still there, but they're very flattened. And my skin is way softer. Karuna also sent me their Face f-ing bullsh-- . .

. Face Masks. So I feel like these are gonna be so good. These are for combination skin.

So I'm excited, because I have normal combination skin. Uh, hollow skin care routine. Alrighty. Now what do I do? I have such a detailed skincare routine.

It's really weird. I'm gonna take the Dermalogica Clear Start Breakout Clearing Emergency Spot Fix. I like this for pimples that are . .

. Pimple-y. And then, for moisturizer, I'm going to be using the First Aid Beauty Ultra Repair Face Moisturizer. I currently don't have a moisturizer.

I got this in my Ipsy bag a while ago, so I'm just using this. But . . .

If you guys have any good drugstore or "cheaper" cruelty-free moisturizers, please let me know in the comments. So many questions for y'all. But you can just use whatever moisturizer you want to use. This moisturizer isn't specifically wonderful.

Like, it's good. It's a really good moisturizer. But I feel like all moisturizers kind of do the same thing, so . .

. I'm going to take the Origins Drink Up Intensive Overnight Mask. You get 1.7 Fluid ounces of product in here. And this is the mini size.

I've literally had this for like a year and a half, and I have not run out. And this is only like 14 bucks for all of that product. Like, it's worth it. Basically like another moisturizer, but it's a mask, so it gives you the treatment that a mask does, but you don't need to wash it off in the morning.

When he nuts. Lol. What the f-- am I talking about? Last but not least, --- yes, the video is finally almost over -- I'm gonna take the Mario Badescu Drying Lotion, and I'm going to put this on my pimples. Don't shake this sh--.

You can get it at Ulta, and you can also get it at Urban Outfitters. But essentially, it's like a weird f-ing liquid, and then some powder at the bottom. And you just want to go down to the powder, put that on your pimples. What does this smell like? It's almost minty, but not really.

If anybody knows how to describe the scent of this, please let me know. And this sh-- . . .

Actually, the Dermalogica sh-- works so well. I'm not even kidding. And this sh-- works so well, too. I'm just using both of them because I want these pimples f--ing gone.

But, yeah. I hope that you guys enjoyed this little skincare routine. This is super duper requested. And I'm sorry that's not a makeup video, but hopefully it helps some of you guys.

And maybe you learned about some new products that you were really interested in. Like, if you're looking for a new moisturizer. Whatever. My .

. . I feel like the highlights of this video, like, the things that you need to get are that Muddy Body mask. That will change your f--ing life.

I'm also a huge fan of those Karuna Renewal Eye Masks. And I really like the Mario Badescu Drying Lotion. I just feel like those are really nice things to have in your collection. So, yeah.

Thank you guys so much for watching. Please comment, rate, subscribe, and keep on skin caring..

Skin Care Routine For Acne Skin

Skin Care Routine For Acne Skin

Hello my beauties ! So I get asked a lot on social media and just in general what kind of products should I be using when I have acne or pimples or when I'm breaking out so I thought why not do a video on how to properly answer these questions? So similar to doctors, it will be hard to give advice without physically seeing the issues so I have to clarify that it is very difficult to diagnose the problem based on just photos or what you're describing because I would need other information like your age, your lifestyle what do you eat? What do you do on weekends? I know, I know I sound like a stalker but I need to know all of this before I can evaluate your situation and give you the best options or solutions so if you watch my acne solution playlist on my channel you will know that there are usually a collective of reasons for breakouts and quite often it comes from within.Therefore that is usually the first thing I would touch on. What are you eating? Are you drinking enough water? Are you sleeping well? Are you sleeping in the right hours? In addition to that I also need to know the skin type you have, of course most often it's oily skin, but I would also need to see whether your skin is breaking out from something that you put on topically or something that's coming from within your body, then after that I will need to know what products you're currently using, and what brands you have access to so that you can go out and get them, because some brands are only available in certain regions and areas, and some products may only work better for certain climates and so on, hence you can imagine that there are many, many factors involved in skincare so that is why there are millions of videos out there about acne on youtubeland Anyways I hope this video will help you better understand your skin and what you should be doing on a daily basis if not weekly to keep up with your skin health. Number one, cleansing. Now this is the most important thing when it comes to having oily skin you need to make sure that you wash your face at least twice a day in the morning after you wake up and at nighttime before you go to bed sometimes when your skin is super oily and when you have the ability to you can wash your face during the day.

If you're going to the gym, you need to make sure that you remove all of your makeup and you have a cleansed clean face, because you know you will be sweating and all your pores will be open and your skin will be eating up all that makeup and you always have to make sure that you have a clean face before applying makeup as well, which is why you should always wash your face first thing in the morning, and so that all the oils and dirt that you have accumulated throughout the night needs to be washed off so that you have a clean canvas to work on, and at nighttime before you go to bed before your body goes into rejuvenation mode, and all of your organs are repairing and your skin is healing you need to make sure that you remove all the dirt oils and makeup off your face even if you didn't sweat or if you didn't wear makeup you still need to clean the day off. Now let's talk about the cleanser you should be looking for, for mornings you want something that is going to take the dirt off but nothing too astringent, I recommend cleansers with AHA/BHA. Or glycolic acid, this will gently remove all the dead skin cells and unblock pores to give you a brighter, clearer texture skin. So for nighttime when you want to remove all the makeup the whole day worth of toxins you just start with a makeup remover oil cleansers are the best way as they can get all the makeup off even in the pores, and the small crevices of your face, do not fear oil when you have oily skin as you'll be washing it off anyways find oil cleansers with antibacterial properties preferably with no fragrances or a nourishing properties double cleansing is not only popular but also important especially if you are someone who wears makeup, after removing the makeup you have to go back in and wash your face again with a cleanser.

You can either use the same cleanser that you're using for daytime but I normally prefer something with a little bit more exfoliation, so I can make sure that everything is off my face so something like an exfoliating cleanser or a clay cleanser preference number two, Toning, using a toner is pretty much like your safety blanket, so for those who are not so good at cleansing or washing your face the toner is here to make sure that it removes every bit of impurity that is left on the skin toners normally contain some percentage of alcohol so make sure you find toners that do not contain any alcohol as it is so bad for your skin especially if you have acne, it can irritate it and make it worse find ingredients with antibacterial properties like witch hazel, honey, tea tree or  AHA/BHAs toning every time after you wash your face is recommended just use a cotton pad and just wipe with your face and you'll be surprised to see what is left on it. Number three, treatment using a treatment product whether it's a serum or a mask - you need to make sure that you do this and you're consistent at it, once your skin is clean it is like a sponge it's ready to absorb whatever you're gonna put on next, for a daytime you want to find something that is going to treat and protect, find products with acne fighting ingredients like benzoyl peroxide, salicylic acid and nowadays you can also have like masks that contain natural clays these are great for drawing out the toxins and impurities I recommend you use clay products on the skin at least one to two times a week, depending on the severity of your breakouts you can also get clay to cleanser products nowadays, that way you can use them as a mask and you can also use them as a cleanser when you don't have time to do the mask. Number four, hydrate, hydrate I cannot stress enough how important water is in your life but since you are using so many products that's designed to dry out the face, so you need to drink a lot of water to hydrate from within in addition to that, you need to also apply a hydrating moisturizer that is going to put the moisture back into the skin and keep it balanced so that your skin doesn't go crazy thinking that, oh my god I need to produce more oil to compensate I recommend finding products with simple ingredients preferably no fragrance, no parabens products with hyaluronic acid and humectants are great for oily skin, try to avoid oils or emollients as well, as preservatives. Number five, protection.

So you can get spa treatments that are also great for those super big open cut pimples, because once a skin is broken it is prone to infection as it is exposed to the air which is full of dust, dirt, bacteria and so on, so using a spot treatment or acne patch is essential that way you're not like rubbing your open wound all over your pillowcase or getting in your hair or on your sheets. And of course during the day you also want to protect it from makeup or any other stuff that you put on your face. Now using a sun protector is something that anyone and everyone should be using regardless of your skin type even if you have perfect skin and you have no breakouts you should still put on SPF to protect it from the single most dangerous source of skin problems the sun rays, the sun rays that penetrate deep into the skin will cause problems that you may not be able to see with the naked eye, however the damage from the sun is somewhat irreversible hence why I always say prevention is always better than cure trust me, you will thank me in about five to ten years! I hope you guys find this video somewhat helpful and make sure you check out my vlog channel cuz I post there pretty much every week, but I. Show you guys my daytime and nighttime routine in some of the videos and what products I'm currently using.

Tell me down below what are your favorite products you're currently using, and if you have any recommendations because I always say sharing is caring, I will see you in my next video, bye !.