Take The Stress out of Skin Care

Take The Stress out of Skin Care

Our next guest says she's never lived in a big city before and now that she's here, she wants to look her very best. Hi doctors, my name is Stacey. I'm 44 years old and I'm single with no kids. I moved to Los Angeles from Alabama and it's the first big city I've ever lived in.

I absolutely love it and I would love to meet someone special to share this amazing city with me. I've gone on some dating sites, but I'm a little self conscious when I have to post my photo because, although I've never smoked, I have a few more lines and wrinkles than I would like on my face. I would love to improve my skin because it would give me more confidence and I would love some tips from my favorite show, so help me, docs! Because we believe in love and lovely skin, dermatologist, Doctor Sonya Batra, is here and together we're going to show Stacey and all women how they can look and feel great. So audience out there, do you think that we can get Stacey camera ready? Yeah! Yeah?
Well, I think we can too.

Doctor B, take it away. So Stacey, looking at you, you look great, but I do see the start of some of those lines and wrinkles you mentioned in the segment. You're starting also to notice a little bit of sagging and laxity and that happens to all of us as we hit our 40's. So tell me about your skincare routine.

I currently use four or five products on my face, but I can't really see a change and, honestly, using that many products can get a bit expensive. Yeah, and Stacey, it's not about how many products you use. What's really important is the science behind the products. If you use products that have really excellent science behind them you can set up a routine, you can have products that are proven to work and I actually have a great one in mind for you.

But first I want to talk to you because you mentioned that you're here from Alabama, you're looking for love. I know it can be stressful to find love in LA. Tell us about that. Yes, it most definitely is and maybe a little more so for me coming from somewhere where we basically knew everyone so it adds to the anxiety of an already kind of stressful situation for me.

Well, we're going to definitely talk about some of the things that might be affecting your skin as well. Well Stacey, you're already beautiful and you shouldn't worry because stress can lead to more lines and wrinkles and a great way to de-stress is to give yourself a facial massage. It's not bad to do a little self-help, it's quick, it's easy, and it feels really good. And it actually also really benefits your skin by increasing the blood flow, which plumps the skin, it helps drive out toxins out of the cells, you get more nutrients in that way.

This adds a lot of vitality to dull skin. The other thing I always like to recommend is chamomile tea because it can help you relax and when you're done you can take that teabag, put it in your refrigerator, leave it there for five or 10 minutes, and then you have a nice, chilled bag to put on your eyes to help de-puff and de-stress. And although you're on the dating sites, be sure to shut off all those electronics at least an hour before you go to bed, Stacey, so you can get your rest. A rested face looks rested.

A tired face looks tired. And a little tip, while you sleep, you can reduce those facial creases by sleeping with a nice, silky pillow, like this. How's that feel on your face? That feels awesome. You know what it does is decreases friction and skin compression and sleeping on your back also helps.

Your face doesn't wrinkle from the pressure at night while you're sleeping. I feel more relaxed already. (Laughter)
Well that's the idea. Okay, Doctor Batra, what else should Stacey do to get ready for that dating scene, here in LA, which we know can be a little challenging.

Well she really needs the right skincare product and she would benefit from using a serum that repairs the skin because as we age the lines and wrinkles definitely do become more obvious. Did you have something in mind? I'm here for the free advise. (Laughter) Take advantage of it! Absolutely, so I like this serum from Number Seven. It's called Protect and Perfect Intense Advance Serum because, like I mentioned earlier, it's actually backed by science.

It's clinically proven to reduce the appearance of lines and wrinkles in just four weeks and the results actually get better over time. You would apply it in the morning and at night after you cleanse and you can find this at Target for less than $30. Wow, that sounds amazing. I've been looking for something that doesn't cost a million bucks.

I can't wait to try it. Thank you, doctors. Well, you are very welcome, Stacey. And Doctor Batra, thanks so much for taking care of Stacey and putting her best face forward.

Alright all of you out there, how would you like some of the serum as well? (Audience applause) Stacey and everyone in the audience is going home with it today. Whoo! And we will be right back..

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