Skin Care Routine For Acne Skin

Skin Care Routine For Acne Skin

Hello my beauties ! So I get asked a lot on social media and just in general what kind of products should I be using when I have acne or pimples or when I'm breaking out so I thought why not do a video on how to properly answer these questions? So similar to doctors, it will be hard to give advice without physically seeing the issues so I have to clarify that it is very difficult to diagnose the problem based on just photos or what you're describing because I would need other information like your age, your lifestyle what do you eat? What do you do on weekends? I know, I know I sound like a stalker but I need to know all of this before I can evaluate your situation and give you the best options or solutions so if you watch my acne solution playlist on my channel you will know that there are usually a collective of reasons for breakouts and quite often it comes from within.Therefore that is usually the first thing I would touch on. What are you eating? Are you drinking enough water? Are you sleeping well? Are you sleeping in the right hours? In addition to that I also need to know the skin type you have, of course most often it's oily skin, but I would also need to see whether your skin is breaking out from something that you put on topically or something that's coming from within your body, then after that I will need to know what products you're currently using, and what brands you have access to so that you can go out and get them, because some brands are only available in certain regions and areas, and some products may only work better for certain climates and so on, hence you can imagine that there are many, many factors involved in skincare so that is why there are millions of videos out there about acne on youtubeland Anyways I hope this video will help you better understand your skin and what you should be doing on a daily basis if not weekly to keep up with your skin health. Number one, cleansing. Now this is the most important thing when it comes to having oily skin you need to make sure that you wash your face at least twice a day in the morning after you wake up and at nighttime before you go to bed sometimes when your skin is super oily and when you have the ability to you can wash your face during the day.

If you're going to the gym, you need to make sure that you remove all of your makeup and you have a cleansed clean face, because you know you will be sweating and all your pores will be open and your skin will be eating up all that makeup and you always have to make sure that you have a clean face before applying makeup as well, which is why you should always wash your face first thing in the morning, and so that all the oils and dirt that you have accumulated throughout the night needs to be washed off so that you have a clean canvas to work on, and at nighttime before you go to bed before your body goes into rejuvenation mode, and all of your organs are repairing and your skin is healing you need to make sure that you remove all the dirt oils and makeup off your face even if you didn't sweat or if you didn't wear makeup you still need to clean the day off. Now let's talk about the cleanser you should be looking for, for mornings you want something that is going to take the dirt off but nothing too astringent, I recommend cleansers with AHA/BHA. Or glycolic acid, this will gently remove all the dead skin cells and unblock pores to give you a brighter, clearer texture skin. So for nighttime when you want to remove all the makeup the whole day worth of toxins you just start with a makeup remover oil cleansers are the best way as they can get all the makeup off even in the pores, and the small crevices of your face, do not fear oil when you have oily skin as you'll be washing it off anyways find oil cleansers with antibacterial properties preferably with no fragrances or a nourishing properties double cleansing is not only popular but also important especially if you are someone who wears makeup, after removing the makeup you have to go back in and wash your face again with a cleanser.

You can either use the same cleanser that you're using for daytime but I normally prefer something with a little bit more exfoliation, so I can make sure that everything is off my face so something like an exfoliating cleanser or a clay cleanser preference number two, Toning, using a toner is pretty much like your safety blanket, so for those who are not so good at cleansing or washing your face the toner is here to make sure that it removes every bit of impurity that is left on the skin toners normally contain some percentage of alcohol so make sure you find toners that do not contain any alcohol as it is so bad for your skin especially if you have acne, it can irritate it and make it worse find ingredients with antibacterial properties like witch hazel, honey, tea tree or  AHA/BHAs toning every time after you wash your face is recommended just use a cotton pad and just wipe with your face and you'll be surprised to see what is left on it. Number three, treatment using a treatment product whether it's a serum or a mask - you need to make sure that you do this and you're consistent at it, once your skin is clean it is like a sponge it's ready to absorb whatever you're gonna put on next, for a daytime you want to find something that is going to treat and protect, find products with acne fighting ingredients like benzoyl peroxide, salicylic acid and nowadays you can also have like masks that contain natural clays these are great for drawing out the toxins and impurities I recommend you use clay products on the skin at least one to two times a week, depending on the severity of your breakouts you can also get clay to cleanser products nowadays, that way you can use them as a mask and you can also use them as a cleanser when you don't have time to do the mask. Number four, hydrate, hydrate I cannot stress enough how important water is in your life but since you are using so many products that's designed to dry out the face, so you need to drink a lot of water to hydrate from within in addition to that, you need to also apply a hydrating moisturizer that is going to put the moisture back into the skin and keep it balanced so that your skin doesn't go crazy thinking that, oh my god I need to produce more oil to compensate I recommend finding products with simple ingredients preferably no fragrance, no parabens products with hyaluronic acid and humectants are great for oily skin, try to avoid oils or emollients as well, as preservatives. Number five, protection.

So you can get spa treatments that are also great for those super big open cut pimples, because once a skin is broken it is prone to infection as it is exposed to the air which is full of dust, dirt, bacteria and so on, so using a spot treatment or acne patch is essential that way you're not like rubbing your open wound all over your pillowcase or getting in your hair or on your sheets. And of course during the day you also want to protect it from makeup or any other stuff that you put on your face. Now using a sun protector is something that anyone and everyone should be using regardless of your skin type even if you have perfect skin and you have no breakouts you should still put on SPF to protect it from the single most dangerous source of skin problems the sun rays, the sun rays that penetrate deep into the skin will cause problems that you may not be able to see with the naked eye, however the damage from the sun is somewhat irreversible hence why I always say prevention is always better than cure trust me, you will thank me in about five to ten years! I hope you guys find this video somewhat helpful and make sure you check out my vlog channel cuz I post there pretty much every week, but I. Show you guys my daytime and nighttime routine in some of the videos and what products I'm currently using.

Tell me down below what are your favorite products you're currently using, and if you have any recommendations because I always say sharing is caring, I will see you in my next video, bye !.

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