Men Try A Celebrity Skin Care Line

Men Try A Celebrity Skin Care Line

- [Doctor] Nothing worse
than dry chapped lips. There you go. (Upbeat music) - Gentlemen, welcome to the
office, Lancer Dermatology. The first thing you see
on someone socially, whether you're five feet
from them or 50 feet away, is their facial complexion.

What do you do to take care of your skin? - I go to Rite Aid and get
some cocoa butter soap and just rubbed it in there. - So you use a loofah on your face with liquid cocoa butter soap? - Yes. - [Doctor] Right. - I have my bar soap and
I have my facial soap.

- Wow, that's very refined. (Laughter) That's sophisticated, I like that. You guys look good. Now we just want to
polish it up a little bit.

We want to make it look even better. - I don't know if that's
possible for both of us to look even better. - Well at least one of you. Ryan Seacrest and I came
up with a product line purely for male needs.

Polished by Lancer is
simple and it works and after the first use, you're
gonna see a huge difference. Let me introduce you to Louise. She's my Esthetician deluxe. She does all the celebrities.

I think we should get started with this, I mean, beauty is waiting. - [Guy] Gadiel, how are you feeling? - I feel like, like a celebrity. - [Doctor] The first product,
the daily micro-scrub. It has some ivory palm in it
and it has a whole variety of soft exfoliants or things
that gently remove the upper skin cell layer.

- Ah, it feels amazing. - See, even for people who
have a little bit of a scruff, you'll find that this polish
keeps the pores around the hair follicles unclogged. - I am feeling the tingling
sensation on my forehead. - Then it's rinsed down
and then brushed away and in the process the skins
being exercised and all the dead skin cell
debris is coming off.

Then she's going to be using
the dual cleanse and shave. - Oh wow. - It just uniformly cleanses the skin. - Wake me up when she's done.

- If you just picture where you are now versus using bar soap in the shower, you see the difference right? - Yeah, for sure. - Then after you pat dry, that's when you put on the serum. Now feel the way she's putting it on. It's sort of like
exercising it into the skin.

Duo-free moisturizer next. (Lullaby music) Now the lip balm, that's
something you're not used to. - Not at all. - It's a treat and you'll see
that the lips feel better.

You know, you look so good
I think you can actually go back to high school, freshman year. - Wow! - Wow, oh! I feel like a brand new man. - Oh, my skin is glowing! - You're gonna have to
blow yourself a kiss. (Laughter) - Bueno, Gadiel, you saw where I took you.

Muchas Gracias, me trajiste
un lugar expensive. - Your skin looks great. - You look good too, yo. - We're both glowing.

- Yeah, I did not know
you could look any better. (Upbeat music) (creaky sign).

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