Foods that can make you look YOUNGER
Tamil Health Tips All of us wish that our look should be young always. But what to do, our face shows the ageing as we grow older If we wish to be ever youth, then we should prevent cell damage We have to some healthy foods to prevent cell damage. We are going to see what are those foods We should eat yellow and Orange colour fruits and vegetables For example Pumpkin, Mangoes, Sweet potato are rich in beta carotene. By eating these types of food you can stay young We have to take more soya food in our diet.
For example Soya beans, soya flour, soya milk are low in fat as well as rich in calcium It helps to fight cancer. But it is best to have non transgenic soya food Tomato is a vegetable we normally add to our food Tomato is rich in lycopene and carotenoids. So when we add this to our food it helps us to be young In spinach varieties Palak, Fenugreek leaves, Celery etc. Contains more beta carotene.
So it is good for our health. It contains Calcium, Iron, Folic acid, Vitamin C in it. We should often add Cabbage to our diet. Not only Cabbage, we cana also add Cauliflower, Broccoli as it improves our immunity power These vegetables are rich in beta carotene and so we should add them to our food.
Green tea is the best food as it contains more anti oxidants It is good for our heat and Liver and Help us to be young.
Hello can you see the difference between two hands do you want to know the reason then keep watching till the end. So to make the pack first you need the baking soda about 1 tbsp to get rid of acne or pimples you do not need harsh chemicals baking soda will do the work easily it helps balance the skin's pH which helps reduce the occurrence of skin breakouts add 1tsp of raw milk it makes the facial skin more elastic than before and moisturised skin for all seasons now also add 1 tbsp of rose water Here I am using DABUR GULABARI. Rose water for my pack. It has anti-inflammatory properties that can help reduce the redness of irritated skin get rid of acne dermatitis and eczema it is a great cleanser and aids in removing oil and dirt accumulated in clogged pores Here adding one teaspoon of patanjali coconut oil according to experts coconut oil is used in many natural beauty products and for good reason it's naturally antibacterial and antifungal coconut oil for skin is an excellent moisturizer.
Mix all the ingredients properly. Now your homemade face pack is ready to use. Apply the mixture all over your face and massage it gently for three to four minutes it will give relief from skin darkening caused by a range of reasons such as chafing sun exposure freckles scars acne skin irritations pigmentation skin allergies rashes contact spots genetics etc after massaging this properly you have to wait for 10 to 15 minutes. Now your hands have been properly dried you need to check it after checking it wash your skin as shown here first take some water and again scrub it before washing.
Take your time and massage it properly now take a glass of warm water and make sure the water is warm enough to wash your skin rightly wash your skin properly and gently take your time and make sure that it is cleaned so well cleansing is a part of skin care which should be done at least twice in a week to keep the skin free from dirt and dead cells now see the result the left hand is more glowing. If you liked the video then share it with your friends and let them know the tips for getting the beautiful skin naturally and don't forget to subscribe this channel to get more tips on natural beauty thank you.
I'm so excited to have you here with us today. Today we have Dr. Billy DeMoss. He is a doctor of chiropractic and an expert
in anti-aging, treating pain naturally, and also just living a long and healthy life.
There are a lot of people out there, I know
many of you watching right now, who really want to work on having healthier skin, hair,
and nails. You want to reduce pain in your life and overall
you just want to feel and look your best. Dr. Billy is going to share with us today
some of his secrets on anti-aging.
In fact, there is a way of anti-aging you
may not be aware of. A lot of times when we hear anti-aging we
think of things like goji berries and acai berries and yoga and meditation, and different
things along those lines, but he's going to share with you today one of the number one
secrets for anti-aging you may not be aware of. So Dr. Billy, great to have you here with
me today.
Dr. Billy: Happy to be here, Josh. I appreciate it. Dr.
Axe: So anti-aging is a big topic. I know that you take care of hundreds and
hundreds of patients in Orange County, California. Talk to me a little bit about this secret
that you have discovered. I know this is a way you practice, I know
we're going to talk about chiropractic here specifically, but how does that help with
anti-aging? Dr.
Billy: Well, most people have this conception
or misconception, that chiropractic is only about back pain, and usually that's what most
people will come to me for, is back pain. But I try to get them to understand the true
essence of what chiropractic is really about and where chiropractic is headed. If you really understand the brain and nervous
system and how that controls every function of life, you understand how nurturing that
brain and nervous system, through nutrition obviously and proper exercise and proper thought
patterns and regular sleep. But the one most people don't understand,
and that's one of my objectives is to try to teach people, like you take care of your
teeth, it's super important that we take care of our spine and nervous system to really
maximize just the expression of that nervous system, but also to nurture it to extend the
life of the spine and nervous system.
So it's all about longevity, it's all about
getting the body working at a higher level. Most people come to you with severe pain,
and you've waited too long in my opinion. It's just like if you waited to start eating
healthy until you found out you had diabetes or a heart attack. You want to do stuff now on a daily basis
that contributes to maximizing your life.
What chiropractic is about is removing interference. In chiropractic the term is called subluxation,
and to me a subluxation would be analogous to, in the dental profession, what a cavity
is. So what a chiropractor does is we assess alignment,
and when there are areas of the spine that are out of alignment and not moving properly,
we call that a subluxation. What that creates is interference from the
brain through the spinal cord out to all the organs, and also the organs need to communicate
back to the brain.
What we do is we detect where those subluxations
are at through palpation, feeling the spine, checking range of motion, but also we take
x-rays, we run thermographic scans. With that we can determine where a person
needs to be adjusted specifically, and then we remove that subluxation to allow greater
communication through that circuitry from the brain, spinal cord, to the nerves, to
the organs, and then back to the spine. So if we can get a person free of that interference
we allow a greater expression of that intelligence, just raising the level of a person's health
expression. Dr.
Axe: Yeah. One of the unique things I've heard you talk
about, Dr. Billy, is this sympathetic versus parasympathetic response by the body. Now we know the sympathetic nervous system
is your body's fight or flight response.
If a bear is chasing you and you get really
stressed out, we know blood flow and all these things go to the extremities, but some people
live in this state of this sympathetic response. This is really one of the keys of anti-aging. Talk to me about how this sympathetic versus
parasympathetic and how a chiropractic adjustment maybe with the vagus nerve or some of those
different areas really helps bring the body back to that parasympathetic state. Dr.
Billy: Great question. What people need to realize is 85% to probably
90% of disease is caused from being in a state of stress. We all know that stress causes disease. What happens when the spine is out of alignment,
there is tension on the spinal cord, there's irritation of the nerves, and it's going to
push us more into sympathetic, more into fight or flight.
The body is designed to be in fight or flight
periodically, like if there's a tiger in here that's going to eat us, we need to be in sympathetic. Our heart rate goes up, blood pressure goes
up, and a lot of other physiologic activities. It's good for an emergency situation, but
most people live their lives in that, and that's why they end up getting heart disease
or cancer or a myriad of other diseases. We've got studies now that support the fact
that if we remove subluxation, work with changing a person's posture out of this flex position
which most people get from working on computers, looking at their phone all day, just sitting,
flying on planes.
Typically most people spend eight hours a
day sitting, which destroys posture, which again is going to push us more into that sympathetic
zone. What we do through specific chiropractic adjustments
and giving them specific exercises that they can do, we help to remove the subluxation,
normalize posture, which takes tension off the spinal cord. It will move us from sympathetic into parasympathetic,
which is where we get to rest and digest, and the body rebuilds itself, again promoting
a healthier state, preventing disease, and allowing the body to rebuild itself with healthy
cells, prolonging life and creating longevity. Dr.
Axe: Wow. Yeah, one of these things you said, and I
think you hit the nail right on the head, Dr. Billy, is that most people today, around
80% or more live in this high stress state. When you look at a lot of conditions today
and things that I've treated over the years, things like autoimmune disease, ADHD and autism,
most hormone imbalance, adrenal fatigue, even types of thyroid issues, many of these actually
are, their root cause is related in this high sympathetic strait, this neurological stress
that can happen on the body.
So as you're saying, "Hey, start removing
pressure, get pressure off that spinal cord is going to help those areas relax," and one
of the things that you may not realize is that your body is always communicating with
different organs. So your brain is your master control system. It tells your heart to beat, your lungs to
breathe, your stomach to digest food, and this is something I see with a lot of patients
with digestive issues. If they have a severe emotionally traumatic
experience or they're taking a test as a student, it will affect their body just as negatively
if not more than eating gluten if they're not supposed to or some form of conventional
dairy product that would wreck their system.
Well, stress does it in the same way. So there's no doubt that chiropractic is one
of the most powerful tools at removing stress from the body. Now, one of the questions I know that my viewers
have a lot of times is, I know you probably have some evidence from what you've seen in
your clinic. Any studies showing that less stress on the
nerve system or an adjustment can actually help the body in that way? Dr.
Billy: Yeah, there is research out there. I don't have the quotes off the top of my
head, and we can probably provide links for that if that's something people would be interested
in. But what's interesting is most people will
come to you with whatever their back pain issue is, and I do re-exams on people typically,
and some of the things that I see, you see that people come out of that sympathetic into
parasympathetic . .
. The number one thing I hear from people the most is that they sleep
better. If you sleep better obviously that's going
to promote longevity, but you're going to have more energy because being in sympathetic
all the time is a drain on the system. But also one of the main issues, people come
in and they've better digestion, their body just starts to work better.
The pain is the symptom that brought them
in the office, and then when you remove that subluxation and get rid of the pain, the warning
signal, then the body gets a chance, like I said, to better communicate with itself. But what's even more interesting to me is
that now we've got tons of research especially through Deed Harrison and his work in biophysics,
that spinal degeneration is going to be perpetuated or increased when the spine is out of alignment. I use kind of an analogy that some people
understand. If the tires on your car are out of alignment
they're going to wear prematurely.
Sometimes people come in and they've got all
this degeneration in their spine, and I tell them it's like if you drove your tires until
they're bald or the threads start showing, we can't put tread back on. So it's all about, just like with eating healthy
and thinking healthy thoughts, it's all about things that we can do to prolong the life
of the spine. Just because the spine is under the stress
of gravity and everything that we can do to promote normal alignment is going to prolong
the life of the spine. What we see epidemic in society is this forward
head posture, which is going to put a lot of stress on the vertebrae and disk, and it's
going to promote degenerative changes in the spine, i.E.
Osteoarthritis. Which most people understand when we're laying
down bone in the spinal column and where the nerves come out, we call them foramina, the
more bone that's laid down the more it kind of strangulates or just compresses those nerves. That's just going to decrease the body's capacity
to communicate with itself because you've got more and more pressure on the spinal cord
and nerves which restricts that flow of lipid, which is so important to keep us healthy and
promote a long lifestyle. Dr.
Axe: Yeah, Dr. Billy. I wrote an article a few years back called,
"Chiropractic as Your Body's Natural Antioxidant," because there was a great study showing that
actually chiropractic adjustments reduce oxidative stress on the body. We know oxidation, if you take a bite out
of an apple it starts to turn brown, that's oxidation.
The same thing can happen to your skin. You start to get those brown age spots. That's oxidation. Well, imagine the same thing happening internally
to your organs, liver, kidney, and reproductive organs.
They start to age. Well, chiropractic has been shown in medical
studies to actually reduce oxidative stress, aging on the body. So I want to encourage you guys to check out
Dr. Billy DeMoss online.
Check out his website. He's got a great natural health event I'm
going to be speaking at in the near future called Cal Jam. So you can check that out online. Cal Jam.
There are as well some of the world's best
speakers on health, nutrition, natural remedies, and things like that are going to be speaking
at that event as well. Also just remember this, go and find your
local chiropractor. Start getting chiropractic adjustments and
start working on improving your posture and reducing that neural stress because by doing
that, you're reducing oxidative stress. It's also going to help you live a longer,
healthier life.
Dr. Billy, I want to say thanks so much, my
man for doing this training today. Hey, I hope you guys have enjoyed this YouTube
video. Have a great week..
Hey, guys. Dr. Josh Axe here. Welcome to "Ancient Medicine Today." I'm going to be going over the top 10 superfoods
that support anti-aging.
If you want to look younger, feel younger,
if you want to have healthier skin, thicker skin, hair, and nails, then I'm going to be
going over, again, the top foods and herbs. They're going to help you do just that. And I'll tell you I notice a lot of people
who start to age faster than they should. Now a lot of that's emotional stress.
Some of it is due to not getting the right
type of foods in your diet. Have you ever seen anybody who was in their
60s but you could swear they were 20 years younger and vice versa someone who are in
their 40s that looks 60? There are reasons for that. A lot of it has to do with diet toxicity,
the things you're eating on a daily basis. And hey, help me spread the word.
Today's episode I'm going to be talking about
how to use food as medicine for anti-aging. Take a second right now. Punch your share button. Click your love button.
Help me spread the word on how to use food
as medicine. All right, I'm going to dive right in and
start talking about these top 10 foods. Number one are figs. Now figs are incredible.
And figs in Greece and in Israel we're known
to be an anti-aging food. Now figs, specifically, you can see this reddish
color in there. Those are flavonoids and different types of
antioxidants. And the largest amount of antioxidants that
are found in figs are actually on the skin, okay? On the skin area, figs are incredible for
their health.
Even those little seeds you'll see in there
are full of omega-3 fats. But the biggest benefit of figs is that they
contain a proteolytic enzyme called ficin. And ficin actually reduces inflammation throughout
the body and supports anti-aging. It's good for so many things but it's loaded
with antioxidants, some omegas in the seeds, and also these proteolytic enzymes.
So figs, when you can get them fresh or dried,
one of the best anti-aging foods out there today. And I'll mention, as well, another great fruit
to go with figs to be pomegranates. Pomegranates contain similar antioxidants
and flavonoids which help with that anti-aging process. So again, get figs in your diet to support
The next thing in here is collagen protein. You can take a collagen protein supplement
or a bone broth collagen protein supplement on a daily basis add a scoop to a smoothie
and the benefits are tremendous. We know when your skin starts to sag, it's
because your body isn't producing as much collagen. As you age your body produces less collagen
over time.
And remember this, collagen is the glue that
holds your body together. It's the glue. It's that adhesive that tones and tightened
your skin. When your body produces less collagen and
when you get less collagen in your diet, it's what will start to cause premature wrinkles
and sagging.
If you're getting sagging in different areas
of your body, collagen can help that. Collagen help support firmness and tonus in
the body, and that's why two of my favorite protein powders are a bone broth powdered
protein and a collagen protein on a regular basis. So again, make sure you're getting plenty
of straight collagen in your diet every single day. And you'll notice this in anti-aging creams.
Many of them contain collagen. Some of them contain hyaluronic acid but they
contain compounds that help tone, tighten, and firm the skin. You got to get collagen at least one to two
servings in your diet every single day to support anti-aging benefits. Number three superfood is chaga.
Chaga is the prized medicinal mushroom from
China. Now there are many beneficial medicinal mushrooms. Reishi would be the other one I would put
on this list. Now reishi is prized in Chinese medicine as
being the mushroom of immortality.
It extends the life. It does that because Reishi and chaga actually
helped in working as adaptogen. So they helped reduce stress on the body. Also another key factor you'll find with a
few of these is they actually support stem cell production.
Another really advanced treatment people are
using for anti-aging is getting stem cell or PRP. That's platelet-rich plasma done on the skin
as a holistic treatment. But listen, internally, chaga and reishi help
your body produce more healthy amount of stem cells. They help reduce stress on the body.
So what I would recommend is drinking a chaga
tea daily or supplementing with reishi mushrooms but doing one of those or both in combination
or alternating, an absolute must for anti-aging. And also chaga actually helps support your
body's own collagen production. So not only can you get collagen in your diet,
your body can produce more collagen with chaga and with reishi mushroom. Number four here, wild-caught salmon.
Salmon is loaded with fat soluble antioxidants
that help protect the body from aging. In fact, the antioxidant found in salmon,
you'll see if you find that bright, like sockeye, salmon or king salmon has this bright reddish
orangish color, those antioxidants are called astaxanthin. They're actually really strong what are called
carotenoids. So they're fat soluble antioxidants that specifically
help reduce aging in the body.
And remember this, you need both water soluble
antioxidants and fat soluble. You know a water soluble antioxidant would
be something like a vitamin C or flavonoids that are found in fruits. Fat soluble antioxidants are going to be things
like astaxanthin, is going to be a big one or turmerone found in turmeric oil or different
essential oils are going to have more of those fat soluble antioxidants, like cinnamon is
another good example of one. But salmon contains astaxanthin, amazing producing
And then the other big one is salmon is really
high in the omega-3 fatty acids EPA and DHA. And I can tell you, the EPA and DHA are incredible
for reducing inflammation in the body but also for hydrating the skin. Remember this, your cells are made up of mostly
fat. You've got to have healthy fats in your diet
and omega-3 fats are the most fats, in terms of clinical studies that have been shown,
to increase lifespan and fight disease.
So get more of those omega-3s in your diet
on a daily basis. Now number five here are berries. My favorite being blueberries. I'd also throw raspberries up there.
Raspberries contain ellagic acid which has
been shown to actually fight skin cancer and help your body look more young. And blueberries contain bioflavonoids and
resveratrol. The same antioxidant found in grape skins
are also found in the skin of blueberries. Blueberry's one of the ultimate superfoods
because remember this, if you want to age slower you need more collagen, you need more
antioxidants, you need to reduce inflammation, you need more stem cells.
Those are some of the key factors your body
needs in aging slower. Berries, one of the kings of antioxidants
in terms of an overall fruit. And let me mention this, wild and organic
blueberries tend to have three times the antioxidants as conventional blueberries. So again when you're buying blueberries or
buying fruit, going organic is actually definitely worth the price of it as triple the amount
of antioxidants in certain circumstances.
So again berries but especially blueberries
followed by raspberries. Blackberries are actually really great too
in terms of their antioxidant content. They can really slow the aging process. You know one of the recipes I love to do every
morning, I'll tell you even what I had for breakfast this morning.
I had one cup of blueberries. I had one scoop of bone broth powdered protein
I put in a smoothie. I also put in a scoop of collagen. I did a little bit coconut milk, some cinnamon
but I was getting all of these things in a single smoothie.
So again berries are great. Number six here is turmeric. And turmeric actually contains two compounds,
curcumin and turmerone. Now curcumin is the one that is getting so
much press today.
So curcumin is one of the top selling supplements
in the world today. And curcumin helps reduce inflammation in
the body. So that's a big benefit of turmeric. Did you know though that turmeric essential
oil or .
. . Turmeric has both but you can also buy turmeric essential oil that actually
has a compound called turmerone, as this turmeric, and that's been shown to increase stem cells
in the body and actually protect your body. So whereas curcumin is a really strong anti-inflammatory,
it also fights cancer--that's curcumin.
Turmerone helps more with tissue regeneration
and with your body producing its own stem cells--incredible. So again when you're doing turmeric powder
you're getting the best of both worlds. Also turmeric oil is going to have more turmerone,
but in general add turmeric to a burger meat, add it to a taco mix, add it to some hummus. Get more turmeric in your diet.
You can also get it in supplement form but
again turmeric, one of the ultimate anti-aging foods because of curcumin and turmerone. Number seven here is bone broth. I love doing bone broth. In fact today for lunch, I'm going to be doing
a turkey bone broth that I made at home in my slow cooker at home.
I mean for breakfast I actually did two scoops
of a chocolate bone broth powdered protein that I had this morning. So doing bone broth and powder form incredible
as well. But either way, here's all the benefits of
bone broth for anti-aging looking younger. Number one, it is your number one source of
And I want to mention this that there are
many different types of collagen. There's collagen Type 1, Type 2, Type 3, Type
5, and Type 10. The most important types of collagen for anti-aging
are Type 1 and 3, all followed by Type 2, Type 5, and type 10. When you're buying a collagen or a collagen
supplement, you want to look for one ideally that comes from bone broth and that contains
multiple times of collagen.
So Type 1, 2, 3, 5, and 10. You want to get a collagen that has all of
those but the same thing goes with bone broth. Bone broth has multiple types of collagen
which helps with the skin. Also, bone broth contains hyaluronic acid
and today there are anti-aging clinics that actually go and inject hyaluronic acid into
the skin to actually help people look younger.
They're even doing this in joints. They're doing it knees that are arthritic. Hyaluronic acid has so many benefits. The number one food source in the world of
hyaluronic acid is bone broth.
So again it's great whether you make it yourself
at home, or order it, or take it in a powder form, whether it's liquid or powder, bone
broth has incredible benefits because of all the collagen, all the hyaluronic acid, not
to mention all of the other benefits from having glucosamine, chondroitin, and a whole
lot of other nutrients, and actually even potassium which is great for toning and firming
the body. Number eight here is the adaptogenic powder,
maca. Now maca root is actually known, especially
in certain areas of Asia, and in fact it's typically stands for or is called the strength
of the stallions. So this is used as a libido booster over the
Also, maca is known to naturally increase
your energy levels, but maca because it helps work as an adaptogen which, again, helps lower
those cortisol levels, helps reduce stress on the body, is really powerful. And I'll say this maca works great as a powder
or a food because remember, I'm talking about foods today. Maca is typically used as a food. I do want to mention though a couple herbs
that are probably just as beneficial or more than maca.
Now these are known more as pure herbs but
ashwagandha is probably even higher up on that list for anti-aging as are holy basil
and rhodiola. So those herbs are very powerful but maca
is pretty powerful as well. And maca is typically added to smoothies in
powder form. So again, get some maca in your diet to age
Number nine, avocados. The thing I love about avocados is, again
remember, if you want to age slower, you need to hydrate your skin, you need to get more
fats, you need more antioxidants, you need more collagen, and you need your body to produce
more stem cells. Those are the things your body needs to age
slower. Avocados, great source of healthy fat.
Also great source of minerals like magnesium
and potassium. Magnesium and potassium actually help your
body with your fluid ratios. Most of us today get way too much sodium in
our diet. When you get too much sodium that'll cause
your body to hold excess fluid which can also be inflammatory versus if your body can have
the right amount of fluid in your cells, it actually will cause you to look leaner and
have more tight and toned skin.
Avocados, because of their high levels of
potassium and magnesium which helps with muscle tone, absolutely help do that. So an avocado a day will keep the dermatologist
away. Remember that saying, all right? So avocados, great for your skin, great for
your cellular health. One of the truly great anti-aging foods.
And number 10 here, this one might surprise
you, animal fats. Okay. Now I'm not saying that you want to get a
very large amount of animal fats in your diet, but some animal fats, if it's from grass-fed
organically raised animals. Because remember this difference if a cow
is eating grains, a lot of grains or GMO corn or soy for instance, their fat tissue is full
of more omega-6 fats and other different types of fats so it changes their body.
So those fats, more omega-6s and others, those
are going to become really inflammatory to the body, okay? So very inflammatory. If a cow eats grasses, it has more CLA, more
healthy saturated fats, more omega-3s, so that's the important thing to remember is,
you are what you eat, what they ate. If cows are eating grasses and greens and
things like that, they're healthy. If they're eating a lot of grains or GMO,
they're not healthy.
But that goes for animal fat. If you have a healthy, healthy animal fats
that come from grass-fed animals, they're very high in the right types of saturated
fat. And here's how this can help you age slower. A lot of you today are using oils on your
skin that are plant-based.
Those plant-based oils don't necessarily match
the exact same types of fats or oils that are found in your skin. Did you know that animal fats, if we're talking
about chicken fat specifically or tallow, a clean tallow, which is beef fat, if we're
talking about chicken or beef fat, those oils have the exact same type of membrane, the
exact same type of fat ratios that your own skin and body have? Did you know that our ancient ancestors would
have rarely used plant-based oils for moisturizers? Now, yes they may have used some olive oil,
so they may have used them some, but if you look at the Indian tribes, for instance if
you go to certain of the areas of the country or look at our ancestors, they actually would
use tallow and schmaltz or chicken fat. They would actually use that to hydrate their
skin. They would mix those with essential oils and
other things.
So actually animal fats are the ultimate body
moisturizers. If you really want to hydrate your skin perfectly
with the exactly . . .
Really with the thing that gives your skin the exact hydration it
needs, you get those from animal fats. So again, the place that I love to get animal
fats is through bone broth. If you're making bone broth that fat that
settles at the top, that fat, if it's from an organic animal, can be very, very healthy. And again, I'm not saying you need a lot of
this fat, but a small amount of animal fats in your diet, from grass-fed animals, can
actually give your body great health whether you take them internally or even get some
of that oil, a healthy clean tallow or schmaltz, and rub it on your body topically as a natural
Now I know, I'm probably getting comments
and that's surprising some of you, but I'm telling you, it's the exact same fatty acid
ratio that you have in your body, in your skin that you're going to get from some of
those animals. And so guys these are the top anti-aging foods. What I would encourage you to do this week
is take this list, write it down right now or type it out, and really focus on getting
these foods in your diet. You know maybe the first thing you change
is your breakfast smoothie.
So I get it for breakfast. What I would recommend is a scoop of bone
broth powder, of a protein bone broth, maybe a scoop of maca, a cup of berries, and you
can do a little collagen protein in there too. But start making this healing smoothie for
lunch. Start doing a big superfood salad with salmon
and avocado on it.
Get some more herbs in your diet like turmeric. Do a chaga or a reishi tea for breakfast. Implement these things into your diet this
week. I know it's going to help you get healthier
and look and feel younger.
And if you want to learn more about these
principles of anti-aging, also feel free to check out my website. Do a google search for Dr. Axe anti-aging
foods. I have a whole article on this that goes in-depth
as well.
I want to hey, thanks so much guys for watching
remember. I'm here every Monday through Friday 10:30
a.M., Central Standard Time. Have a great week, guys. I'll see you tomorrow at 10:30 a.M.
Hi. Dr. Axe here. I want to say thanks so much for checking
out this YouTube video, and also don't forget to subscribe.
If you want to get more great content on things
like herbs, essential oils, natural remedies, and how to use food as medicine, also check
out more of our content on my YouTube channel. Thanks for watching..
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and I'm sure you're very curious about it.
It's one of those facials which is not only
trending in Hollywood with people like celebrities like Kim Kardashian writing about it, but
even in Bollywood and certainly in our clinic - The Ageless Clinic So what is this Vampire facial? The whole concept behind it, is that our blood
has the ability to heal. So say you fall down, you get a deep cut on
your hand. You will bleed, the bleeding will stop and
within two days there will be no trace that you even had a cut over there. The whole concept is that our platelets have
the ability to heal.
So in the vampire facial, we take a regular
blood test, remove your platelets out of it and put it in the areas that we want for them
to get better. So the certain indications that we could use
it for would be scars, so certain acne scars or post
wound or post injury scars, open pores, fine lines, wrinkles,
people who just want a fresher appearance, a more well rested appearance
or for those who want help get a really nice glow even before their wedding. It also works for certain types of pigmentation
and rejuvenation. With regards to which age group is suitable
to have it, there's no such age group.
Today if you have an acne scar when you are
19, no problem, we can do it for you. Or even somebody older who just wants to have
a very fresh look, can have it done. Because it's your own blood, you don't have
to worry about any sort of side effect, any sort of thing that can go wrong or any
sort of burn or any chemical injury. So it's a very safe, very effective and a
superb treatment to get done.
Let me go over the steps of what this facial
entitles. So, you come to the clinic,
whilst you're waiting, some numbing cream is applied on your face
and at the same time, like a regular blood test, that you would have at any lab, your
blood is taken. That is then put through a machine which removes
just your platelets which is all the good stuff that we need and
that is put back into your skin to give you those wow results. So, I hope after all this you're not scared
about the vampire facial and you'll definitely give it a go.
It's not going to stiffen you, it won't make
you look fake. In fact, it will make you look really fresh
and very well rested and will actually slow down your ageing process. So think about it..
Hey everyone! Today I'm here to show you the best anti-aging
routine ever. Anti-aging is for everyone, no matter how
old you are. You might be thinking, I'm way too young to
think about skincare. But, the sooner you start, the more you can
prevent signs of aging, such as wrinkles, saggy skin and crow's feet.
First, I'm going to show you how to use the
LUNA 2 to take your anti-aging routine to the next level. The FOREO LUNA 2 is a facial cleansing brush,
but it is also an anti-aging superhero. The back anti-aging side massages in your
favorite creams and serums, so you don't have to buy new products to see better results. The LUNA 2 actually helps the products absorb
even better and works even harder for you.
So first, you're going to apply all your favorite
serums and creams. Then, you're going to press the center button
three times to activate the anti-aging mode. It uses lower frequency pulses to help smooth
out those fine lines. This is super awesome, because it targets those
lines and tight facial muscles that causes wrinkles and saggy skin.
This also increases your circulation and blood
flow, so you get that beautiful skin glow, and you can use this anywhere that's prone
to wrinkles, or just anywhere you want. All you have to do is press it gently on your
skin and rock it back and forth. You're going to start in that area between
the eyebrows, where you get those dreaded "elevens" from furrowing your brow. You're just going to press it here, and rock
back and forth.
Then, you're going to move on to your temple. You're going to do each section for twelve
seconds, but don't worry, you don't have to count. The brush will tell you when to move on. Next, we're going to move to that section
between your nose and your cheeks, where you get those smile lines.
Smiling is great, but smile lines, not so
much. So we're just going to take the time to smooth
everything out. When that's done, you're just going to move
to the other side. Do that left side, and then you're going to
finish off with your left temple.
After one minute, you're done. Also, you can use the LUNA 2 for the neck
and dcolletage, because who wants a firm, gorgeous face and a saggy neck? It's as easy as that. And also, if your dude is jealous that you
have an awesome facial massager, you can do yourself a favor and prevent him from stealing
yours by checking out the LUNA 2 for Men, so you can do your routine together. Now we're going to move on to the eyes with
the IRIS.
It is an awesome, ophthalmologist-approved
eye massager that gets rid of those under-eye bags, that puffiness, and those unwanted things
just around the eye. It actually replicates a manual tapping motion
that's super popular in Asia right now, and it feels great on your skin. First, apply eye cream to both eyes. Then, you're going to press the center button
of the IRIS to turn it on.
You're going to start in the inner corner
of your eye, and then move gently outward. It doesn't pull or tug on your skin at all,
which is great. And then finally, you're going to move to
your brow bone, get the top of the eye. With its curved ergonomic design, it's perfect
for the under eye, on top of the eye, and brow bone for a perfect three-sixty treatment.
Now, we'll move on to the left. Same thing, inner eye moving out, and then
finally the brow. After thirty seconds, you are done. It leaves your skin feeling super smooth and
silky, and refreshed.
It's my secret weapon. If you feel like the pulsations are a little
too strong, or too gentle, you can use the plus or minus signs to increase the feeling
or decrease them. When you turn it on, it starts in Spa Mode,
that's using those tapping sensations and delicate pulsations for someone who's more
worried about those deeper wrinkles. If you press the button again, it goes into
Pure Mode, which only has the tapping motions.
It's perfect for someone who's just starting
out with their skincare. I know skincare products can be super pricey,
so I love these products because it helps it absorb even better and work harder for
you, and you get gorgeous glowing skin in less than three minutes. That's less time than it takes to brew a cup
of coffee. Seriously? No more excuses.
And you can do this at the start of your day
before you get ready, or at night when you're winding down. It is essential for that beautiful, healthy
skin, and FOREO makes it super simple. Thank you guys so much for watching, and stay
tuned for more skincare tips. If you have any questions, please contact
us on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram @FOREO.
Whats up everybody?
Welcome back to my channel. Today I am not applying makeup,
I know that might sound a little shocking. But, were going to dive into the infamous
topic of antiaging and skincare. Now this is not a full regime
of how I do my skincare.
I know you guys have been asking
about that for a long time. I promise I will do it this summer. I want
to talk about antiaging, extreme antiaging and what I do personally to look
this way and its crazy, because to me and a lot of people say this when
they havent seen me in a while or a few years. Theyre like, Bitch, are you like
rewinding the age clock? How do you look like that? How do you have no wrinkles
under your eyes? No bags Its not easy, I will say that.
I will say that right now.
Of course were gonna go into
a little in-depth whole thing. Im also gonna be applying
some masks. Im gonna be talking about my favorite
moisturizers, favorite lipscrubs. Creams for the hands, neck, face.
Everything bitch, I got a cream for everything. Quick disclaimer. Everything in todays
video works for me, of course trying out these things throughout
the years is how I discovered a lot of this stuff. And Im also gonna be talking about some tips
and tricks that I do on the daily that of course free.
Just everyday life for when youre in
the car, when youre out in the sun. All the crazy shit that
I do to look like this. I just want to put it out there you guys,
that I just turned thirty years old. Whats up three zero,
how are you? So what does thirty mean? It means that its really time to amp up
the antiaging, if you dont want to age.
Now there are a lot of people that are gonna say
But aging gracefully is amazing and I like wrinkles. Sorry, that was hard to come out my mouth. Now I do wanna say one thing, because I always
make jokes about plastic surgery and fillers. Now I think that a lot of YouTube beauty
gurus go way overboard with their fillers and thats obviously their insecurities
and they have a lot going on right here.
But if you want to do something for yourself
because you want to change you and theres no other factors, theres no one else telling
you what to do and you want to do it for yourself, I think that is the only time that you
should do anything and modify yourself. If you wanna get your breasts done,
if you wanna get bigger lips, if you wanna get Botox and you
wanna do it for you, bitch go do it. And if it makes you feel better inside or just
because you wanna change something for fun, I think thats what is most important. Now I am gonna say this, of course you guys
have seen me get lip injections on my channel, but I do not have Botox and a lot of people probably
make jokes cause I make jokes and Im very sarcastic.
You guys know that. But if you guys didnt know,
Im a very sarcastic person and throughout the years I have made jokes about
getting facial surgery, crazy shit done to me and a lot of it was just me being
funny and none of it was true. So, Ive had my lips done. Do I have Botox? Do I have filler or anything else on my face? No! That is the final answer.
I don't know. Maybe people dont believe me
because Ive said shit in the past, I dont know. But, I can move my forehead,
I can move any part of my face. I mean, theres no Botox in this face
or Id be a little bit more frozen.
I think the problem with todays society
and anti-aging in the market for, is that a lot of the times its geared
for old woman or older people. The problem with that you guys,
Im not saying its too late. But if youre going to show a sixty-year-old
an eye cream, its already too late. They are...
Theyve already
aged around their eyes. If you have crows feet already
and its really severe, you know? Its not that its too too late,
but you should of done it before. So, I think a lot of the time all these
myths and secrets and tricks, a lot of it is really just a lie and you know,
companies are trying to sell you the dream. At the end of the day its all about genetics
and also your diet is very important.
I drink water all day long. It may seem like
Im drinking Red Bull on Snapchat all the time, but I am drinking water all day long. And your diet is very important
to aging as well. For all of you people that are
addicted to caffeine and soda, that just dries out your skin and
over time you will look a lot older.
As we like to say. But, you wanna see what
the fuck Im talking about? And all these crazy tricks
Ive got up my sleeves? Then keep on watching. I at age, Im trying to think here. Girl Im trying to rewind
the fucking clock.
One, two, three. Okay, probably
at around age fifteen. So 15 years ago, I trained
myself to not move my face. So what does that mean? It means that you see my forehead.
I mean for my age,
my forehead is very smooth. There are a little few fine lines in there,
which is obviously normal. But I have done a really good job of when
Im talking or laughing or really expressing. I dont really move my face and I dont
mean when Im talking Im just like.
I move my face, but I dont really move this area
a lot and I dont really move like my forehead. So I dont really move
my face when I laugh. I dont move my eyes. Now were about to dive into some skincare and
Im gonna show you guys my favorite products.
Im gonna test out and show you guys a new
mask that just hit the market a month ago. Now when Im washing or cleansing, you need to
find products that have no alcohol in them, okay? Alcohol and anything is the devil,
it will age you. Now some of the things have to have a tiny bit
of alcohol for formulas and I understand that. I definitely look past that sometimes.
But toners that have severe alcohol in it, youre
just literally wiping the future off of your face. So one of my favorite primers
ever is by the brand Sisley. It is the floral toning lotion and Ive mentioned
this in a previous favorites video. This is my third bottle, it is amazing.
Now I love to use little cotton circles,
you can get these at the drugstore. Now everything in todays video you guys, is sadly
not drugstore or price friendly and antiaging stuff, you really cant find something that is
gonna really stop time at Wholegreens. But you can get these cotton pads and Im not trying
to be shady but thats just really, really realistic. I have tried out so many products and the drugstore isnt the antiaging kingdom
of where you gonna find these secrets.
So this toner, its a little more
pricey but it is amazing. Its good for dry and sensitive
skin out there. People ask me all the time,
What kind of skin do you have? Do you have dry? Do you have normal?
Do you have combination? Do you have oily? I really fall in that middle category
of just normal skin. In the morning you guys, I love to wake up
and before even brushing my teeth...
I mean the teeth are really important bitch,
but the skin is really what I focus on first. So Ill take a little cotton pad and I will put some
all in here and then I just wipe down my skin and this will remove all of the dirt and the oil that
your skin was dealing with throughout the night. I will wipe down my entire face
and I love wiping down my neck. The neck and this area
is very important.
Now let me show you something
a little disgusting. You see that? That was on my face. This is all of the dirt and
oil from last night. So once the dirt is off of your skin,
then we can move on.
And before we move on, I just wanna say
a few more brands that Im loving right now. Now Lamer, you guys know is
a very expensive skincare brand. They have amazing makeup now. But this is another toner,
its called La Tonic.
Its amazing for just kind of like a refresher throughout
the day and it doesnt leave you shiny or weird. Which some toners can leave
you feeling sort of... I dont know. Every product does something different.
And then recently the brand Fresh, who I discovered in
Sephora like two years ago and now I am such a fan. Just put out the Rose Deep Hydration Facial Toner
and yes, those are rose particals in the bottle. Im kind of living for it. It looks so cool.
And I dont have it in front of me, but I used to use
a Dover toner from the drugstore actually and it is alcohol free. So remember guys, when you are buying stuff
at the drugstore or at the mall or anywhere, look at the back of the bottle or the
box and look at the ingredients. It might be in the middle, it might be
at the front, it might be at the bottom. But if the word alcohol is in there
and its a toner, run for the hills.
So after I tone my skin
I love to moisturize. Now its gonna be a little probably
weird to explain this because I use different moisturizers
throughout the week. So I dont stick to one
every day, you know? Sometimes Ill feel a little more
dry, sometimes Im travelling. Like a few of my favorites Im obsessed
with, I have to say this LaMer one again.
I know I have mentioned this in favorites videos,
but this is the moisturizing soft cream and I just ran out of my huge bottle. It lasted me like eleven months
which is pretty damn good. I know the price point is a little extreme and
a lot of you are gonna be like, Girl. Spare me.
But I think after using it for a few years, Ive seen
a difference and I love how it makes me feel. Another one Im obsessed with is this Dior Totale
Capture moisturizer and I love bringing this on trips. Now another really great one that I recommend
to people is from the brand Fresh. Again, this is the Ultimate Aging
Complexion Treatment.
It is a soft cream, meaning it is a moisturizer. Now its a little weird because when
you open it, it feels almost air light. Almost like flubber, its not...
Its just weird. So I will just take this and just kind
of rub it in between my fingers and then were just gonna
massage all over the skin.
And I love just going all over the
face like a mini little massage. Also, you know whats crazy
is perfume, right? This is just a quick side note. When you are spraying perfume on yourself,
that is literal pure alcohol with fragrance. Its really like alcohol mixed with alcohol.
And were not talking about the drinking kind,
were talking about real alcohol the ingredient. And imagine every morning,
what are you doing? Youre literally spraying alcohol
on your skin every single day. So when I do perfume I only really spray on my
clothes or Ill dab a little bit and Ill barely rub it, but its like every time I do it Im like clinging
because were aging honey, were aging. So, Im bringing the extraness as always.
So the brand Sicily a few months ago came
out with something that is for the neck only. This is the neck cream. Its supposed to firm, refine,
remodel your existence. Now this is supposed to show
improvement after a month.
Now Ive used this for a while.
Im not gonna say my neck looks better. Does it feel softer and has
the skin kind of improved? 100% Well say it has. It smells so good. So, the neck cream looks
something like this.
It smells so fresh and I love Sicily. I know you guys heard me use this
so many times on my channel. One of their favorite products of mine is their
primer which a lot of Youtubers are using now. This one though, the neck cream works.
So were just gonna take
some out on our nail. Were just gonna dot it all over our neck
and this just feels so fresh and amazing. Alright, now lets talk about when youre gonna go
out into the world, youre gonna leave your house and youre gonna say hello to this sun,
which is aka the devil. And what are we going
to do about that? Now I am someone that is...
We keep saying the word extreme,
thats me. Now when I go outside you guys, I dont ever sit in the sun longer
than five minutes. When Im walking to my car,
I will hold something up, Im literally... This is not what
I hold up normally, but I hold up things so the sun
never touches my face.
When I am walking around
at lets say a music festival or an outdoor mall or Im walking somewhere
far, I always bring like an umbrella. I dont give a fuck how dumb I look
or what people say about me. Also, sunscreen is very
important you guys. Now you dont have to get
a boogey ass sunscreen, of course the drugstore has some
great ones from Neutrogena.
But I love a sunscreen with SPF 50. Now heres a disclaimer that Im just
gonna say and put it out there. A lot of brands, even in the drugstore or the mall will give a disclaimer
of yes 150 SPF da da da. That is a false advertisement and
those products do not exist.
Any brand is allowed to put whatever
number they want on here and lie. I dont know why thats allowed legally. But if youve seen stuff thats
like 110 SPF its not real. It can only go up to 50.
Besides that I always
put on sunscreen before my makeup definitely in the summer
especially out here, I always wear sun glasses. I know I have mentioned
this in previous videos and people probably roll their eyes. Buut girl, I just got to say one thing sun glasses
are probably one of the biggest keys of anti-aging for me personally that
I have noticed throughout the years. I always look over at people
theyre squinting, their eyes are fucked,
they looking crazy, the sun is beaming on their face
in traffic and they just like Uhh Im not gonna do it cause
my eyes will pull.
But you know what I mean when someones
squinting and its just like... Crows feets to the gods
and Im like no. So every time I leave the house I dont
care if I have full make up on or not, I am using this as an extreme example
but I love sun glasses. Now, these glasses are very
obnoxious and big, which I love anything big in my hands,
mouth or face.
I love these because
they are massive. You know you dont have to get
designer sun glasses, there are a million sun glasses out
there in the world just get some that are UV protectived and dont get played
by some false ass advertisement. Now I know we talked
about diet earlier, but I think it is very important
to know that I dont party and what I mean about partying is you guys,
I dont drink alcohol, I dont get wasted. And a lot of you know this about me,
but if you are a new...
Hi. I have never tried alcohol before I know that
is going to seem shocking to some people. I just think that people go and
dig up old videos on my channel when I was touring and doing music
and a lot of them were like Oh my god we found a picture
of you with a shot glass And Im like girl, that was full of Fiji
water and it was for the shot. You know for the camera,
its for the moment I pretended to take
a shot with my friends.
There is also a footage
of me with a drink. You know when I go to a bar
and you ask for a Red Bull or a Shirley Temple which
by the way is Sprite and grenadine for everyone
out there that is like What the hell is that? I will hold a drink and it will look like
all my friends but its Red Bull. So please do not try to clock me. Not drinking is something
that I am proud of and I think at my age there
is really no point to start.
My family comes from
a long line of addicts and I know there is some of you
out there that can relate to that. Anyone that has a crazy cousin or a brother
or a sister or parents who are alcoholics or you know addicts definitely
can relate to me on that one. Where you know me personally I dont
want to follow down those footsteps of my family and go down that path,
so I chose to not drink at a really young age. Ive stuck to it...
I dont see a point in it now.
Do I love smoking weed every day? Yes that is relaxing and calming it
takes away my anxiety and I just feel over
all great after I hit. Also a quick note. I have never tried cigarettes. I have never puffed on one.
Of course Ive done one for
pictures in the past. But Ive never smoked and I think
nicotine and cigarettes are so awful. And I know a lot of you are gonna
try come at me for smoking weed, it is such a big difference. Just go on Google and type what is the difference
between cannabis and cigarettes? And you will get a long list of what
the hell is going on bitches.
So besides that you guys,
I love facemasks. And of course you guys have seen me use
the Mud from Glamglow over and over. It is one of my favorite products of all time
and another thing that I love for moisturizing, I know you guys have seen
me all over my Snapchat using the Sicily black
rose cream mask. Also they have something called
the eye contour mask.
Yeah this is crazy, you can almost
feel it like pulsing on your skin. Also I just wanna quickly
shout out Keels for their midnight recovery
eye treatment. I love this. So I think I wanna end this video
by using a new mask I discovered a month ago and Ive
been trying it out for a few weeks to make sure it worked before
I dare talk about it.
Cause I aint about to tell
you about no bullshit. So the brand Charlotte Tilbury, which makes one of my favorite
nude lipsticks of all time. So this is called the Instant
Magic Facial Dry Sheet Mask. And basically this is supposed
to hydrate, lift wrinkles, sooth and brighten your skin tone.
It comes like this,
you open it up bam. So well take one out, its a classic
rose gold packaging which I live for. Now its a little weird you guys,
because it is literally like dry. And there she is.
Wow! So Im just gonna read you
guys the instructions. Now unfold your dry sheet mask, place pink side onto cleanse skin,
were cleanse honey. And it wants me to hook the top hooks
over my ears, oh my god! Another airone. Fuck, wheres Manny
when I need him? Loop bottom hooks over
the ears ensuring the mask is smoothed over every facial contour.
Gently massage on top to activate,
leave on for fifteen minutes to activate. So the cool thing about it you guys, is once its on you rub it and it actually
starts to do something, which is crazy. So Im just gonna put
this on me right now. Look at that nose honey, yes.
Alright so the mask is on the face. It looks a little weird cause it does fold,
but it does seamlessly go, the nose is on. So it basically says that it wants
me to gently massage. Now Ive been...
This is my
fourth mask Ive done and I really just go like this back
and forth and I just massage it. And this is just basically activating
whatever ingredients that are in here and it is starting
to soak into the skin. I know you cant see much and it looks
a little funky, but I promise its working. So Im going to massage this
for another 30 seconds and I will be back in 15 minutes.
And fifteen minutes later were back. Im gonna take this mask off. Mask off, fucking mask off, mask off,
motherfucking set hey. Right and my hair is crazy.
Alright, now that the mask is off,
the skin... Oh my god! I dont know what is in here
when you grab it, it is so crazy Im like
wheres the ingredients? Shea butter, glycerin, fruit oil, seed butter,
vegetable oil, soy bean oil... Oh my god. Okay, well my skin...
Every time I use these Im like,
you know when you do a mask and you cant stop feeling your skin
'cause it feels baby soft? Thats whats happening right now. But besides that you guys, I hope you learned
something new in todays video. If you think Im ridiculous for wanting
to age, great keep on scrolling. But I hope you guys learned something and just be careful out there
with the sun and your diet.
And just remember at the end
of the day I love this type of stuff and this is what Im into it. Ive been a makeup artist for 15 years
now and Im all into skincare and I think thats very important. If youre someone that
doesnt give a fuck and you just watch this for entertainment,
thank you so much for watching. And I will see you guys
on the next video.
Hey, Dr. Axe here, doctor of natural medicine
and founder of draxe.Com and in this video I'll be talking about the number one drink
for an anti-aging, which is green tea including sencha and matcha and some of the benefits
here are going to blow your mind. I'll also be talking about the dosage that
you should be getting on a daily basis to reap the benefits. And I'll say this to start, I'm going to go
through a lot of benefits here.
But in general, green tea can help boost your
energy levels, help you burn fat, fight cancer, act as an antioxidant to help you age slower. So the benefits are tremendous and it's one
of the key secrets of the Japanese. Did you know that Japan as a country per population
has more than centurions, that's more people living to be over the age of 100 than anywhere
else in the world. And when you ask them or when you study and
look at their diet, one big thing stands out, that they drink green tea as their number
one beverage of choice on a daily basis.
So green tea, you can see here, it's an herb
very high in chlorophyll, in theanine, and catechin such as EGCG. It really is a potent antioxidant leaf you
can find here that you can turn into an herbal tea. So let's talk about the benefits. Number one here, Alzheimer's disease prevention.
You know the number of people with dementia
and Alzheimer's is rising exponentially and one of the things that can cause neurodegeneration
and cognitive decline is a lack of antioxidants in the diet that really support the brain. And as I mentioned earlier green tea contains
a compound called EGCG-Epigallocatechin gallate and other catechins that have actually been
shown to slow neurodegeneration and actually help fight and prevent Alzheimer's disease. So it's powerful for that. Also it's great for bone health.
Green tea part of the reason is it's very
high in chlorophyll. Now chlorophyll is what makes a food green. So when you hear like a wheat grass juice
shot or again matcha tea or green tea, they have more of that grassy, herbaceous flavor
but that chlorophyll is great for alkalizing the body. Remember this, minerals in general, calcium
and magnesium, these alkaline minerals and when your body is in a state of acidity, your
body will actually pull minerals from the bone to help alkalize your body.
So the great thing is when you are consuming
green tea and all the chlorophyll, it's going to help balance out your body's pH, which
in turn will support bone health in your bones keeping those minerals where they should be. Number three, eye protection. People with glaucoma and other types of degenerative
eye diseases can benefit from antioxidants. Now we all know that carrots are great.
We know that berries like bilberry are great
for the eyes as well, but green tea, those unique antioxidants, really support the eyes. Number four, heart health. Now there is a unique medical study published
here not too long ago where they actually looked at the health of 40,000 people. So this is a big study, 40,000.
And when they did this study they actually
found that those people that consumed green tea on a regular basis decreased their risk
of heart disease by 26%. Think about that. I mean, that's a huge reduction just by adding
a single beverage to their diet on a daily basis. So we know that green tea has tremendous benefits
for the heart.
A couple of other bonus benefits I want to
mention. Number five is cancer. Did you know green tea has been proven in
several medical studies to fight breast cancer, lung cancer, and colon cancer? So if you really want to fight and prevent
cancer, that antioxidant I mentioned earlier, EGCG, Epigallocatechin gallate, has been shown
to actually fight and prevent cancer there as well. I also want to mention green tea in terms
of really supporting anxiety and other brain related issues.
If somebody has anxiety, there's actually
a compound found in high quality green tea called L-Theanine and L-Theanine is known
to increase GABA. GABA, it's a compound that your body can produce
that really supports calmness. So if you're a person has anxiety or a lot
of stress, green tea can actually bring down the stress levels, balance your hormones,
and help you get a better night's sleep because of the theanine content but that's only if
you're buying a very high quality green tea. So again when you're buying green tea you
don't want to just buy the cheapest one you can find.
You want to buy just a good quality green
tea that's either organic or one that's a ceremonial green tea when you're using green
tea. Now listen there are lots of different types
of green tea. My two favorites that I consume on a regular
basis are sencha and matcha. Now sencha tends to be the most popular one
that people consume in terms of a very high quality green tea.
The most nutrient dense though and also the
strongest in flavor is matcha. Now listen there are other here like Fukamushi
Sencha that's a type that's very, very good as well. We have Tencha tea, which is great. So all of these are very high quality teas
but I'd recommend starting with sencha and matcha on a daily basis doing between one
to three cups every single day.
And I love doing this right when I wake up. This is a great coffee replacement, or hey,
I do both. I mean, doing coffee if you buy organic, mold-free,
high quality coffee. Also very high in antioxidants but green tea
is great as well.
And I want to talk about how to enjoy this. This is a great thing to consume on a ketogenic
diet. You can add in a tablespoon of ghee or grass
fed butter. It's actually delicious that way.
That's how people in Tibet, they actually
drink this for anti-aging. They would do green tea plus ghee on a daily
basis for those reasons. But again, drinking three to four cups a day
can be some of the best results. I recommend typically one to three maximum
four cups a day.
The other benefit here is that it has less
caffeine than coffee. About one cup of green tea has one third the
amount of caffeine as a single cup of coffee and you're getting all of these incredible
antioxidants. So we mentioned the benefits here of green
tea. Again, when buying green tea make sure that
it's a high quality brand.
Okay? Number two, look at all the benefits: Alzheimer's
prevention, bone health, eye protection, heart health, cancer fighting, supporting fighting
anxiety, better sleep higher energy levels. Weight loss was another benefit in a clinical
study by using green tea on a daily basis. And hey, if you've enjoyed this live training
video of me talking about how to use green tea as a natural form of medicine, then hey
make sure to subscribe here on my page. I've got a lot more videos coming out on the
benefits of different herbs, essential oils, and super foods.
Also hey, if you want to learn more about
green tea online, just do a Google search for "Dr. Axe green tea" and you can see more
of the advanced articles I've written where the studies are quoted as well. Thanks for watching. Hi, Dr.
Axe here. I want to say thanks so much for checking
out this YouTube video and also don't forget to subscribe if you want to get more great
content on things like herbs, essential oils, natural remedies, and how to use food as medicine. Also check out more of our content on my YouTube
channel. Thanks for watching..
Hey guys, Dr. Axe here, doctor of natural
medicine and founder of draxe.Com. In this video, I'll be talking about natural
anti-aging secrets to make you look younger than you actually are. I'll tell you, have you ever noticed that
some people look much older than they are and some people look much younger? Well, I'll be talking about the best essential
oils, vitamin supplements, natural treatments, and diets to help you look younger, faster,
tone and tighten up that skin here as well.
Let's dive right in. Number one, this might surprise you. Follow a ketogenic diet or move in and out
of ketosis. The ketogenic diet or ketosis is where your
body starts burning fat as fuel, or fat for energy.
Your body's first source of fuel is typically
carbohydrates or sugar. Your body will burn that up and use it for
energy. If you remove sugar from your diet and consume
a diet that's higher in fat and a moderate amount of protein, your body will start burning
fat for energy. Ketones have actually been shown to be one
of your brain's favorite sources of fuel.
It can actually help balance insulin levels. Insulin is that hormone that, when it gets
off, can cause issues with diabetes or other hormone problems or lack of energy or those
sort of energy ups and downs during the day. A ketogenic diet really kind of helps your
body keep a steady state of insulin throughout the day, and by doing that can help you actually
age slower and look younger. What I recommend to most of my patients is
following a diet where on some days you're ketosis, some days you're not, over time.
But starting off with a ketogenic diet is
also by far the number one diet to help you lose weight and lose it fast and keep the
weight off. Number two, eat more superfoods on a daily
basis. Do a superfood powder every morning in your
smoothie with organic super greens, something that has spirulina or chlorella, those really
dark-colored algaes, berries such as the Siberian goji berry, which are very high in antioxidants. Also certain herbs like turmeric and ginger
and cayenne pepper and rosemary and cinnamon.
Consume more superfoods, especially super
herbs, super vegetables, and super berries on a daily basis. All of those will help you look younger, longer. A few other foods as well. Wild-caught salmon, high in omega-3 fats,
is great for reducing inflammation in the body and helping you age slower, as is bone
Bone broth or consuming a protein powder from
bone broth is great, very high in collagen. As you age your body starts producing less
collagen, so if you can get more collagen in your diet, it can tone and firm up your
skin and help naturally thicken your hair, help thicken your nails, and help improve,
giving you glowing skin. Get more of these nutrient-dense superfoods
in your diet on a daily basis to help you age slower, and practice those principles
of anti-aging. Number three, drink tea.
One of my favorite teas is green tea, especially
matcha. Green tea contains a compound called EGCG,
which stands for epigallocatechin. This herb or this tea has been shown to fight
cancer, fight heart disease, and promote youthful-looking skin. So if you really want to age slower and naturally
support healthy energy levels, drink green tea every single day.
Especially sencha and matcha are the two most
powerful types of green tea to get in your diet every single day. And also things like white tea and rooibos
and oolong can be great teas as well. Age-fighting oils. Pomegranate oil, carrot seed oil, apricot
Those are great types of carrier oils, and
using those in conjunction with essential oils such as geranium, lavender, myrrh, and
other floral oils like rose can really help hydrate the skin. In fact, there is a reference in biblical
medicine, where Esther in the Bible uses five floral oils, including myrrh, for six months
getting ready for her wedding. And it actually says in there that these were
very effective beauty treatments, and she was again a very beautiful woman. So they were used historically, these are
used today, but again, I would use carrier oils such as pomegranate or carrot seed oil,
and then blend in essential oils like geranium, myrrh, and lavender.
Use those on your skin as an anti-aging serum
daily, great for reducing aging of your skin. Number five here, follow a Blue Zone diet. Now, here's the thing you got to know. Everybody's different, everybody does good
with different types of diets.
Some people do better with the ketogenic diet,
some people do better with a Mediterranean diet. Some people do better with a traditional Chinese
medicine diet. It's good to know yourself. Here's the truth with everyone, though.
Most people need to eat more herbs and vegetables,
okay? That's an absolute. So as part of a Blue Zone diet, you'll notice
in Blue Zones there are a lot of plants, there are a lot of vegetables, herbs, fruit. Along with that, oftentimes wild-caught meats,
like wild salmon, grass-fed beef, organic chicken and turkey. But here's the key.
Real food. All of the civilizations where people lived
in a Blue Zone, which meant they had a lot of people living to be 100 years old or older,
their diet was very high in nutrients and anti-oxidants, and they didn't eat much processed
food at all. That's the key. So following a Blue Zone-like diet can absolutely
help you live longer.
Number six, take the right supplements. If you want to age slower, here are the top
supplements I would recommend. Number one, a protein powder that comes from
bone broth. Remember, you got to get more collagen in
your diet on a daily basis.
Number two, ashwagandha. Ashwagandha is an herb that supports your
thyroid and adrenals. It can also help slow the aging process. Number three, I would recommend taking an
organic super greens powder or a green superfood.
It's where you're getting greens and superfoods
in powder form, adding that into a smoothie or a beverage a day. That's number three. Number four is I would do an omega-3 supplement. Omega-3, such as a fish oil, can help reduce
inflammation in the body, helping you live longer.
And then a high quality multi-vitamin can
also be great, a great natural anti-aging supplement. Number seven, exercise. Now what's really unique is if you study the
Blue Zones, people that lived longer didn't necessarily do a lot of weight training or
they didn't necessarily go into a lot of running. They were active.
That was really it, they were very active. So that's the key here. It's not doing this really regimented exercise
program. It was moving, but listen, not sometimes,
every day being active.
Going on long walks, jogging in the park,
doing some weights, sometimes doing yoga, sometimes doing barre, sometimes doing Pilates,
or picking one thing and consistently just moving on a daily basis can help you age slower
and live longer. Number eight, medicinal mushrooms. In fact, reishi mushroom in China was known
as the mushroom of immortality. In Russia, chaga is known as the mushroom
or the fungus of anti-aging.
And a very similar thing, if you look at Ayurvedic
medicine and how they might use cordyceps and other types of very unique mushrooms. So mushrooms actually really support the immune
system, can slow the aging process, and they're really high in a type of polysaccharides that
supports cellular communication and your body's repair system, helping your skin heal. Intermittent fasting. Most the time, we eat right when we wake up
and we stop eating sometime around bedtime.
So we might eat even in a 16-hour window. You got to remember this principle. Listen, this is one of the most important
things I'll ever say in regards to anti-aging. Foods don't heal you, your body heals itself.
Your body has a better chance to heal itself
when your organs aren't working. When you're consuming fat, your liver is working. When you're consuming carbs, your stomach's
working. When you're consuming certain other foods,
your colon is working.
We want to rest your body, give it time to
rest and heal. And so intermittent fasting is where you maybe
only eat during a six-hour window. So maybe you start eating around noon and
you finish up, you eat at noon, 3:00, and 6:00 or just noon and 6:00 rather than eating
breakfast. So you skip breakfast, you don't eat late
at night, and you maybe only eat to a 6- to 8-hour window, rather than a 16-hour window.
What this does is it allows your body to rest,
repair, heal, and cleanse. People have been fasting for health almost
since the beginning of time. It's a principle that's practiced in all different
types of medicine, from Greek medicine to Chinese medicine to Biblical medicine, and
it has great benefits. But intermittent fasting, basically skipping
breakfast and then consuming a diet that's high in vegetables, that's high in herbs,
that's high in wild meats and fruits, things like that, is a great way to age slower.
The reason is as well, it helps balance out
insulin levels and it helps increase human growth hormone, which is known as your anti-aging
hormone, keeping you younger, longer, both for men and for women. So remember these tips when it comes to aging
slower. And really, in order to look younger than
you actually are, try out a ketogenic diet. Consume more superfoods such as spirulina
and acai berries.
Drink tea, especially green tea like matcha. Use age-fighting oils like pomegranate and
carrot seed oil, lavender, geranium, and myrrh. Follow a Blues Zones diet. Big thing there, eat real food.
Use certain supplements like we've talked
about, a protein powder that comes from bone broth, ashwagandha, omega-3 fats, a multivitamin,
and an organic super greens powder. Exercise and just move daily. Try out some additional mushrooms like reishi,
cordyceps, shiitake, chaga. And practice intermittent fasting.
These are all ways that have been scientifically
and medically proven to slow the aging process, help you look younger. And if you've enjoyed this live training video,
make sure to subscribe here to my YouTube channel. And also make sure to check out some of my
other advanced trainings on things like essential oils and how to use food as medicine on this
page. Guys, this has been me, Dr.
Axe. Thanks for watching. I've been talking about how to look younger
than you actually are. Hi, Dr.
Axe here. I want to say thanks so much for checking
out this YouTube video and also don't forget to subscribe if you want to get more great
content on things like herbs, essential oils, natural remedies, and how to use food as medicine. Also check out more of our content on my YouTube
channel. Thanks for watching..
Hi. Im Antonio Centeno. Im the founder of Real Men Real Style.
Today, gentlemen Im going to be answering the question, should men use anti-aging cream?
And, before I get into this, guys I would love to hear from you, whats your gut reaction?
What do you think? Let me know in the comments of the video. And, yeah, give me some feedback
and let me hear it because Im going to give you five factors five things that you
should be thinking about as youre making this decision, three natural ways to actually
improve your skin quality.
And then, Im going to get into the details, what you should
be looking for if youre going to go out there and purchase an anti-aging cream.
At the end of this, Im also going to refer you over to my article. Why? We have a list
and I will actually recommend a few anti-aging creams that I have tried that I have been
using for over the last year, so that you guys can make a smart purchasing decision.
So, really quick here are the five things that I think effect a mans decision and
the answer is, you know, it depends on your situation. There isnt a right or wrong
answer here because first off, it depends on your profession. And, I think this is important
because if youre in sales, if you are the face literally of your company, of your profession,
of your business, its important that you have that you put on a great face.
I mean
think about it, actors, thats a great profession in which how they look matters a lot, whether
theyre going to get the part, whether or not they have sustaining power in the industry.
If you are in sales, you better believe that if you have a pleasant appearance, if youre
I talk about style, but how your face looks is going to have an effect on how much
you sell. You guys that are out there and youre in your 50s, youre in your
60s, youre in your 40s, you know that, hey, you know, people treat me a little
bit different now that Ive aged a bit. Sometimes, it is an advantage, other times
if it starts to become something like you really have bad skin, that you need to pay
attention. And thats factor number two, exposure and
the condition of your skin.
Some of you guys you have blue-collar jobs youre out there
and you are working in the sun. My grandfather, he dug ditches for his entire life. My father
did a lot of he, you know, he was out there picking strawberries when he was a kid
and growing up. They were exposed a lot to the sun, its something Ive had jobs
like that, but nowadays Im, you know, spend in the office, so I really dont have that,
but many of you guys out there you have really rough skin because youve exposed it to
a lot of sun and it simply is in rougher condition.
So, in that case, actually using an anti-aging
cream may actually help your skin. Point number three, genetics. Some of us are
just simply going to age faster, so thats something to pay attention to.
Number four is your personal situation. So, Im happily married, four kids, and Im
really, you know, I have to say I dress for myself, I dress for my family, but many of
you guys out there, youre maybe in your 40s, your 50s, youre maybe recently
divorced, or youre still single, and youre going out there and youre just simply trying
to put your best foot forward.
I can tell you an anti-aging cream is probably something
youre going to want to look at. And, point number five is simply what do you
want. There are some men out there that just simply want to look good and they want to
look good into their 60s, their 70s, into their 80s. I think it was, you know,
it kind of reminds me have you ever listen to David Allan Coe? He is I used to listen
a lot to him when I was younger.
And, he talked about, I think in one of his basically
he said when he die he wanted his funeral to be a closed casket because he wanted to
look dead. Some of you guys out there, you simply you want to look great until the day
that you die and if that is you, then probably an anti-aging cream is something in your future.
So, guys based off those five factors, you want to make a decision that is right for
you. Now, there are three things that you can do to instantly well, not instantly,
but overtime improve. One, quit smoking.
Number two, drink more water. And number three, protect
yourself from the sun. Thats not going to require any anti-aging cream. If you do
those three things, you are going to help your skin last longer.
However, all of that being said, anti-aging creams do serve a purpose, so if you find
that you are and you want this, one of the things that happens to our skin is collagen,
I believe that I believe I said that right.
And, basically there are twenty eight types
of this structural protein. And so, collagen basically it helps with skin elasticity, in
our teens in our twenties, weve got plenty of it. But, something happens in our 30s
and our 40s, our bodies start to produce less of it especially in the skin.
Now, vitamin C has been shown to actually increase the production of collagen, however
if you intake it, its a very, very small amount that actually gets to the skin cells.
So, its been shown in numerous studies that if you actually apply Vitamin C and various
other things Im going to talk about here in a second, you can see basically more of
it of tone in the skin. Why this matters? Okay.
As you get older and older, basically
your skin starts to lose tone and thats why we start to see wrinkles around the body.
And, there is some truth in how you smile and some of the expressions if you use your
facial expressions a lot, youre going to get a bit more wrinkles. But to an effect,
you can start to combat these things. [0:05:14]
Now, youre going to hear two words; lotions and youre going to hear creams. I like
creams a bit more than lotions.
Lotions are going to be a little bit more liquidly, creams
are usually going to be more solid theyre going to have a higher make up of oils and
some of the other things. Creams are also usually going to be more expensive. The easiest
way, lotions are going to flow if you turn them up, creams you could hold them upside
down and theyre not going fall out of the container.
In the article, I go into a lot more detail and Im going to link up that article down
below in the comments, but let me give you a quick overview. So, if youre looking
at the back of a container for an anti-aging cream, you want to make sure you know what
to look at, okay, doesnt have a Vitamin C.
That right there is probably the number
one ingredient youre going to see across the board. The next is going to be hydroxy
acids. Hydroxy acids are kind of expoliators, so when you apply this on the skin, its
actually removing that top layer and its going to allow for penetration of other items
that youre going to be, you know, that are going to be in the ingredients, so retinol,
Vitamin A, these has been shown as well. Basically, to be able to tone up the skin
especially on the face and in hands, always see Coenzyme Q10.
Again, I go into a lot more
detail over in the article, but this is also been shown to have an effect. Weve got
grape seed extracts and tea extracts. Finally, B3 vitamins youre to see as well. Those
are oftentimes used because theyre going to help retain fluid.
Like I said, stopping
smoking, drinking more water 8 glasses a day, and protecting yourself from the sun are natural
ways to improve your skin or to actually keep it in the best light.
But, not all of us will be able to do that, some of us in our 30s, 40s, 50s,
60s, 70s are wanting to have better skin. So, hopefully youre able to use this
information. Go over to the article, Im going to actually recommend a number of companies
that you can check out. Im going to try to have some discounts over there for you,
so if you decide to use them they will actually, you know, be a good deal for you and best
of luck.
And, I would love to hear from you guys in the comments down below what you think
of anti-aging creams for men. Take care. See you in the next video.
[0:07:26] End of Audio.
Welcome Take a moment and make yourself comfortable,
relaxed and prepared to guide yourself inward for a little exploration and expansion within
your mind and body. Begin by relaxing your whole body and starting
to navigate your breath in through your body and mind landscape. Bring all the three - your
breath, your body and mind into the present moment, into right here and now.
Age is a state of mind. Aging is an attitude.
Aging is behaviour, a trait and an expectation.
Aging is seen as a decline and something of lack. Let's begin your journey to thinking,
feeling and becoming more youthful today by simply starting to look at things differently.
Take three big breaths in and out and when you do, energetically expand and take up a
lot of space. What you think about must be followed by the
body - that's the mind and body unity. Guide your awareness onto you feet and ankles.
Notice any sensations there.
Visualise all the cells healthy and vibrant
and without any reasoning in your mind just know that these cells are in complete harmony
and wellbeing. Now visualise within these cells a gene, a youth gene.
You have a power to focus and to channel an ability to activate this gene I am inviting
you to switch this youth gene on through the energy of your intention and focus. Focus
on these cells within your feet and ankles and see the youth gene being colour amber
and now using powerful energy of your intention switch the youth gene on and see the colour
within your cells change and light up from amber to colour green.
You may see this change collectively or one cell at a time slowly or rapidly changing
and creating a new experience. Take a moment to observe any sensations erupting and energy
shifting within this or and other parts of your body.
You may invite any visualisations or memories to compliment the sensory experience.
it is like when your youth gene is turned on? Do you feel or remember running faster?
Feeling more solid on the ground as you use your feet? Breathe naturally and bring all
your memories of youth and your desired reality visualisations relating this part of your
body and enjoy the energy being generated here and now. (Sound of three deep breaths)
Slide your awareness onto your legs. Soften your inner gaze, relax your shins, calves,
your knees, hamstrings, thighs and buttocks. With your gentle inner gaze, scan your legs
and move your awareness in deeper into the cellular level.
What would change if you switched
the youth gene on within the cells of your legs? Connect to the knowing and trusting
to the intelligence that lies within this part of your body. Make the intention to switch
the youth gene on within the cells of your legs filling them with the activated colour
green. Breathe and sense, listen with your body, decide what thoughts, abilities and
sensations your youthful legs would experience? Bathe in the awareness, sensations and vibrations
that are erupting from this intention and action.
Now guide your sweet awareness onto your hands, arms and shoulders. Relax your arms, hands
and shoulders and consciously look for any sensations and notice any subtle energy, experiences
Allow for the breath and mind to be spacious and open, sweep your attention onto
your cells of your hands, arms and shoulders; release any thought energy you hold against
your cells and introduce thoughts of trust and surrender to the intelligence of the cells
abiding within. Connect to the intention and place it over
the cells, instructing them to turn the youth gene on and you let go of resistance completely
and breathe... How do you see yourself utilizing this youth gene in this moment? What is one
or more new ideas that you would like to introduce today into your renewed cells of your hands,
arms and shoulders. In your mind, tell yourself about it, tell yourself a story of youth.
Bring your awareness to your torso; include your lower abdomen, your chest, your back
and your shoulders.
Notice the connection present between your body and your breath.
Observe the sweet process of breathing, the strengthening, nourishing and opening presence
of the oxygen within your body. Feel the brief pause in between your inhales and exhales.
This point in between is so short and yet you can catch the complete peace and utter
stillness within you and outside of you that exists in that fraction of time.
Breathe normally and allow for the torso to rest and to become liquid soft.
Let this central channel of your body to be open and spacious. Curiously observe any sensations
and energies present within this part of your body. Relax and breathe.
As you keep moving inward with your attention, move your attention to your cells and onto
its ability to release resistance and to switch the youth gene on.
Breathe and observe the
powerful army of the cells that contain this true ability to turn your body more vital,
youthful and robust. When you are ready, tap once again into the light of your intention
and make an intention for the youth gene to be switched on within the area of your torso,
your central channel. Now that you have this gene switched on in
this location within your body, how would you utilize this new energy? What does that
reality feel and look like? Take a moment to piece this part of the puzzle and make
it whatever you want it to be. Breathe and saturate your face with the oxygen,
then the back and the top of your head, your neck and all the muscles around the eyes.
Let the jaw part slightly and your tongue drop from the roof of your mouth.
Allow for
all the muscles of your neck and your face, particularly the eyes and the jaw, to completely
let go of any tension and gripping. Relax the space inside your head. Each time you
inhale and exhale, create more space. Breathe in the spaciousness and become vast and soft.
Begin to visualise the patterns
of your cells populated across your neck, your head and your face. Visualise these cells
in perfect balance and aligned with the highest energy of Source. Now see within these cells
the same gene of youth that has been switched on through the rest of your body. Turn your
laser focus onto this gene and with your powerful intention, turn this gene on, see the cells
turn colour green, full of vibrancy, stamina and vitality.
How does your new face, head and neck feel and look like? Does your face smile at lot
more? Is there a brighter sparkle in your eyes? Is your skin more supple and smooth?
Bring back memories or create new ideas, be the creator right now of the new version of
Breathe and without force, simply open the
door and allow for that which is of no use to simply leave by itself as you introduce
a new way of feeling and seeing. You are the alchemist that can transmute any emotion and
turn this emotion into physical reality. Become aware of your body as a one unit, one
planet with all the parts that makes up the planet. This planet is radiating its aura,
one that is seen and felt from afar.
Amongst the rays within its aura energy there is also
the energy of youth radiating vibrantly inward and outward.
Take a minute to observe your whole body and your new and youthful sense of self, new sensations
created here, down to the cellular level. Keep your inner focus broad and spacious. Come back to your breath now and become aware
of your physical surroundings, sounds, smells, temperature, the surface beneath you. No need
to add anything more or to take anything away.
Just rest in your energy.
Being young is about feeling, so feel more, so you can then see more!
Take all the feelings you created here today into your daily life and appreciate every
moment where you feel good, grounded, happy, peaceful and positive in any other way. Take
these feelings as a trail towards your treasure of youth and vitality.
Define and sculpt your reality, as you want it to be. Feel young and be young!
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